• Eighteen years ago today, September 13, 1999, a great disaster took place and the Moon breakaway.
  • Moonbase Alpha is a permanent, self-sustaining lunar base. Yet, various supplies from Earth were probably needed. How well-stocked was the Alpha when "Breakaway" occured?
  • How could Nuclear Disposal Area's destruction have truly knocked the Moon from Earth orbit, out of the solar system and into interstellar space?
  • How many Eagles (and pilots) were lost when Nuclear Disposal Area  exploded?
  • How was Alan Carter's Eagle able to maintain orbit with the runaway Moon as it shifted quickly from Earth's orbit? The Moon lacks a strong magnetic field.
  • Why didn't Alan Carter head back to Earth instead of following the Moon?
  • Was a Mysterious Unknown Force (M.U.F.) responsible for any of this, including sending the Moon from Earth's orbit and into "an odyssey without end" (as spoken by Arra in a later episode, "Collision Course").
  • How many other nuclear disposal sites exist on the Moon?

Some of the questions can be found at