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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Framework, Host, and Third-Party Metric Reference Manual
10g Release 2 (10.2)

Part Number B16230-01
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4 IBM WebSphere Application Server

Oracle Enterprise Manager can be used to manage IBM WebSphere Application Servers. You can use the All Metrics page for an IBM WebSphere Application Server to view the metrics that have been collected for that instance by the Oracle Management Agent.

4.1 Applications Metrics

This category of metrics describes the applications running on the server.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and associated descriptions.

Table 4-1 Applications Metrics

Metric Description

Active Requests

Current active requests of the application

Average EJB Method Execution Time

Average EJB method execution time

No. of Active EJB Methods

Number of active EJB methods

Request Processing Time

When a request comes to an application server, it passes through a servlet and is then processed. This metrics depicts the time taken by the server to fulfill this request. Since the servlet is the entry or exit point of the request, this also describes the time taken by the servlet to fulfill a request

4.2 Dynamic Cache Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the dynamic cache.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and associated descriptions.

Table 4-2 Dynamic Cache Metrics

Metric Description

InMemory Cache Size

Size of the InMemory cache

Max InMemory Cache Size

Maximum memory that can be used by the cache

Total Timeout Invalidations

Total number of timeout invalidations that have occurred at the server

4.3 EJBModule Metrics

This category of metrics describes the EJB module deployed on the server.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-3 EJBModule Metrics

Metric Description

Active Methods

Number of methods of the EJBs that are currently active

Avg Method Response Time

Average response time of the method

Concurrent Lives

Concurrent lives


Number of EJBs that were destroyed by the container


Number of new instances made

No. of EJB Methods Executed During Last Interval

Current average method execution time

Ready Count

Number of EJBs in the ready state

Total Method Calls

Total method calls on the EJBs

4.4 EntityBean Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the entity beans that are deployed in the application.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and associated descriptions.

Table 4-4 Entity Bean Metrics

Metric Description


Number of times an instanced was activated

Activation Time

Time taken by the EJB container to activate the EJB instance

Active Methods

Number of methods which can be invoked for action simultaneously

Avg Drain Size

Average size of the drain

Concurrent Lives

Number of EJB beans in the live state in the container at the same time. In the live state, the client can invoke a method on these beans for business processes.


Number of new instances that were created for the EJB


Number of instances that were destroyed

Drains From Pool

Number of instance drains from the pool

EJB Method Execution Rate per second

EJB method execution rate per second

Gets Found

Number of Gets found

Gets From Pool

Number of times the instance was taken from the pool


Number of new instantiates of the EJB object

Load Time

Time taken for loading beans in the server


Number of times an instance was loaded

No. of EJB Methods Executed During Last Interval

Number of EJB methods that were executed during the last interval


Number of times this EJB instance was passivated

Passivation Time

Time taken by the container to passivate the bean

Pool Size

Size of the EJB instances pool

Ready Count

Number of instances that are in the ready state


Number of instances of this EJB that were removed from the container

Returns Discarded

Number of returns that were discarded

Returns To Pool

Number of instances that were returned to the pool after usage

Store Time

Store time for the EJB instance


Entity beans are stored in persistent storage devices such as relational databases so that they can be recreated even after the container goes down. This metric depicts the number of times the entity beans instance state is stored in the database or persistent storage, instead of being stored in the container.

4.5 JDBCProvider Metrics

This category of metrics depicts the name of the provider software that is being used to connect to a relational database using JDBC.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-5 JDBC Provider Metrics

Metric Description

Avg Use Time

Average time a provider was used

Avg Wait Time

Average waiting time for a new connection

Concurrent Waiters

Number of connections that are in the waiting state


Number of faults

Free Pool Size

Size of the free pool

JDBC Operation Timer

JDBC operation timer

Number Allocates

Number of allocations

Number Connection Handles

Number of connections that are currently being handled

Number Creates

Number of times a new instance of the provider was created

Number Destroys

Number of times the instance of this provider was destroyed

Number of Managed Connections

Number of managed connections

Number Returns

Number of returns

Percent Maxed

Percentage maxed

Percent Used

Percentage used

Pool Size

Size of the pool

PrepStmt Cache Discards

Count of prepared statement cache discard and the statement recompiled

4.6 JSP Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the JSPs running on this server.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-6 JSP Metrics

Metric Description

Active Requests

Number of requests that are currently being processed by the JSP

Concurrent Requests

Number of concurrent requests

Current Client Processing Time

Current client processing time

JSP - Average Processing Time (seconds)

Average JSP processing time

Number Errors

Number of errors that were generated while displaying the JSP

Requests Per Second During Last Interval

Number of active requests per second during the last interval

Response Time

JSP response time in seconds

Time Taken During Last Interval

Time taken during the last interval

Total Requests

Total number of requests received

4.7 JSP Raw Metrics

This category provides raw metrics details for the JSP.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-7 JSP Raw Metrics

