This is a text description of samp_r06.gif. This figure shows the next step of the Report Wizard. On this page, you choose how to display the results of your report. This example page shows 4 rows, one for each selected database column. The rows are divided in 11 columns, with the following headings: Column (lists the selected database column names EMP.DEPTNO, EMP.MGR, EMP.ENAME, EMP.JOB), Column Heading (fields showing specified headings for each database column: Department Number, Manager, Employee, Job), Sum (a check box for each row), Data Type (icons indicating database column data type), Align (drop-down lists showing values: Right, Right, Left, Left), Display as (drop-down lists showing values: Text, Text, Text, Text), Format Mask (all row fields empty), Link (drop-down lists showing values: %, %, %, %), Edit Link (clickable pencil icons), Width Type (drop-down lists showing values: Pixel, Pixel, Pixel, Pixel), Width (all row fields empty).