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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Part Number B12161-02
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Workflow Event Protocol Process Activities
Following is a description of each activity in the process, listed by the activity's display name.
Receive Message (Node 1)
This event activity receives the event message that is sent to the Workflow Event Protocol process by the Event Manager to start a new item.
Event Action
| Receive
Event Filter
| None
Prerequisite Activities
| None
Item Attributes Set by Activity
| Event Name, Event Key, Event Message
Get Agent Details (Node 2)
This function activity attempts to retrieve the agent details from the subscription for the outbound agent that should send the message and the inbound agent that should receive the message. If no inbound agent is specified, the process continues immediately to node 6. If an inbound agent is specified, but no outbound agent is specified, the function selects a default outbound agent on the local system.
Result Type
| Boolean
Prerequisite Activities
| Receive Message
Item Attributes Retrieved by Function
| Subscription GUID
Item Attributes Set by Function
| To Agent, From Agent
Send Event Message (Node 3)
This event activity sends the event message from an outbound agent on the local system to the specified inbound agent.
Event Action
| Send
Prerequisite Activities
| Get Agent Details
Item Attributes Retrieved by Activity
| Event Message, From Agent, To Agent
Compare Text (Node 4)
This Standard function activity compares two text values. At this node, the process checks the Acknowledge Required? item attribute to determine whether the event message sent at node 3 requires an acknowledgement from the recipient.
If the subscription that initiated the process included the parameter name and value pair ACKREQ=Y, the Workflow Engine sets the Acknowledge Required? item attribute to Y when the process is launched. In this case, the process continues from node 4 to node 5. Otherwise, the process continues directly from node 4 to node 6.
Result Type
| Comparison
Prerequisite Activities
| None
Item Attributes Retrieved by Activity
| Acknowledge Required?
Receive Acknowledgement Message (Node 5)
This event activity waits to receive the Workflow Send Protocol Acknowledgement event message that is returned to the Workflow Event Protocol process from the system that received the event message sent at node 3.
Event Action
| Receive
Event Filter
Prerequisite Activities
| Compare Text
Compare Text (Node 6)
This Standard function activity compares two text values. At this node, the process checks the Send Acknowledgement? item attribute to determine whether to send an acknowledgement of the original message that it received.
If the original message requires an acknowledgement, the Workflow Engine sets the Send Acknowledgement? item attribute to Y when the process is launched. In this case, the process continues from node 6 to node 7. Otherwise, the process ends at node 10.
Result Type
| Comparison
Prerequisite Activities
| None
Item Attributes Retrieved by Activity
| Send Acknowledgement?
To Agent Details (Node 7)
This function activity selects an inbound agent on the originating system where the acknowledgement must be sent and retrieves the agent details for that agent.
Result Type
| None
Prerequisite Activities
| Compare Text
Item Attributes Set by Function
| Acknowledge To Agent
Send Acknowledgement Message (Node 8)
This event activity sends the Workflow Send Protocol Acknowledgement message from an outbound agent on the local system to the inbound agent identified at node 7.
Event Action
| Send
Prerequisite Activities
| To Agent Details
Item Attributes Retrieved by Activity
| Acknowledge Message, Event Key, Acknowledge To Agent
End (Nodes 9 and 10)
This Standard function activity marks the end of the process.
Result Type
| None
Prerequisite Activities
| None
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