Türkiye's history is astoundingly long-almost 10,000 years. You can find detailed info about the history given below. First of all, here is brief data about the "Earliest Times". The Mediterranean region was inhabited as early as 7,500 BC, during Palaeolithic, or Old Stone Age, times. By 7,000 BC a Neolithic (New Stone Age) city had grown up at what's now called "Çatalhöyük", 60 km south-east of Konya. These early Anatolians developed fine wall paintings, statuettes, domestic architecture and pottery. Artefacts from this site, including the wall paintings, are in Ankara's Museum of Anatolian Civilisations. The Chalcolithic (Stone - and - Copper Age) period saw the building of a city at Hacilar, near Burdur, in about 5,000 BC. The pottery here was of finer quality, and copper implements rather than stone or clay were used. The Old Bronze Age (2,600 - 1,900 BC) was the time when Anatolians first developed cities of substantial size. An indigenous people now named the Proto - Hittites, or Hatti, built cities at Nesa, or Kanesh (today's Kültepe), and "Alacahöyük". The The first known ruler of Kanesh was King Zipani (circa 2,300 BC), according to Akkadian texts. You can visit the archaeological site near Kültepe, 21 km north - east of Kayseri.