- active theme
- getting, 4.3.5
- add_data_source element, 6.1.1
- addBucketStyle method, 4.3.4
- addCollectionBucketStyle method, 4.3.4
- addColorSchemeStyle method, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- addColorStyle method, 4.3.4
- addGeoRasterTheme method, 4.3.3
- addImageAreaStyleFromURL method, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- addImageMarkerStyleFromURL method, 4.3.4, 4.3.4, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- addImageTheme method, 4.3.3
- adding themes to a map, 2.4
- addJDBCTheme method, 4.3.3
- addJDBCTheme tag, 5.2.1
- addLinearFeature method, 4.3.3
- addLineStyle method, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- addLinksWithinCost method, 4.3.3
- addMarkerStyle method, 4.3.4
- addNetworkLinks method, 4.3.3
- addNetworkNodes method, 4.3.3
- addNetworkPaths method, 4.3.3
- addNetworkTheme method, 4.3.3
- addPointFeature method, 4.3.3
- addPredefinedTheme method, 4.3.3
- addPredefinedTheme tag, 5.2.2
- addShortestPath method, 4.3.3
- addTextStyle method, 4.3.4
- addThemesFromBaseMap method, 4.3.3
- addTopologyDebugTheme method, 4.3.3
- addTopologyTheme method, 4.3.3
- addVariableMarkerStyle method, 4.3.4
- addWMSMapTheme method, D.3.2
- administrative requests, 6
- restricting, 1.5.3
- Workspace Manager support, 2.7
- advanced style, 2.2
- pie chart example, 3.1.9
- thematic mapping and, 2.3.3
- XML format for defining, A.6
- ALL_SDO_MAPS view, 2.8, 2.8.1
- ALL_SDO_STYLES view, 2.8, 2.8.3
- ALL_SDO_THEMES view, 2.8, 2.8.2
- allow_local_adjustment attribute, 1.5.5
- animated loading bar, B.2
- antialiasing
- attribute of map request,
- setAntiAliasing method, 4.3.2
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- APIs
- OracleAS MapViewer JavaBean, 4
- adding a WMS map theme, D.3.2
- OracleAS MapViewer JavaScript for SVG maps, B
- OracleAS MapViewer XML, 3
- adding a WMS map theme, D.3.1
- appearance
- attributes affecting theme appearance, 2.3.4
- area style, 2.2
- XML format for defining, A.4
- asis attribute, 3.2.9
- aspect ratio
- preserving, 3.2.2
- autostarting OracleAS MapViewer,
- AWT headless mode support, 1.3
- azimuthal equidistant projection
- used by OracleAS MapViewer for globular map projection, 1.5.5
- background color
- for WMS requests, D.2.1.3
- setting, 4.3.2
- background image URL
- setting, 4.3.2
- base maps, 2.4
- adding themes from base map to current map request, 4.3.3
- definition (example), 2.4
- for WMS requests, D.2.1.1
- importing, 5.2.6
- listing for a data source, 6.2
- part_of_basemap attribute for theme, 3.2.14
- setting name of, 4.3.2
- XML format for defining, A.8
- basemap
- attribute of map request,
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- BASEMAP parameter (WMS), D.2.1.1
- BBOX parameter (WMS), D.2.1.2
- bean
- OracleAS MapViewer API for, 4
- bgcolor
- attribute of map request,
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- BGCOLOR parameter (WMS), D.2.1.3
- bgimage
- attribute of map request,
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- border margin
- for bounding themes, 3.2.2
- bounding box
- for WMS requests, D.2.1.2
- specifying for map, 3.2.3
- bounding themes
- specifying for map, 3.2.2, 4.3.2
- bounding_themes element, 3.2.2
- box element, 3.2.3
- bucket style
- adding to map request, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- specifying labels for buckets, 2.2.1
- XML format for defining, A.6.1
- cache
- metadata, 2.5, 6.5.1
- spatial data, 1.5.6, 6.5.2
- with predefined themes,
- caching attribute
- for predefined theme,, A.7
- center element, 3.2.4
- center point
- setting, 4.3.2
- centerX
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- centerY
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- file, 7
