Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide Release Part Number B12161-02 |
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Oracle Workflow can call the selector/callback function with the following commands:
1-> procedure <procedure name> (item_type in varchar2,
item_key in varchar2,
activity_id in number,
command in varchar2,
resultout in out varchar2) is
2-> <local declarations>
3-> begin
if ( command = 'RUN' ) then
<your RUN executable statements>
resultout := '<Name of process to run>';
end if;
4-> if ( command = 'SET_CTX' ) then
<your executable statements for establishing context information>
end if;
5-> if ( command = 'TEST_CTX' ) then
<your executable statements for testing the validity of the current
context information>
resultout := '<TRUE or FALSE or NOTSET> ';
end if;
6-> if ( command = '<other command>' ) then
resultout := ' ';
end if;
7-> exception
when others then
WF_CORE.CONTEXT ('<package name>', '<procedure name>', <itemtype>,
<itemkey>, to_char(<actid>), <command>);
8-> end <procedure name>;
1-> When the Workflow Engine calls the selector/callback function, it passes four parameters to the procedure and may expect a result when the procedure completes. The parameters are defined here:
itemtype | The internal name for the item type. Item types are defined in the Oracle Workflow Builder. |
itemkey | A string that represents a primary key generated by the workflow-enabled application for the item type. The string uniquely identifies the item within an item type. |
actid | The ID number of the activity that this procedure is called from. Note that this parameter is always null if the procedure is called with the 'RUN' command to execute the selector functionality. |
command | The command that determines how to execute the selector/callback function. Either 'RUN', 'SET_CTX', or 'TEST_CTX'. Other commands may be added in the future. |
resultout | A result may be returned depending on the command that is used to call the selector/callback function. |
If the function is called with 'RUN', the name of the process to run must be returned through the resultout parameter. If the function is called with 'SET_CTX', then no return value is expected. If the function is called with 'TEST_CTX', then the code must return 'TRUE' if the context is correct, 'FALSE' if the context is incorrect, or 'NOTSET' if the context has not been initialized yet. If any other value is returned, Oracle Workflow assumes that this command is not implemented by the callback. |
3-> The procedure body begins in this section with an IF statement. This section contains one or more executable statements that make up your selector function. It executes if the value of command is 'RUN'. One of the executable statements should return a result for the procedure that reflects the process to run. For example, a result can be 'REQUISITION_APPROVAL', which is the name of a process activity.
4-> This section contains one or more executable statements that set item type context information if the value of command is 'SET_CTX'. The Workflow Engine calls the selector/callback function with this command each time it encounters a new item type and item key combination, before executing any function activities for that combination. This command is useful when you need to set item type context information in a database session before the activities in that session can execute as intended. For example, you might need to set up the responsibility and organization context for function activities that are sensitive to multi-organization data.
5-> This section contains one or more executable statements that validate item type context information if the value of command is 'TEST_CTX'. The Workflow Engine calls the selector/callback function with this command to validate that the current database session context is acceptable before the Workflow Engine executes an activity. For example, this callback functionality executes just before the Notification Details web page launches a reference form. The code in this section should return 'TRUE' if the context is correct, 'FALSE' if the context is incorrect, or 'NOTSET' if the context has not been initialized yet.
7-> This section calls WF_CORE.CONTEXT( ) if an exception occurs, so that you can include context information in the error stack to help you locate the source of an error. See: CONTEXT, Oracle Workflow API Reference.
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