This figure shows production and test environments, each containing a middle-tier instance, connected to a product Metadata Repository and an Identity Management with a Metadata Repository. Both production and test middle-tier instances connect to the same database.

It shows the flow for copying a production environment to a test environment. The test Identity Management bears the number 1, representing its creation. An arrow bearing the number 2, with a label of Migrate Identity Management Data, points from the production Identity Management to the test Metadata Repository, indicating the movement of data. The test product Metadata Repository bears the number 3, representing its creation. An arrow with a label of Migrate Metadata Repository Data, bearing the number 4, points from the product Metadata Repository in the production environment to the product Metadata Repository in the test environment, indicating the movement of data. The test middle-tier instance bears the number 5, representing its creation. The test middle-tier instance and the production middle-tier instance are connected by an arrow, bearing the number 5, with a label of Deploy Applications. The database bears the number 7 with a label of Migrate EUL.