- classgen.jar file, D.1.1
- clear_cache element, 6.5.1
- clear_theme_cache element, 6.5.2
- clickable (live) features, 4.3.10
- cluster
- deploying OracleAS MapViewer on middle-tier cluster, 1.6.2
- collection bucket style
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- with discrete values, A.6.1.1
- color scheme style
- adding to map request, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.6.2
- color style, 2.2
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.1
- configuring OracleAS MapViewer, 1.5, 6.6
- connection information
- for adding a data source, 6.1.1
- connections, maximum number of, 1.5.7
- container data source, 1.5.7, 6.1.1
- container_ds attribute, 1.5.7, 6.1.1, 6.1.1
- coordinate system, 2.4
- conversion by OracleAS MapViewer for map request, 3.1.8
- coordinate system ID
- See SRID
- cost analysis
- of network nodes, 4.3.3
- custom image renderer, C
- data source methods
- using, 4.3.8
- data sources
- adding, 6.1.1
- checking existence of, 4.3.8, 6.1.5
- clearing metadata cache, 6.5.1
- container_ds attribute, 1.5.7, 6.1.1
- defining, 1.7.1
- explanation of, 2.5
- for WMS requests, D.2.1.4
- listing, 6.1.4
- listing base maps in, 6.2
- listing names of, 4.3.8
- listing themes in, 6.3
- permanent, 1.5.7
- redefining, 6.1.3
- removing, 6.1.2
- setting name of, 4.3.2
- using multiple data sources in a map request (datasource attribute for theme), 3.2.14
- data_source_exists element, 6.1.5
- datasource
- attribute of map request,
- attribute of theme specification in a map request, 3.2.14
- DATASOURCE parameter (WMS), D.2.1.4
- dataSourceExists method, 4.3.8
- DBA_SDO_STYLES view, 2.8.3
- debug mode
- topology themes, 2.3.8
- adding theme, 4.3.3
- decorative aspects
- attributes affecting theme appearance, 2.3.4
- defaultstyles.sql file,
- default-web-site.xml file,
- deleteAllThemes method, 4.3.5
- deleteMapLegend method, 4.3.2
- deleteStyle method, 4.3.4
- deleteTheme method, 4.3.5
- demo
- OracleAS MapViewer JavaBean API, 4.2
- deploying OracleAS MapViewer, 1.4
- disableFeatureSelect function, B.3.1
- disablePolygonSelect function, B.3.1
- disableRectangleSelect function, B.3.1
- doQuery method, 4.3.9
- doQueryInMapWindow method, 4.3.9
- drawLiveFeatures method, 4.3.10
- exception, 3.5
- Geometry (Open GIS Consortium), 3.6
- information request, 3.3
- map request, 3.2
- examples, 3.1
- map response, 3.4
- dynamic themes
- adding to map request, 4.3.3
- DYNAMIC_STYLES parameter (WMS), D.2.1.5
- dynamically defined styles, 2.2, 3.2.12
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- for WMS requests, D.2.1.5
- removing, 4.3.4
- dynamically defined themes, 2.3.2, 3.2.9, 3.2.14
- See also JDBC themes
- edit_config_file element, 6.6
- enableFeatureSelect function, B.3.1
- enablePolygonSelect function, B.3.1
- enableRectangleSelect function, B.3.1
- enableThemes method, 4.3.5
- in SRS parameter (WMS), D.2.1.14
- example programs using OracleAS MapViewer
- Java, 3.1.10
- PL/SQL, 3.1.11
- exception DTD, 3.5
- EXCEPTIONS parameter (WMS)
- for GetFeatureInfo request, D.2.3.2
- for GetMap request, D.2.1.6
- fast_unpickle attribute, 3.2.14
- feature selection
- enabling and disabling, B.3.1
- FEATURE_COUNT parameter (WMS), D.2.3.3
- features
- new, Preface
- field element
- for hidden information, 3.2.9, A.7
- filter (spatial)
- getting, 4.3.9, 4.3.9
- fixed_svglabel attribute, 3.2.14
- format
- attribute of map request,
- FORMAT parameter (WMS), D.2.1.7
- geodetic data
- projecting to local non-geodetic coordinate system, 1.5.5
- geoFeature element, 3.2.5
- Geometry DTD (Open GIS Consortium), 3.6
- GeoRaster themes, 2.3.6
- adding to current map request, 4.3.3
- defining with jdbc_georaster_query element, 3.2.6
