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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Part Number B12160-02
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Viewing a Status Diagram
The Status Diagram page shows the process diagram for a workflow, including graphical cues about the status of the workflow and its activities.
The Current Status region displays the process title, diagram, and detail tabs for the workflow. Beneath the detail tabs, the administration buttons appear.
Process Title
The process title appears in the upper left of the Current Status region and displays the workflow process name, type, and user key. If no user key has been set, then the item key is displayed instead. If you drill down into a subprocess in the process diagram, the process title displays the subprocess name.
Process Diagram Window
The process diagram window is a scrolling canvas that displays the diagram of the workflow process or subprocess currently listed in the process title. This diagram is identical to the diagram created in Oracle Workflow Builder. Note, however, that you cannot use the Workflow Monitor to edit this diagram.
The process diagram window provides graphical cues about the status of the process and its activities.
- An activity icon may be highlighted with a colored box to indicate that it is in an "interesting" state. The following table shows what state each color indicates.
| Error
| Active/In Progress
| Suspended
| Normal
- Any transition (arrow) that has been traversed appears as a thick green line, while an untraversed transition appears as a thin black line.
- Click an activity icon in the diagram to select it and update the detail tab window to display information about the activity.
- Click any empty space in the diagram to deselect the currently selected activity icon and to refresh the detail tab window to display information about the current process as a whole.
- Double-click an activity icon that represents a subprocess to drill down to the diagram for the subprocess. This action automatically updates the process title to reflect the name of the subprocess and updates the detail tab window to display information about the subprocess as a whole.
Alternatively, you can select the subprocess activity and choose Zoom In to drill down to the diagram for the subprocess. Choose Zoom Out to navigate back to the higher level process.
Detail Tab Window
The detail tab window, which appears below the process diagram, is a vertically scrollable display area that provides information about a selected process or activity. The information appears as follows for each tab.
Definition Tab
- Current Location - Process display name/activity display name
- Item Type - Workflow type display name
- Activity Name - Activity display name
- Description - Activity description
- Activity Type - Process, Notice, Event, or Function
- Result Type - Result type display name
Usage Tab
- Current Location - Process display name/activity display name
- Start/End - No, Start, or End
- Performer - Role name or item attribute internal name
- Timeout - Timeout value in minutes or item attribute internal name
Status Tab
- Current Location - Process display name/activity display name
- Begin Date - Date activity begins
- End Date - Date activity ends
- Due Date - Date activity is due to time out
- Assigned User - Role name or item attribute internal name
- Error Message - Error message (shown only if activity status is 'Error')
Notification Tab
- Current Location - Process display name/activity display name
- Recipient - Recipient of notification
- Status - Notification status
- Begin Date - Date notification is delivered
- End Date - Date notification is closed
- Due Date - Date activity is due to time out
Note: If the selected activity is a notification activity where Expand Roles is selected, but no response is required, then the recipient shown is simply the role, rather than the individual users in the role.
Administration Buttons
If you have workflow administrator privileges and you are viewing a workflow that is not yet complete, you can use the administration buttons to perform administrative operations on the workflow.
- To change the values of any item attributes, select the Update Attributes button. In the Update Workflow Attributes page, enter the new values you want.
Note: You cannot update attributes of type event. However, you can select the event message link to view the event message details.
- To rewind the workflow to an earlier activity stage, select the Rewind button. In the Rewind page, select the activity you want from the list of activities that the Workflow Engine has reached. Oracle Workflow stops processing at the current activity and resumes processing at the specified activity.
Note: You cannot rewind a suspended workflow. You must resume the workflow before you can rewind it.
- To suspend the workflow, select the Suspend Workflow button. All further processing for the workflow is suspended until the process is resumed, and all subprocesses are suspended as well.
- To resume the workflow if it is suspended, select the Resume Workflow button. Processing for the workflow is resumed, and all subprocesses are resumed as well. Any activities that were transitioned to while the workflow was suspended are now executed.
- To cancel the workflow, select the Cancel Workflow button. In the Cancel page, select Apply. The Workflow Engine sets the status of the workflow to #FORCE, and all processing for the workflow is canceled and cannot be restarted.
See Also
Accessing the Administrator Monitor
Viewing Workflows in the Status Monitor
Viewing Child Workflows
Viewing Activity History
Viewing Participant Responses
Viewing Workflow Details
Viewing Error Information for a Workflow
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