Other Pics Related to the "Wastewater Treatment"...

Notice : These pics will be transferred into their sub - directories, regularly...
But, it will take a long time... For this reason, they were collected at this sub - page...
You can find explanations of them at just below the thumbnails, briefly...
Sorry that most of them were not listed according to their properties and objectives...

Belt Filter Press...

Please use the button of "Expand the Regular Size" for the pics given below...

Receiving media...

Discharge channel-1...

Discharge channel-2...

General Flow-Chart...

Screw Pumps...

Trickling Filter...

Peristaltic Pump...

Aeration Tank...

Chemical Tanks...

Axial Pump...

Denitrification Unit...



Chlorine Tank...

Control Unit...

Pumping Station...

Scum Trough...

Surface Skimmer...

Chlorine Chamber...

Trickling Filter...

Contact Tanks...

Orange Staining...

Dry Poly Mixer...

Chemical Hopper...

Heat Drying...

Belt Filter Press...

Please use the button of "Expand the Regular Size" for the pics given below...

Odor Control-1...

Odor Control-2...

Odor Control-3...

Odor Control-4...

Trickling Filter-1...

Trickling Filter-2...

Trickling Filter-3...

Trickling Filter-4...

Odor Control...


Trickling Filter...

Odor Control...

Trickling Filter...

Color Staining...



Chemical Tank...

Poly Blending...

Recirculation Pump-1...

Recirculation Pump-2...

Recirculation Pump-3...

Pumping Station...

Sludge Pump...

Sludge Disposal...

Solid Truck...