- library files needed, 1.4
- setting polygon mask, 2.3.6, 4.3.5
- theme_type attribute in styling rules, A.7
- getActiveTheme method, 4.3.5
- getAntiAliasing method, 4.3.2
- GetCapabilities request and response, D.2.2
- getDataSources method, 4.3.8
- getEnabledThemes method, 4.3.5
- GetFeatureInfo request
- specifying attributes to be queried, D.2.3.10
- supported features, D.2.3
- getGeneratedMapImage method, 4.3.7
- getGeneratedMapImageURL method, 4.3.7
- getInfo function, B.3.1
- getLiveFeatureAttrs method, 4.3.10
- GetMap request
- parameters, D.2.1
- getMapMBR method, 4.3.7
- getMapResponseString method, 4.3.7
- getMapURL tag, 5.2.3
- getNumLiveFeatures method, 4.3.10
- getParam tag, 5.2.4
- getScreenCoordinate function, B.4
- getSelectedIdList function, B.3.1
- getSelectPolygon function, B.3.1
- getSelectRectangle function, B.3.1
- getSpatialFilter method, 4.3.9, 4.3.9
- getThemeEnabled method, 4.3.5
- getThemeNames method, 4.3.5
- getThemePosition method, 4.3.5
- getThemeVisibleInSVG method, 4.3.5
- getUserCoordinate function, B.4
- getUserPoint method, 4.3.9, 4.3.9, 4.3.9
- getWhereClauseForAnyInteract method, 4.3.9, 4.3.9
- getXMLResponse method, 4.3.6
- GIF format,
- GIF_STREAM format,
- GIF_URL format,
- globular map projection, 1.5.5
- hasLiveFeatures method, 4.3.10
- hasThemes method, 4.3.5
- headless AWT mode support, 1.3
- height
- attribute of map request,
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- HEIGHT parameter (WMS), D.2.1.8
- hidden information (SVG maps)
- displaying when mouse moves over,, 4.3.2
- hidden_info element, 3.2.9, 3.2.9, A.7
- hidden themes
- getThemeVisibleInSVG method, 4.3.5
- setThemeVisible method, 4.3.5
- hidden_info attribute, 3.2.5
- hidden_info element, 3.2.9, 3.2.9, A.7
- hideTheme function, B.2
- high availability
- using OracleAS MapViewer with, 1.6
- highlightFeatures method, 4.3.10
- http-web-site.xml file,
- identify method, 4.3.9
- identify tag, 5.2.5
- image area style
- adding to map request, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- image format
- for WMS requests, D.2.1.7
- setting, 4.3.2
- image marker style
- adding to map request, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.2.2
- image renderer
- creating and registering, C
- image scaling
- setting automatic rescaling, 4.3.2
- image themes, 2.3.5
- adding, 4.3.3
- defining with jdbc_image_query element, 3.2.7
- example, 3.1.6
- setting scale values, 4.3.5
- setting transparency value, 4.3.5
- setting unit and resolution values, 4.3.5
- theme_type attribute in styling rules, A.7
- imagescaling
- attribute of map request,
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- importBaseMap tag, 5.2.6
- indexed PNG format support,
- INFO_FORMAT parameter (WMS), D.2.3.4
- info_request element, 3.3
- infoon attribute,
- information request DTD, 3.3
- init tag, 5.2.7
- initial scale,
- initscale attribute,
- installing OracleAS MapViewer, 1.4
- isClickable method, 4.3.10
- jai_codec.jar file, 1.4
- jai_core.jar file, 1.4
- Java example program using OracleAS MapViewer, 3.1.10
- JAVA_IMAGE format,
- JavaBean-based API for OracleAS MapViewer, 4
- demo, 4.2
- Javadoc, 4.2
- Javadoc
- OracleAS MapViewer JavaBean API, 4.2
- JavaScript functions for SVG maps, B
- JavaServer Pages (JSP)
- tag library for OracleAS MapViewer, 5
- JDBC themes, 2.3.2
- adding, 4.3.3, 5.2.1
- saving complex SQL queries,
- using a pie chart style, 3.1.9
- jdbc_georaster_query element, 3.2.6
- jdbc_host attribute, 6.1.1
- jdbc_image_query element, 3.2.7
- jdbc_mode attribute, 6.1.1
- jdbc_network_query element, 3.2.8
- jdbc_password attribute, 6.1.1
- jdbc_port attribute, 6.1.1
- jdbc_query element, 3.2.9
- jdbc_sid attribute, 6.1.1
- jdbc_tns_name attribute, 6.1.1
