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Oracle® Internet Directory Administrator's Guide,
Release 2 (10.1.2)
Solution Area
List of Examples
10-1 Enabling Force Flushing
25-1 An Attempt to Modify a Non-Existent Entry
25-2 An Attempt to Add an Existing Entry
25-3 An Attempt to Delete a Non-Existent Entry
25-4 Adding a Naming Context Object for an LDAP-Based Replica
25-5 Deleting a Naming Context Object
25-6 Modifying the orclIncludedNamingContexts Attribute for a Replica Naming Context Object
25-7 Modifying the orclExcludedNamingContexts Attribute for a Replica Naming Context Object
25-8 Modifying the orclExcludedAttributes Attribute for a Replica Naming Context Object
25-9 Modifying the Number of Retries Before a Change Is Moved into the Purge Queue
25-10 Modifying the Number of Worker Threads Used in Change Log Processing
25-11 Modifying the orclReplicaURI Attribute for a Particular Replica Node
25-12 Modifying the orclReplicaSecondaryURI Attribute for a Particular Replica
25-13 Modifying the orclReplicaState Attribute for a Particular Replica
25-14 Adding Nodes to a Replication Agreement
25-15 Modifying the orclExcludedNamingContexts Attribute for an Oracle Database Advanced Replication Replica Agreement
25-16 Modifying the orclUpdateSchedule Attribute for a Particular Replica Agreement
25-17 Modifying the orclLastAppliedChangeNumber Attribute for a Particular Replica Agreement