"Please note, following a number of requests, all the deadlines were extended for 3 weeks, including the one on early registration.
I expect that this process will be over by March 15, and then the final decisions on acceptance/rejection will be taken at the meeting during the subsequent weekend. Thereafter, everybody shall receive her/his formal letter of notification about the paper along with the final information with the details from the Organizers (the NOC in Izmir) about the conference activities in every single aspect of concern. Also, you will receive again a DOC file with the IFAC template for the final version juts to make certain that you have it.  

The submissions of final versions of the accepted papers, which then must be written up strictly according to the formatting and style of the IFAC, is expected to be accomplished during the period April 1-6, 2007. This also defines the deadline for the early registration.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Regards and see you in Cesme!
Yours sincerely,

Georgi Dimirovski and Erol Uyar"