- jdbc_topology_query element, 3.2.10
- jdbc_user attribute, 6.1.1
- join view
- key_column styling rule attribute required for theme defined on join view, A.7
- JPEG image format support,
- JSP tag library for OracleAS MapViewer, 5
- key_column attribute
- for theme defined on a join view, A.7
- label attribute, 2.3.3
- label_always_on attribute, 3.2.14
- labeling of spatial features,
- label styles for individual buckets, 2.2.1
- LAYERS parameter (WMS), D.2.1.9
- legend, 2.4.2
- creating, 5.2.8
- deleting, 4.3.2
- element, 3.2.11
- example, 2.4.2
- setting, 4.3.2, 4.3.2, 4.3.2
- LEGEND_REQUEST parameter (WMS), D.2.1.10
- legends
- for WMS requests, D.2.1.10
- legendSpec parameter, 4.3.2
- line style, 2.2
- adding to map request, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.3
- linear features
- adding, 4.3.3
- removing, 4.3.3
- list_data_sources element, 6.1.4
- list_maps element, 6.2
- list_predefined_themes element, 6.3
- list_styles element, 6.4
- list_workspace_name element, 2.7
- list_workspace_session element, 2.7
- live features, 4.3.10
- load balancer
- using OracleAS MapViewer with, 1.6.2
- loading bar, B.2
- local geodetic data adjustment
- specifying for map, 1.5.5
- logging element, 1.5.1
- logging information, 1.5.1
- logo
- specifying for map, 1.5.5
- longitude/latitude coordinate system, 2.4
- makeLegend tag, 5.2.8
- Map Definition Tool, 7
- map image file information, 1.5.2
- map legend, 2.4.2
- creating, 5.2.8
- deleting, 4.3.2
- example, 2.4.2
- legend element, 3.2.11
- setting, 4.3.2, 4.3.2, 4.3.2
- map logo, 1.5.5
- map note, 1.5.5
- map request DTD, 3.2
- examples, 3.1
- map requests
- getting parameter value, 5.2.4
- sending to OracleAS MapViewer service, 4.3.6
- setting parameters for, 5.2.10
- submitting using run JSP tag, 5.2.9
- XML API, 3
- map response
- extracting information from, 4.3.7
- map response DTD, 3.4
- map response string
- getting, 4.3.7
- map result file name
- setting, 4.3.2
- map size
- setting, 4.3.2
- map title, 1.5.5
- setting, 4.3.2
- map URL
- getting, 5.2.3
- map_data_source element, 1.5.7
- map_request element, 3.2.1
- attributes,
- mapdefinition.sql file,, 2.8
- mapdef.jar file, 7, 7
- map-level mouse-click event control functions, B.3.2.1
- mappers (renderers), 2.5
- number of, 1.5.7, 6.1.1
- mapping profile, 2.1
- maps, 2.4
- creating by adding themes and rendering, 2.4
- explanation of, 2.4
- how they are generated, 2.6
- listing, 6.2
- metadata view, 2.8
- scale, 2.4.1
- size, 2.4.1
- XML format, A
- mapViewerConfig.xml configuration file
- customizing, 1.5
- editing, 6.6
- sample, 1.5
- mapviewer.ear file, 1.4.1,, 1.4.2
- marker style, 2.2
- adding to map request, 4.3.4, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- orienting,
- using on lines, A.2.3
- XML format for defining, A.2
- max_connections attribute, 1.5.7
- max_scale attribute, 2.4.1
- getting for map, 4.3.7
- metadata cache, 2.5
- clearing, 6.5.1
- metadata views, 2.8
- mapdefinition.sql file, 2.8
- middle-tier cluster
- deploying OracleAS MapViewer on, 1.6.2
- min_dist attribute, 3.2.14
- min_scale attribute, 2.4.1
- minimum bounding rectangle (MBR)
- getting for map, 4.3.7
- mode attribute, 3.2.14
- mouse click
- event control functions for SVG maps, B.3
- getting point associated with, 4.3.9, 4.3.9, 4.3.9
- mouse-click event control function, 3.2.14, B.3.2.2
- mouse-move event control function, 3.2.14, B.3.2.2
- mouse-out event control function, 3.2.14, B.3.2.2
- mouse-over event control function, 3.2.14, B.3.2.2
- moveThemeDown method, 4.3.5
- moveThemeUp method, 4.3.5
- multiprocess OC4J instance
- deploying OracleAS MapViewer on, 1.6.1
- mvclient.jar file, 5.1
- mvtaglib.tld file, 5.1
- MVTHEMES parameter (WMS), D.2.1.11
- navbar attribute,
