The image shows the Adapter Configuration Wizard - Finish page. The instructions read as follows: You have finished defining Database Adapter Service: UseJPub. When you click Finish, the wizard will create the C:\OraBPEL\integration\jdev\mywork\Workspace\Testing\UseJPub.wsdl file in your project directory and the contents of the WSDL file will be available for partnerLinks. An XSD file, SCOTT_BPEL_USEJPUB_PKG-24PROC.xsd, which contains the schema for the procedure arguments, will also be created. The procedure you selected has arguments of type PL/SQL Boolean, PL/SQL Record, or PL/SQL Table. As a result, a wrapper procedure must be created and used, PKG$PROC, and will belong to the package BPEL_USEJPUB. The files BPEL_USEJPUB.sql and BPEL_USEJPUT_drop.sql for this procedure will be created in your project directory.