Dalyan... Caretta Caretta's World...
In Türkiye...

Info about the Caretta Caretta...


The loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) is a marine turtle that grows to lengths of 28 to 39 inches. Caretta caretta is the world's largest hard-shelled turtle. Loggerhead turtles have large heads (when compared to other species of marine turtles) and strong, muscular jaws (which help them crush prey such as crabs and lobsters). In spring and summertime, females crawl onto nesting beaches during the night. They venture far enough so that they the reach the hightide mark. The female loggerhead then finds a suitable nesting site and once found, she digs a hole using her front limbs, lays her eggs in the nest (clutches are usually 120 eggs), and uses her hind limbs to bury her eggs. The eggs incubate for between 31 and 65 days. When they hatch, the young turtles move en masse (quickly, to avoid predation) to the water.


Kingdom : Animalia... Phylum : Chordata... Class : Reptilia... Order : Chelonia... Family : Cheloniidae... Genus : Caretta... Species : caretta...

More Info...

Habitat : Inhabits all oceans except polar regions. Habitats include brackish water, bays, river mouths, estuaries, oceans, coasts, reefs. Nesting sites on sandy beaches.
Diet : Ominvorous. Diet includes fish, crustaceans, zooplankton, and invertebrates (mollusks, cnidarians, echinoderms, marine worms).
Status : Endangered. For more information, refer to the IUCN Red List entry for Caretta caretta.

Good Links...

www.seaturtle.org www.adoptaseaturtle.com
animals.about.com... animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu...

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Dalyan... Caretta Caretta's World
Last updated on December 30th, 2005
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