- navigation bar (SVG map),, 4.3.2
- network analysis
- shortest-path,, 4.3.3
- within-cost,, 4.3.3
- network connection information
- for adding a data source, 6.1.1
- network themes, 2.3.7
- adding, 4.3.3
- defining with jdbc_network_query element, 3.2.8
- library files needed, 1.4
- setting labels, 4.3.5
- theme_type attribute in styling rules, A.7
- networked drives
- using OracleAS MapViewer with, 1.6.2
- new features, Preface
- non_map_request element, 6
- non_map_response element, 6
- non-map requests
- See administrative requests
- nonspatial attributes
- getting values, 5.2.5
- identifying, 4.3.9
- querying, 4.3.9
- note
- specifying for map, 1.5.5
- number_of_mappers attribute, 1.5.7, 2.5, 6.1.1
- OC4J configuration files,
- OGC (Open GIS Consortium)
- Geometry DTD, 3.6
- WMS support by OracleAS MapViewer, D
- oms_error element, 3.5
- onclick attribute, 3.2.5, 3.2.14
- map request,
- onClick function (SVG map), 4.3.2, 4.3.5
- onmousemove attribute, 3.2.14
- map request,
- onmouseout attribute, 3.2.14
- onmouseover attribute, 3.2.14
- onpolyselect attribute, B.3.2.3
- map request,
- onrectselect attribute, B.3.2.3
- map request,
- Open GIS Consortium
- Geometry DTD, 3.6
- WMS support by OracleAS MapViewer, D
- OracleAS MapViewer bean
- creating, 5.2.7
- OracleAS MapViewer configuration file
- customizing, 1.5
- editing, 6.6
- sample, 1.5
- OracleAS MapViewer exception DTD, 3.5
- OracleAS MapViewer information request DTD, 3.3
- OracleAS MapViewer server
- restarting, 6.7
- starting automatically,
- orientation vector, 3.2.5
- using with an oriented point, 2.2.2
- oriented points
- pointing label or marker in direction of orientation vector, 2.2.2
- orion-web.xml script,
- pan method, 4.3.6
- parameter value for map request
- getting, 5.2.4
- parameters for map request
- setting, 5.2.10
- part_of_basemap attribute, 3.2.14
- permanent data sources
- defining, 1.5.7
- pickling
- fast_unpickle theme attribute, 3.2.14
- setThemeFastUnpickle method, 4.3.5
- pie chart
- map request using, 3.1.9
- PL/SQL example program using OracleAS MapViewer, 3.1.11
- PNG image format support,
- PNG8 (indexed) image format support,
- point features
- adding, 4.3.3
- removing, 4.3.3
- polygon mask
- setting for GeoRaster theme, 2.3.6, 4.3.5
- polygon selection
- enabling and disabling, B.3.1
- polygon_mask attribute, 2.3.6
- predefined mouse-click event control functions, B.3.1
- predefined themes, 2.3.1, 3.2.14
- adding, 4.3.3, 5.2.2
- caching of,
- LAYERS parameter (WMS), D.2.1.9
- listing, 6.3
- prerequisite software for using OracleAS MapViewer, 1.3
- preserve_aspect_ratio attribute, 3.2.2
- progress indicator
- loading of map, B.2
- projection of geodetic data to local non-geodetic coordinate system, 1.5.5
- proxy (Web) for OracleAS MapViewer service
- setting, 4.3.2
- query type
- for WMS requests, D.2.3.6
- query window
- setting, 4.3.2
- QUERY_LAYERS parameter (WMS), D.2.3.5
- QUERY_TYPE parameter (WMS), D.2.3.6
- radius
- for WMS requests, D.2.3.7
- RADIUS parameter (WMS), D.2.3.7
- rasterbasemap attribute,
- recenter function, B.1
- rectangle selection
- enabling and disabling, B.3.1
- redefine_data_source element, 6.1.3
- remove_data_source element, 6.1.2
- removeAllDynamicStyles method, 4.3.4
- removeAllLinearFeatures method, 4.3.3
- removeAllPointFeatures method, 4.3.3
- renderer
- creating and registering custom image renderer, C
- renderers (mappers), 2.5
- number_of_mappers attribute, 1.5.7, 6.1.1
- rendering a map, 2.4
- REQUEST parameter (WMS)
- GetMap or GetCapabilities, D.2.1.12
- required software for using OracleAS MapViewer, 1.3
- resolution
- setThemeUnitAndResolution method, 4.3.5
- response string for map
- getting, 4.3.7
- restart element, 6.7
