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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Part Number B12161-02
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Sample Workflow Processes
The following sample workflow processes are included with Oracle Workflow. Each of these processes illustrates the integration of different Oracle Workflow features. You can use these processes to verify your installation of Oracle Workflow.
- Requisition Process--illustrates results-based branching, parallel branching, subprocesses, timeouts, looping, and integration of PL/SQL documents in a notification. See: Requisition Process.
- Event System Demonstration Processes--illustrate sending and receiving business events between two systems and using external Java function activities. See: Event System Demonstration.
You can set up and initiate these sample processes if you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow. If you are using Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, you should consider these processes mainly as examples for explanation purposes and not for demonstration use. The files necessary to set up and run these demonstrations are not provided with the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications.
You can initiate these sample workflows from the Workflow Demonstrations home page or the Launch Processes web page. You can access the Workflow Demonstrations home page using the URL:
Note: You can also access the Workflow Demonstrations web page from the Oracle Workflow home page. See: Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
The Workflow Demonstrations home page displays your notifications Worklist in the right-hand frame and in the left-hand frame lists links that let you initiate each of the sample workflows from a different web page.
See Also
Testing Workflow Definitions
Displaying the Process Diagram of a Sample Workflow
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