Ethiopia Missions # 7 and 8...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 07...     "Kofana"...     Altitude of the our base is 5,000 ft... Set radar enemies only and the range's 40NM... Get armed by 4 AIM - 120, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 2 MGK - 82 x 3 and 1 fuel tanks... Be careful that there is a heavy ground fire... Do not follow the road, fly directly to the way - point 1... Fire and get back... Again and again... Near the way - point 1, there is a Mig at clock 2 - 3... Kick it out and do not miss... You have 2 wingmen... Control - F1 : Wingmen attack my target... Control - F2 : Section attack my target... Control - F3 : Formation attack my target... Control - F4 : Wingman rejoin formation... Choose your command... By the way, as i said before this game has a dynamic structure... At this trying, they did not get the commands... Bug works on... Anyway... Attack to every enemy targets... Now... Bad news... A wingman will attack to you (At this trying there was not a problem)... Fire it up... If you want the second take - off, get same arms but 2 fuel tanks instead of the MGK - 82 x 3... Attack and attack what you find... Primary objective : 2 T - 80 tanks and 3 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Secondary objective : 1 Mig - 21... Bonus objective (Completed) : 1 Mig - 25 Foxbat... I have got more... Structures... 2 anti aircraft guns... Show must have been gone, i think... Because, there are more targets...     Another attempt... At this attempt, 2 wingmen attacked to me... Here are the results... + 1 Mig - 21 Fishbed, + 3 anti - aircraft guns, + 2 T - 80 tanks and + 1 ZSU - 23 AA gun... More... + 2 enemy jeeps and + 6 trucks...

4 T - 80s, 4 ZSU - 23 AAs, 2 Mig - 21s, 1 Mig - 25, 5 AAs, 2 jeeps and 6 trucks...

Enemy ground targets - 1...

Enemy ground targets - 2...

Mission # 08... According to my French friend,     "Jeffel"...     get armed by 4 AIM - 9M (or 4 AIM - 120 AMRAAM), 2 AGM - 65 G x 3 and 3 fuel tanks... Go to way - point 1, directly... Between the way - point 1 and 2 kick the the Migs out... After the way - point 2, go to way - point 3 and shut down the engine... Decrease your speed... Destroy the enemy ground targets... After you destroyed all enemy guns, land to the main runway or the smallest one... Wait for the Hercules to land or go to the base (Way - point 0)... By the way, of course, get armed and refueled... My friend's results... Primary objective : 4 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Secondary objective : 4 Mig - 19... Bonus objective (Completed): 6 trucks...     "Kofana"...     Here is my strategy... Altitude of the our base is 7,600 ft... First take - off... Get armed and fueled by 4 AIM - 120, 2 AGM - 65G x 3, 2 MK - 82 x 3 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only and the range's 40NM... Your first main objective is to destroy the first 3 Migs... Do not miss them... Then go to the way - point - 3, directly... Set throttle 10 and get being slowest... Your second main objective is to destroy the enemy ground targets, immediately... Use your AGMs one by one to the enemy ground targets... Do not miss any of them... You must clear the base at which our cargo will land... You must destroy the all enemy ground weapons... After that you may go to the way - point 0 (Our base)... By flying to the our base, there is a pyramid at the distance of 15, surrounded by the enemy ground weapons... Kick them out... And land easily and carefully... If you want more targets, take - off again having the same... But, i did it at the first take - off... Here are the my results... Primary objective : 4 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Secondary objective : 3 Mig - 19 Farmers... Bonus objective (Completed): 1 Mig - 19 Farmers... I have got more... Structures and 4 trucks...    Another attempt... + 2 enemy trucks...

4 ZSU - 23 AAs, 4 Mig - 19s and 6 trucks...