- restarting the OracleAS MapViewer server, 6.7
- rules
- styling,
- run method, 4.3.6
- run tag, 5.2.9
- save_images_at element, 1.5.2
- scale of map, 2.4.1
- setting for theme, 4.3.5
- scaling
- of image,, 5.2.10
- sdoapi.jar file, 1.4.1,
- sdonm.jar file, 1.4
- sdoutl.jar file, 1.4.1,
- sdovis.jar file, 1.4.1,
- selectable themes (SVG map), 4.3.5
- selectable_in_svg attribute, 3.2.5, 3.2.14
- selectFeature function, B.3.1
- selection event mouse-click event control functions, B.3.2.3
- sendXMLRequest method, 4.3.6
- seq attribute, 2.3.3
- server.xml file,
- SERVICE parameter (WMS), D.2.1.13
- setAllThemesEnabled method, 4.3.5
- setAntiAliasing method, 4.3.2
- setBackgroundColor method, 4.3.2
- setBackgroundImageURL method, 4.3.2
- setBaseMapName method, 4.3.2
- setBoundingThemes method, 4.3.2
- setBox method, 4.3.2
- setCenter method, 4.3.2
- setCenterAndSize method, 4.3.2
- setClickable method, 4.3.10
- setDataSourceName method, 4.3.2
- setDefaultStyleForCenter method, 4.3.2
- setDeviceSize method, 4.3.2
- setFullExtent method, 4.3.2
- setGeoRasterThemePolygonMask method, 4.3.5
- setImageFormat method, 4.3.2
- setImageScaling method, 4.3.2
- setLabelAlwaysOn method, 4.3.5
- setMapLegend method, 4.3.2, 4.3.2, 4.3.2
- setMapRequestSRID method, 4.3.2
- setMapResultFileName method, 4.3.2
- setMapTitle method, 4.3.2
- setNetworkThemeLabels method, 4.3.5
- setParam tag, 5.2.10
- setSelectPolygon function, B.3.1
- setSelectRectangle function, B.3.1
- setServiceURL method, 4.3.2
- setShowSVGNavBar method, 4.3.2
- setSize method, 4.3.2
- setSVGOnClick method, 4.3.2
- setSVGShowInfo method, 4.3.2
- setSVGZoomFactor method, 4.3.2
- setSVGZoomLevels method, 4.3.2
- setSVGZoomRatio method, 4.3.2
- setThemeAlpha method, 4.3.5
- setThemeEnabled method, 4.3.5
- setThemeFastUnpickle method, 4.3.5
- setThemeOnClickInSVG method, 4.3.5
- setThemeScale method, 4.3.5
- setThemeSelectableInSVG method, 4.3.5
- setThemeUnitAndResolution method, 4.3.5
- setThemeVisible method, 4.3.5
- setWebProxy method, 4.3.2
- setZoomRatio function, B.1
- shortest-path analysis,
- addShortestPath method, 4.3.3
- showLoadingBar function, B.2
- showTheme function, B.2
- size (map)
- setting, 4.3.2
- size of map, 2.4.1
- spatial data cache
- clearing, 6.5.2
- customizing, 1.5.6
- spatial filter
- getting, 4.3.9, 4.3.9
- spatial reference ID
- See SRID
- spatial_data_cache element, 1.5.6
- conversion by OracleAS MapViewer for map request, 3.1.8
- setting, 4.3.2
- srid
- attribute of map request,
- SRS parameter (WMS), D.2.1.14
- starting OracleAS MapViewer automatically,
- style element, 3.2.12
- styles, 2.2
- advanced, 2.2
- pie chart example, 3.1.9
- thematic mapping and, 2.3.3
- XML format for defining, A.6
- area, 2.2
- XML format for defining, A.4
- bucket
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- specifying labels for buckets, 2.2.1
- XML format for defining, A.6.1
- color, 2.2
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.1
- color scheme
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.6.2
- dynamically defined, 2.2, 3.2.12
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- image marker
- adding to map request, 4.3.4, 4.3.4, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.2.2
- label styles for buckets, 2.2.1
- line, 2.2
- adding to map request, 4.3.4, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.3
- listing, 6.4
- marker, 2.2
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.2
- metadata view, 2.8
- removing, 4.3.4
- text, 2.2
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.5
- variable marker
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.6.3
- vector marker
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.2.1
- XML format, A
- styles element, 3.2.13
