This graphic shows the flow of information from zone to zone in an application based on OracleAS Forms Services.

The entire Internet, including clients, is outside the DMZ firewall. All network communications between the outside world and the installation pass through the DMZ firewall into the DMZ.

The DMZ contains the Oracle HTTP Servers. The HTTP Servers include Oracle HTTP Server, OracleAS Single Sign-On HTTP servers, and OracleAS Web Cache.

The Infrastructure Firewall separates the Infrastructure Databases from the DMZ. The HTTP servers communicate with the Infrastructure Databases through the Infrastructure Firewall.

The OC4J Firewall separates the OC4J Installation from the DMZ. The Oracle HTTP Servers communicate with OC4J through the OC4J Firewall.

Within OC4J, multiple instances of OracleAS Forms Servlet and OracleAS Forms Listener Servlet communicate with multiple instances of the C program OracleAS Forms Services Process.

The Intranet Firewall separates the OC4J installation from the corporate data. OC4J communicates with corporate data through the Intranet Firewall.