Unix Makinalarda Basit Yedekleme Komutları
Cpio ile:
Bulunduğunuz dizinin yedeğini eğer varsa tape
sürücüsüne almak. (Solaris'lerde genelde /dev/rmt/0
# find . -print | cpio -ovc > /dev/rmt0
Bulunduğunuz dizinin yedeğini bir dosya içine almak.
# find . -print | cpio -ovc > nuri.cpio
Aldığınız yedeği görüntülemek.
# cpio -itB < /dev/rmt0
# cpio -itB < nuri.cpio
Aldığınız yedekten geriye dönmek.
# cpio -icvdBum file.name < /dev/rmt0
# cpio -icvdBum file.name < nuri.cpio
Örnek: Diyelim ki /home/nuri dizinin yedeğini cpio ile aldınız.
# find . -print |cpio -ovc > nuri.cpio
# cpio -itB < nuri.cpio
/home/nuri bir alt dizininde şu dosyayı sildiniz.
# rm orhun1_files/top_data/top.js
Geriye yükleyelim.
# cpio -icvdBum orhun1_files/top_data/top.js < nuri.cpio
İşlem bitince şöyle bir mesaj belirir:
116 blocks
Diyelim ki /home/nuri tüm alt dizinleriyle birlikte /home/ali
altına da kopyalansın. (Erişiminiz olduğu ya da superuser olduğunuz
# find . -print|cpio -pmdv /home/ali
Tar ile remote backup
# Remote backup almak:
tar cvfz - . | rsh dd of=/dev/rmt/0
# Karsidaki teybi goruntuleme
rsh -n dd if=/dev/rmt/0 | tar tvfz -
# Karsidaki teypten restore etmek
rsh -n dd if=/dev/rmt/0 | tar xvfz -
mt off komutu teybi sürücüden çıkartır.
Tar ile:
sing tar
Using tar to create a file archive on a tape device:
# tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 file.name
# tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 .
or for multiple directory hierarchies
# tar -crvf my.tar `find /tmp/junk -type f` `find
/var/tmp -type f`
using tar to list the entries in a file archive on a tape device:
# tar -tvf /dev/rmt0
using tar to retrieve a file from a tape device:
# tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 file.name
there is more than one way to skin these cats, this being no
look at these utilities.
Using dump and restore (ufsdump, ufsrestore)
dump ( in solaris and others called ufsdump )is said to be the
most reliable
way to backup the whole filesystem. restore is the
utility for restoring
data from a dump. We can use restore interactively to restore
certain files
or directories.
To make a dump of root filesystem on tape device /dev/nrsa0. Note
that this is a non-rewinding device. See example below.
# /sbin/dump -0ua -f /dev/nrsa0 /
or for solaris
# /usr/sbin/ufsdump 0f /dev/rmt/0cn /
To interactively restore a backup
# /sbin/restore -i -f /dev/nrsa0
or for solaris
# /usr/sbin/ufsrestore -xvf /dev/rmt/0cn
Every thing will be restored in current directory.
Using mt command with dump and restore
mt (magnetic tape manipulating program) is a very useful command
specialy if you are using dump and restore combination.
Following are some useful options of mt command.
# mt status Print status information about the
tape unit.
# mt rewind Rewind the tape.
# mt erase Erase the tape.
# mt retension Re-tension the tape (one full wind forth and back.
# mt fsf 1 Forward space count by one
file. One can be any number.
-f option can be used with mt to specify the different device.
solaris /dev/rmt/0 is the default device.
# mt -f /dev/rmt/1n fsf 3
If you are backing up three filesystems /, /var and
/usr on a solaris
Box to a tape device:
# /usr/sbin/ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/0n /
# /usr/sbin/ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/0n /var
# /usr/sbin/ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/0n /usr
This will take three file spaces, one for each
filesystem. Filesystem / will
be on file count 0 of tape and /var will be on file
count 1 and /usr will be
on file space 2. Option 0 specify full backup,u will
update the dump record in
/etc/dumpdates file and f to specify file or device.
You can use following
command sequence to restore /var filesystem.
# mt status
This will show you the current status of tape. After
the backup
on a non-rewinding device, tape will show file
number 2
# mt rewind
This will rewind the tape to beginning.
# mt status
Tape will be on file count 0
# mt fsf 1
Tape will move to file count number 1 where /var is
# /usr/sbin/ufsrestore -xvf /dev/rmt/0n
/var will be restored in current. This will
over-write the current contents.
Use /dev/rmt/0cn for compression, no rewind device.
Commands for remote tape backup
It is often neccesary to backup into a remote machine's tape drive.
Here are the commands that can be used to achieve this. Execute this
command on the machine you want to backup.
$ tar cvf - $DIRNAME | rsh $SYS dd of=$TAPEDEV
$DIRNAME with the directory to backup,
$SYS with the machine name with the tape drive,
$TAPEDEV with the tape device.
Note: You must be able to rlogin into the remote machine without a
password. To do this add the name of your local machine with your user
name in the .rhost file in your home directory on the remote machine.
To retrieve the backed up info...
rsh $REM dd if=$TAPEDEV | tar xvf -
Now some small scripts
tar -cvf my.tar $(for i in `cat list`
echo $i
This script is backing up to tape using dump command. Logging date and
all the messages
to a log file.
echo "$DATE"backup.log
filenumber=`/usr/bin/mt stat|/usr/bin/grep "File Number"|/usr/bin/awk
'{print $3}'`
echo "Backing up / to tape location: $filenumber"backup.log
/sbin/dump -0ua -f /dev/nrsa0 / &2backup.log
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
echo "/ backup successful"$HOME/log/backup.log
Copy files ( even complete filesystem) from remote to local system
Note: You must be able to rlogin into the remote machine without a
password. To do this add the name of your local machine with your user
name in the .rhost file in your home directory on the remote machine.
# Copies files from Remote System to the local current directory
if [ $# -ne 2 ];then
echo "Usage: $name <remote-system> <dir-to-copy>"
rsh $system "cd $dir_to_cp; find . -print|cpio -ocB"|dd ibs=5k
obs=5k|cpio -iducmvB
Home UNIX System Security and Performance Tuning
Frequently used examples of tar:
1. Using tar to copy files over the net:
% cd dest-dir
% rsh -n remote-mach '(cd /dir/wherever ; tar cf -
template)' |
tar xpBf -
or, this works for me
% cd from-dir
% tar cf - template | rsh remote-mach '(cd
/dir/wherever ; tar xvpBf -)'
2. Using tar to copy files from one parititon to another:
% tar cf - . | (cd /pathname ; tar xpBf -)
3. Writing a tar tape accross the net:
% rsh remote-mach mt -f /dev/rst1 rew
% tar cbfX 127 - /var/backup/tarX . |
rsh remote-mach dd
of=/dev/rst1 obs=127b
4. Extracting a tar tape across the net:
% rsh remote-mach mt -f /dev/rst1 rewind
% rsh -n remote-mach dd if=/dev/rst1 ibs=127b | tar
xpBfb - 127 .