- STYLES parameter (WMS), D.2.1.15
- styling rules,, A
- XML format for specifying, A.7
- SVG Basic (SVGB) image format support,
- SVG Compressed (SVGZ) image format support,
- SVG maps
- display control functions, B.2
- fixed_svglabel attribute, 3.2.14
- hidden themes, 4.3.5
- hidden_info attribute, 3.2.5
- infoon attribute,
- initscale attribute,
- JavaScript functions, B
- mouse-click event control functions, B.3
- navbar attribute,
- navigation bar, 4.3.2
- navigation control functions, B.1
- onclick attribute,, 3.2.5, 3.2.14
- onClick function, 4.3.2, 4.3.5
- onmousemove attribute,, 3.2.14
- onmouseout attribute, 3.2.14
- onmouseover attribute, 3.2.14
- onpolyselect attribute,, B.3.2.3
- onrectselect attribute,, B.3.2.3
- other control functions, B.4
- part_of_basemap attribute, 3.2.14
- rasterbasemap attribute,
- selectable themes, 4.3.5
- selectable_in_svg attribute, 3.2.5, 3.2.14
- setSVGShowInfo method, 4.3.2
- setSVGZoomFactor method, 4.3.2
- setSVGZoomLevels method, 4.3.2
- setSVGZoomRatio method, 4.3.2
- setThemeOnClickInSVG method, 4.3.5
- setThemeSelectableInSVG method, 4.3.5
- setThemeVisible method, 4.3.5
- SVG_STREAM and SVG_URL format attribute values,
- SVGTINY_STREAM and SVGTINY_URL format attribute values,
- SVGZ_STREAM and SVGZ_URL format attribute values,
- visible themes, 4.3.5
- visible_in_svg attribute, 3.2.14
- zoomfactor attribute,
- zoomlevels attribute,
- zoomratio attribute,
- SVG Tiny (SVGT) image format support,
- switchInfoStatus function, B.2
- switchLegendStatus function, B.2
- taglib directive, 5.1
- temporary styles
- See dynamically defined styles
- text style, 2.2
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- orienting,
- XML format for defining, A.5
- thematic mapping, 2.3.3
- theme element, 3.2.14
- theme_type attribute
- for certain types of predefined themes, A.7
- theme-level mouse-event control functions, B.3.2.2
- themes, 2.3
- adding to a map, 2.4
- attributes affecting appearance, 2.3.4
- based on views, 2.3
- checking for, 4.3.5
- clearing spatial data cache, 6.5.2
- deleting, 4.3.5, 4.3.5
- disabling, 4.3.5, 4.3.5
- dynamic
- adding to map request, 4.3.3
- dynamically defined, 2.3.2, 3.2.9, 3.2.14
- enabling, 4.3.5, 4.3.5, 4.3.5
- fast unpickling, 3.2.14, 4.3.5
- feature selection
- enabling and disabling, B.3.1
- fixed SVG label, 3.2.14
- for WMS requests, D.2.1.11
- GeoRaster, 2.3.6
- adding to current map request, 4.3.3
- defining with jdbc_georaster_query element, 3.2.6
- library files needed, 1.4
- setting polygon mask, 2.3.6, 4.3.5
- theme_type attribute in styling rules, A.7
- getting, 4.3.5
- hidden information display,
- image, 2.3.5
- adding, 4.3.3
- defining with jdbc_image_query element, 3.2.7
- setting transparency value, 4.3.5
- setting unit and resolution values, 4.3.5
- theme_type attribute in styling rules, A.7
- initial scale,
- JavaScript function to call on click, 3.2.5, 3.2.14
- JavaScript function to call on mouse-move event, 3.2.14
- JavaScript function to call on mouse-out event, 3.2.14
- JavaScript function to call on mouse-over event, 3.2.14
- JavaScript function to call on polygon selection, B.3.2.3
- JavaScript function to call on rectangle selection, B.3.2.3
- JDBC, 2.3.2
- listing, 4.3.5, 6.3
- metadata view, 2.8
- minimum distance, 3.2.14
- moving down, 4.3.5
- moving up, 4.3.5
- navigation bar,
- network, 2.3.7
- adding, 4.3.3
- defining with jdbc_network_query element, 3.2.8
- library file needed, 1.4
- setting labels, 4.3.5
- theme_type attribute in styling rules, A.7
- part of base map, 3.2.14
- predefined, 2.3.1, 3.2.14
- raster base map,
- resolution value
- setting, 4.3.5
- selectable in SVG maps, 3.2.5, 3.2.14, 4.3.5
- setting GeoRaster theme polygon mask, 2.3.6, 4.3.5
