Text for image histscn.gif
histscn.gif shows the History screen in a web browser. The History screen has three areas, a header, a body and a footer, each separated by a horizontal line.
The header has the following elements:
- The Oracle iSQL*Plus logo in the top left.
- The five standard iSQL*Plus icons in the top right. They are:
- Logout - with a clear background to indicate it is available.
- New Session - with a clear background to indicate it is available.
- History - with a blue background to indicate it is active.
- Preferences - with a clear background to indicate it is available.
- Help - with a clear background to indicate it is available.
- The breadcrumbs navigation line is located under the Oracle iSQL*Plus logo. It shows Work Screen > History. Work Screen is an underlined link back to the Work screen.
- The screen title "History" is under the breadcrumbs line.
The body has the following elements:
- A text instruction "Click on the link in the Script column to load a script into the Work Screen."
- A column of scripts available with the heading "Scripts". Each shows the first 80 characters of the script. The script entry is an underlined link. There is an empty check box on the left-side of each script entry.
The footer has three buttons aligned horizontally on the bottom right: