- Add New Target button, 3-4
- Add New Target command, 3-9
- advice
- diagnostic, 3-17
- Agent
- accessing through intermediate host, 3-3
- Agent data gathering service's integration with, 3-2
- Oracle Data Gatherer's integration with, 3-2
- setting the location of, 3-3
- Agent data gathering service
- See Agent
- analysis
- See also charts
- bar charts, 3-12
- baseline
- capturing definitions using Create Baseline, 5-7
- creating, 6-6
- creating a new version, 6-6
- definition, 5-4
- deleting, 6-6
- deleting a previous version of, 6-6
- exporting, 6-6, 6-9
- importing, 6-6, 6-9
- viewing, 5-7, 6-6
- viewing a previous version of, 6-6
- viewing history entries for, 6-6
- working with a particular version of, 6-9
- Baseline Viewer
- function of, 5-7
- change management applications
- starting from Change Manager, 6-5
- change management objects, 5-4
- copying from one repository to another, 6-10
- Change Manager application
- right mouse button support for, 6-4
- running from the command line, 6-3
- starting, 6-3
- starting other applications from, 6-5
- changes
- tracking, 5-5
- Chart, 3-15
- Chart Format button, 3-12
- chart group
- definition, 3-10
- Chart Status button, 3-15, 3-27, 3-33
- using, 3-16
- charts
- chart-specific commands, 3-15
- constraints, 3-13
- drilling down, 3-15
- filtering chart data, 3-14
- formats of, 3-12
- generating reports for, 3-20
- getting help on, 3-20
- orientations, 3-18
- printing, 3-20
- saving your changes, 3-19
- setting chart options, 3-13
- sorting data in table, 3-19
- viewing, 3-9
- See also analysis
- file
- description of properties, A-2
- location of, A-2
- using to enable tracing and debugging for applications, A-2
- collected data
- definition, 3-11
- command line
- running Change Manager from, 6-3
- Compare Database Objects application
- function of, 5-5
- overview of, 5-8
- comparison
- creating, 5-8, 6-7
- creating a new version of, 6-7
- definition, 5-4
- deleting, 6-7
- deleting a previous version of, 6-7
- exporting, 6-7, 6-9
- importing, 6-7, 6-9
- naming, 5-8
- saving, 5-8
- viewing, 5-8, 6-7
- viewing a previous version of, 6-7
- viewing history entries for, 6-7
- working with a particular version of, 6-9
- Comparison Viewer
- function of, 5-8
- completed task
- refreshing the display, 6-8
- viewing, 6-9
- conceptual help topics
- accessing, 5-12
- definition, 5-12
- connecting
- manually to a target, 3-9
- to a discovered target, 3-8
- to a target, 3-9
- constraints
- selecting chart, 3-13
- Contents page for help
- accessing, 5-11
- context-sensitive help
- accessing, 5-12
- copying
- change management objects to a different repository, 6-10
- user-defined charts, 3-25
- Create Baseline application
- capturing definitions in a baseline, 5-7
- capturing definitions in SQL DDL format, 5-7
- function of, 5-5
- overview of, 5-6
- creating
- a new version of a baseline, 6-6
- a new version of a comparison, 6-7
- baseline, 6-6
- comparison, 6-7
- like user-defined charts, 3-25
- standalone repository, 6-2
- user-defined charts, 3-23
- critical threshold, 3-27
- data
- selecting collected, 3-11
- Data Items page in user-defined charts, 3-23
- data source
- definition, 3-11
- selecting, 3-11
- deleting
- a previous version of a baseline, 6-6
- a previous version of a comparison, 6-7
- a task from the History page, 6-8
- baseline, 6-6
- comparison, 6-7
- recordings, 3-23
- Documentation Accessibility, xviii
- drill-down charts, 3-15
- drilling down to historical data, 3-18
- Enterprise mode
- running Performance Manager in, 3-6
- event permissions, 3-31
- events
- in Performance Manager, 3-27
- multiple targets, 3-30
- registering in Performance Manager, 3-31
- exporting
- baseline, 6-6, 6-9
- comparison, 6-7, 6-9
- filtering chart data, 3-14
- glossary
- accessing, 5-13
- help
- accessing the glossary, 5-13
- displaying the Contents page, 5-11
- finding a particular type of topic, 5-12
- finding a specific topic, 5-12
- for charts, 3-20
- Help menu in Oracle TopSessions, 7-8
- locating a conceptual or task topic, 5-12
- obtaining for a particular context, 5-12
- using, 5-11
- hierarchical charts, 3-12
- history entries
- saving to a file, 6-9
- sorting on the History page, 6-9
- viewing for a comparison, 6-7
- viewing for a task, 6-8
- History page
- removing a task, 6-8
- viewing new history entries for, 6-8
- horizontal orientation
- of a chart, 3-18
- importing
- baseline, 6-6, 6-9
- comparison, 6-7, 6-9
- Intelligent Agent
- See Agent
- Kill menu item
- in Performance Manager, 3-15
- line charts, 3-12
- log (trace) files