- setting labels always on, 3.2.14, 4.3.5
- setting network theme labels, 4.3.5
- setting scale values, 4.3.5
- setting visible or hidden, 4.3.5
- styling rules, A.7
- topology, 2.3.8
- adding, 4.3.3
- debug mode, 2.3.8
- debug mode (adding theme), 4.3.3
- defining with jdbc_topology_query element, 3.2.10
- theme_type attribute in styling rules, A.7
- unit value
- setting, 4.3.5
- visibility in SVG maps, 3.2.14
- WMS map
- adding, D.3
- adding (JavaBean-based API), D.3.2
- adding (XML API), D.3.1
- Workspace Manager support, 2.7
- XML format, A
- zoom factor,
- zoom levels,
- zoom ratio,
- themes element, 3.2.15
- thick clients
- using optimal OracleAS MapViewer bean methods for, 4.3.10
- tiny SVG images
- SVG Tiny (SVGT) image format support,
- tips
- specifying using hidden_info attribute, 3.2.5
- title
- attribute of map request,
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- specifying for map, 1.5.5
- topology themes, 2.3.8
- adding, 4.3.3
- debug mode, 2.3.8
- adding theme, 4.3.3
- defining with jdbc_topology_query element, 3.2.10
- theme_type attribute in styling rules, A.7
- transparency
- setThemeAlpha method, 4.3.5
- transparent
- attribute of map request,
- TRANSPARENT parameter (WMS)
- supported for PNG format, D.2.1.16
- unit
- setThemeUnitAndResolution method, 4.3.5
- unit of measurement
- for WMS requests, D.2.3.8
- UNIT parameter (WMS), D.2.3.8
- unpickling
- fast_unpickle theme attribute, 3.2.14
- setThemeFastUnpickle method, 4.3.5
- use_globular_projection option, 1.5.5
- entry for predefined theme based on a view, 2.3.1
- inserting row into, 2.3.1
- USER_SDO_MAPS view, 2.8, 2.8.1
- USER_SDO_STYLES view, 2.8, 2.8.3
- USER_SDO_THEMES view, 2.8, 2.8.2
- user-defined mouse event control functions, B.3.2
- theme-level, B.3.2.2
- user-defined mouse-click event control functions
- map-level, B.3.2.1
- selection event, B.3.2.3
- variable marker style
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.6.3
- vector marker style
- adding to map request, 4.3.4
- XML format for defining, A.2.1
- VERSION parameter (WMS), D.2.1.17
- views
- key_column styling rule attribute required for theme defined on join view, A.7
- metadata, 2.8
- themes based on views, 2.3
- visible themes
- getThemeVisibleInSVG method, 4.3.5
- setThemeVisible method, 4.3.5
- visible_in_svg attribute, 3.2.14
- Web Map Service (WMS) protocol, D
- adding a WMS map theme, D.3
- setting up for OracleAS MapViewer, D.1
- See also entries starting with "WMS"
- Web proxy for OracleAS MapViewer service
- setting, 4.3.2
- WGS 84 coordinate system, 2.4
- WHERE clause
- getting, 4.3.9, 4.3.9
- width
- attribute of map request,
- setParam tag parameter, 5.2.10
- WIDTH parameter (WMS), D.2.1.18
- within-cost analysis,
- addLinksWithinCost method, 4.3.3
- WMS data source
- default for GetMap requests, D.2.1
- WMS map themes
- adding, D.3
- JavaBean-based API, D.3.2
- XML API, D.3.1
- wms_getmap_request element, D.3.1
- WMSFilter.jar file, D.1.1
- Workspace Manager
- support in OracleAS MapViewer, 2.7
- workspace_date attribute, 2.7
- workspace_date_format attribute, 2.7
- workspace_date_nlsparam attribute, 2.7
- workspace_date_tswtz attribute, 2.7
- workspace_name attribute, 2.7
- workspace_savepoint attribute, 2.7
- X parameter (WMS), D.2.3.9
- X11 DISPLAY variable
- no need to set when using AWT headless mode, 1.3
- API for OracleAS MapViewer, 3
- format for maps, A
- format for styles, A
- format for themes, A
- xmlparserv2.jar file, D.1.1
- Y parameter (WMS), D.2.3.9
- zoom factor,, 4.3.2
- zoom levels,, 4.3.2
- zoom ratio,, 4.3.2
- setting, B.1
- zoomfactor attribute,
- zoomIn method, 4.3.6, 4.3.6, 4.3.6
- zoomlevels attribute,
- zoomOut method, 4.3.6, 4.3.6
- zoomratio attribute,