This is a text description of samp_c18.gif. This figure shows the Develop tab in the Portal Navigator, which displays a summary of the chart you have just created, as follows: Chart is SAMPLE_CHART; Portal DB Provider is EXAMPLE_APP; Archive Version(s) has no value, Production Version Status is 1 (PRODUCTION with VALID Package); Last Changed is Wednesday 2003, 11/19 13:54:27 by PTL_904099_031118; Run Link is PTL_904099_031118_DEMO.SAMPLE_CHART.show_parms; PL/SQL source is 2 links with link text Package Spec and Package Body; Call Interface is a link with link text Show. At the bottom are icons that link to available actions (all active links): Edit, Edit as New, Run, Run as Portlet, Customize, Add to Favorites, About, Delete.