478... 75... 133,756... 5,661... 42 E 41 - 41 N 07...

Ardahan, a lovely new city, which was previously the town of the province of Kars, 101 km northeast, is a new province of Türkiye. Standing on flatland, this little city is a lovely spot with beautiful natural surroundings, and it has been the home of many civilizations dating far back to antiquity. It is possible to find reminders of Ardahan's past everywhere over the land, the most important monumental figure feature being the ancient fortress (Ardahan Kalesi), which carries the same name as this historical city. Forty - two kilometers east of the city on the ancient Silk Road, the medieval city of Ani (Ocakli) lies mostly in ruins. Impressive fortified walls still encircle the ruins of numerous churches, mosques and caravanserais. Sarikamis (53 km southwest of Kars) is a ski center with resort hotels, set in a scenic pine forest. The Kür river divides Ardahan and separates the ancient part on one side and the new city on the other. A 16th century castle built by Sultan Selim the Grim, one of the most stately citadels in Türkiye with 14 towers and a span of 745 meters, stands in the old part of the city. Cildir takes its name from the nearby lake which lies at an altitude of 1965 meters. Around Ardahan, the one of the new cities of Türkiye, the scenic area around the lake provides a habitat for a fascinating variety of birds. In the lake, the man-made Akcakale Island was reputedly constructed with the labor of thousands; a temple with Urartian inscriptions remains. Seytan Kalesi (Devil's Castle) is near Çildir. Area : 5,576 km2; Population : 170,117 (1990); Traffic code : 75; Districts : Ardahan (center), Çildir, Damal, Göle, Hanak, Posof; Sites of interest : Karincadüzü forest recreation area, Ardahan and Seytan castles; Provincial Cultural Directorate : Tel: (478) 211 48 58, Fax: (478) 211 34 01; Significant days : Local Days of Celebration, Commemoration day for Çanakkale Victory, Ardahan, 18 March, Commemoration day for Air Force Marties, Ardahan, 21 March, Selçuk Conquest of Ardahan, Ardahan, 24 June, Ram Introduction, Ardahan, 10 October; Festivals : Festival of Animals and Animal Products, Ardahan, 20 August, Goose Festival, Ardahan, 18 November; Significant weeks : Library Week, Ardahan, 27 March - 3 April, Museum Week, Ardahan, 18-24 May, Tourism Week, Ardahan, 15-22 April, Freedom From Occupation Days, Freedom Day - Ardahan, Ardahan, 23 February.