- location of, A-2
- main window
- of Oracle Performance Manager, 3-7
- menu bar
- of Oracle TopSessions, 7-5
- menus
- Help menu
- of Oracle TopSessions, 7-8
- modifying user-defined charts, 3-24
- object definitions
- capturing using Create Baseline, 5-6
- supported by change management applications, 5-3
- objects
- created by change management applications, 5-4
- occurrences, 3-30
- Options dialog box, 7-15
- Oracle Capacity Planner
- setting up, 2-1
- Oracle Data Gatherer
- See Agent
- Oracle Index Tuning wizard, 4-1
- Oracle Performance Manager
- functions of, 3-1
- setting up, 2-1
- starting, 3-5
- usage scenarios for, 3-4
- Oracle TopSessions
- displaying, 7-3
- overview charts
- viewing, 3-10
- Performance Manager
- See Oracle Performance Manager
- pie chart, 3-12
- printing
- a chart, 3-20
- property sheets
- Options property sheet, 7-15
- recommendations
- in Analysis report, 4-4
- recording chart data, 3-21
- recordings
- removing, 3-23
- starting, 3-21
- stopping, 3-21
- Recordings folder, 3-8
- refreshing
- list of completed tasks, 6-8
- removing
- See deleting
- report
- about the objects in a baseline, 5-7
- about the results of a comparison, 5-9
- generating for completed task history entries, 6-9
- reports
- generating for charts, 3-20
- repository
- copying change management objects to another, 6-10
- storing change management objects in, 6-1
- See also standalone repository
- right mouse button
- using in Oracle TopSessions, 7-13
- right mouse button support
- for Change Manager, 6-4
- saving
- Performance Manager charts, 3-19
- Session Details display
- Statistics page, 7-15
- sessions
- viewing details about, 7-13
- Set Connection Details menu item, 3-4
- Set Options button, 3-15
- setting up
- Capacity Planner, 2-1
- Performance Manager, 2-1
- Trace, 2-4
- shortcut keys, 3-26
- Show Overview Charts
- menu option, 3-10
- toolbar button, 3-10
- sorting
- data in a table chart, 3-19
- history entries for completed tasks or manually moved pending tasks, 6-9
- sorting TopSessions entries, 7-13
- SQL script
- evaluating in a user-defined chart, 3-23
- SQL statements
- capturing definitions using Create Baseline, 5-7
- Standalone mode
- running Performance Manager in, 3-7
- standalone repository
- creating, 6-2
- prequisites for creating, 6-2
- storing change management objects in, 6-2
- using a different, 6-2
- starting
- change management applications from Change Manager, 6-5
- Change Manager, 6-3
- Oracle Performance Manager, 3-5
- statistics
- selecting the statistics to display for a session, 7-15
- strip charts, 3-12
- supported database objects, 5-3
- table charts, 3-12
- sorting data in, 3-19
- target
- connecting manually, 3-9
- connecting to discovered, 3-8
- task
- removing from the History page, 6-8
- viewing completed, 6-9
- viewing history entries for, 6-8
- viewing new completed tasks, 6-8
- task help topics
- accessing, 5-13
- definition, 5-12
- threshold associations
- editing, 3-18, 3-35
- threshold state indicators, 3-4
- thresholds
- critical, 3-16
- editing, 3-29
- order of precedence, 3-28
- refreshing, 3-34
- resetting, 3-18, 3-34
- setting, 3-29
- triggered events, 3-30
- types, 3-28
- viewing, 3-32
- warning, 3-16
- TopSessions
- accessing from Console, 7-2
- accessing from console, 7-3
- customizing display, 7-15
- Data Options page, 7-16
- filtering, 7-4
- filtering criteria, 7-10
- menus, 7-5
- Options page, 7-18
- overview, 7-1
- session details page, 7-14
- Session Filtering Page, 7-17
- sort statistics, 7-10
- sorting entries, 7-13
- statistics page, 7-15
- toolbar, 7-8
- viewing session details, 7-13
- Trace
- setting up, 2-4
- trace files
- location of, A-2
- tracking changes, 5-5
- troubleshooting
- using the file, A-2
- starting Change Manager, 6-3
- starting Change Manager from the command line, 6-3
- updating
- list of completed tasks, 6-8
- usage scenarios
- for Oracle Performance Manager, 3-4
- user-defined charts, 3-23
- copying, 3-25
- creating like, 3-25
- Data Items page, 3-23
- defining a new chart, 3-23
- modifying, 3-24
- version
- baseline, 6-9
- comparison, 6-9
- vertical orientation
- of a chart, 3-18
- viewing
- a previous version of a baseline, 6-6
- a previous version of a comparison, 6-7
- baseline, 6-6
- comparison, 6-7
- completed task, 6-9
- history entries for a baseline, 6-6
- history entries for a comparison, 6-7
- overview charts, 3-10
- Performance Manager charts, 3-9
- warning threshold, 3-27
- Windows NT
- starting Change Manager, 6-3, 6-4
- starting Change Manager from DOS command line, 6-3