Formula - 1 2005 in "Istanbul Park"...
In Türkiye...

"Formula - 1" Flags...

Flag Türkçe English
Damali bayrak : Yarisin sona erdigini belirtir. Ilk 3 araca sallanan bu bayragi sadece yaris direktörü veya onun tayin edecegi kisi kullanabilir. Checkered flag : Probably the most recognized symbol in motor sports, the checkered flag is waved when the race (or practice session) is over. The flag is waved at the race winner and held stationary for those finishing in second place and below. The flag is an order to return to the pits or paddock.
Sari bayrak : Pistte tehlike var anlamina gelir. Pilot için bir tane sallanan bayrak "Yavasla", iki tane sallanan ise "Her an durmaya hazir ol" anlamindadir. Yellow flag : The yellow flag warns of a hazard ahead, usually a crashed or mechanically broken car. Drivers must use caution and be prepared to slow down. Drivers must hold their position, for overtaking under a yellow flag is prohibited. If the disabled car is parked by the side of the track or if the obstruction is not on the track, then the yellow flag would be held stationary. However, if the accident is on the track or if there is debris on the track, then the flag would be waved repeatedly, and the driver can expect to have to change direction. If the track is blocked completely, the official waves two yellow flags.
Kirmizi bayrak : Yarisin durduruldugunu belirtir. Kaza sonucu pistte bir aracin kalmis olmasi veya yarisin devam etmesinin tehlikeli oldugunu anlatir. Pilotlar bu bayragi gördüklerinde yavas bir sekilde pite dönmek zorundadir. Red flag : The red flag is displayed by all track Marshalls when a race (or practice session) has been stopped ahead of schedule. The flag is displayed all the way around the circuit. Drivers must pull into the pits at the end of the lap and await instructions about if and when the race will be restarted. The red flag can occur if the track is blocked following an accident, if the track is deemed unsafe, or if there is some other emergency such as a driver fatality. If 75 % of the race has been completed, then the race can be ended, otherwise a restart may take place.
Mavi bayrak : Hem tur bindirilen, hem de yarisan araçlara gösterilir. Tur bindirilecek aracin arkadan gelen araca yol vermesi sarttir. Blue flag : The blue flag tells the driver to move over, for a faster car is about to pass. The order is only given to a car that is one or more laps behind the faster car. The blue flag is also used at the end of pit lane like a caution flag to remind the driver of cars approaching at high speed.
Siyah bayrak : Diskalifiye durumunu belirtir. Araç numarasi ile birlikte kullanilir. Black flag : No driver wants to see this flag, for it is an order to return to the pits to be penalized (or disqualified) for violating the rules. The flag is always accompanied by the number of the car. The driver has 3 laps to acknowledge the black flag.
Yesil bayrak : Bir önceki pozisyonda gösterilen herhangi bir renkteki isaret bayraginin artik devre disi kaldigini belirtmek için kullanilir. Green flag : The green flag is used in combination with the yellow flag. The green flag means that a yellow flag hazard has been cleared. Drivers are free to proceed to racing speed again.
Sari - kirmizi çizgili bayrak : Pistin kaygan oldugunu belirtir. Yellow and red striped flag : The yellow and red striped flag indicates there is a slippery surface (usually oil or water) on the track ahead. Drivers should proceed with caution until the flag is withdrawn. If the official waves the yellow and red striped flag, it means that the slippery surface is imminent.
Siyah - beyaz bayrak : Sportmen olmayan bir davranis yapildigini belirtir. Araç numarasiyla birlikte kullanilir ve diskalifiyeden önceki uyaridir. White and black diagonal halves : Shown with car number to indicate a warning for unsportsmanlike behaviour. A black flag may follow if the driver takes no heed of the warning.
Ortasi turuncu siyah - bayrak : Aracin mekanik bir problemi oldugunu ve hemen pit alanina girmesi gerektigini anlatir. Black and orange flag : The black flag with the orange circle indicates that a driver must go to the pits immediately. The car number is displayed next to the flag. The black flag with the orange circle is used when race officials believe there is a mechanical problem with the car that needs to be checked before the driver can continue in the race.
Beyaz bayrak : Pistte yavas hareket eden bir aracin oldugunu belirtir. White flag : The white flag means a slow-moving vehicle is on the track ahead. This may be an ambulance, a tow truck or even the Safety Car. Drivers are expected to use caution and they should be prepared to slow down. The white flag is also used at the start of the last lap to indicate that there is one more competition lap to run.