Metric Description

Concurrent Requests

Number of concurrent requests

Number Errors

Number of errors that were generated while displaying this JSP

4.8 JVM Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the Java Virtual Machines.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-8 JVM Metrics

Metric Description

Free Memory

Amount of free memory available

Total Memory

Total memory used by the server

Up Time

Time for startup of the server after activation

Used Memory

Memory used by the server

4.9 MessageDrivenBean Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the message-driven bean.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-9 MessageDrivenBean Metrics

Metric Description

Active Methods

Number of active methods

Avg Drain Size

Average drain size

Avg Server Session Wait Time

Average server session wait time

Concurrent Lives

Number of concurrent lives


Number of instances that were destroyed

Drains From Pool

Number of drains from the pool of EJB instances

EJB Method Execution Rate per second

EJB method execution rate per second

Gets Found

Number of gets that were found

Gets From Pool

Number of gets from the pool of EJB instances


Number of new instances

Message Blackout Count

Number of messages that were blacked out

Message Count

Number of messages

No. of EJB Methods Executed During Last Interval

Current method execution time

Pool Size

Size of the pool

Returns Discarded

Number of returns that were discarded by the pool

Returns To Pool

Number of returns to the pool

Server Session Usage

Usage of the server session

4.10 ORB Metrics

This category of metrics describes the Object Request Broker (ORB).


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-10 ORB Metrics

Metric Description

Concurrent Requests

Number of concurrent requests

Reference Lookup Time

Time taken to look up a reference of the Object Request Broker

Total Requests

Total number of requests to the Object Request Broker

4.11 Response

This category of metrics provides basic information about the IBM WebSphere Application Server.

4.11.1 Status

This metric indicates whether the IBM WebSphere Application Server is up or down. If the value is 1, the server is up. If the value is 0, it is down. Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected and compared against the default thresholds. The 'Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification' column indicates the consecutive number of times the comparison against thresholds should hold TRUE before an alert is generated.

Table 4-11 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Upload Frequency Operator Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification Alert Text

All Versions

Every Minute

After Every 60 Samples


Not Defined



The J2EE Server instance is down

4.12 Serverwide Metrics

This category of metrics describes the current server statistics.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-12 Serverwide Metrics

Metric Description

Active Requests

Number of active requests

Active Sessions

Number of active sessions

Active Transactions

Number of active transactions


Number of active methods


Number of method calls during the last interval

EJB Method Execution Rate per second

EJB method execution rate per second

ejbMethodExec Time

Time taken by EJBs for method execution

Live Sessions

Number of live sessions (including those that are alive but not active)

Open JDBC Connections

Number of open JDBC connections

Request Processing Time

Time taken to process requests

Requests Processed for second

Number of requests processed per second

4.13 Servlet Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the servlets running on this IBM WebSphere Application Server.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-13 Servlet Metrics

Metric Definition

Active Requests

Number of requests that are currently being processed by the servlet

Concurrent Requests

Number of concurrent requests sent to the servlet

Current Client Processing Time

Current client processing time in seconds

Number Errors

Number of errors that were generated while responding to a request

Requests Per Second During Last Interval

Number of active requests per second during the last interval

Response Time

Response time in seconds

Servlet - Average Processing Time (seconds)

Average processing time in seconds

Time Taken During Last Interval

Time take during the last interval

Total Requests

Total number of requests received by the servlet

4.14 SessionManager Metrics

This category of metrics describes the session managers created for web applications.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-14 SessionManager Metrics

Metric Description

Activate NonExist Sessions

Number of nonexistent sessions that are activated

Active Sessions

Number of active sessions

Affinity Breaks

Number of session affinity breaks

Cache Discards

Number of times that the cache was discarded

Created Sessions

Number of session objects that were created by the server

External ReadSize

External read size

External ReadTime

External read time

External Write Size

External write size for this session

External WriteTime

External write time

Invalidated Sessions

Number of sessions that were invalidated

Invalidated Via Timeout

Number of sessions that were invalidated by timeouts

Live Sessions

Number of live sessions till date

No Room For New Session

No room for new sessions

Session Life Time

Session's life time

Time Since Last Activated

Time since this session was last activated

4.15 Stateful SessionBean Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the stateful session EJB deployed on the IBM WebSphere Application Server.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-15 Stateful SessionBean Metrics

Metric Description


Number of time the EJB instance was activated by the container

Activation Time

Time taken by the container to put the EJB instance in an active state

Active Methods

Number of methods that are currently being invoked by the EJB

Concurrent Lives

Number of concurrent lives


Number of times a new instance of this EJB was created by the container


Number of times the EJB instance was destroyed by the container

EJB Method Execution Rate per second

Rate of execution of EJB methods per second


Number of times the EJB was instantiated after it was destroyed

No. of EJB Methods Executed During Last Interval

Current average execution time of methods by the EJB


Number of times the EJB was passivated from the EJB container

Passivation Time

Time taken by the EJB container to change the state of the EJB from active to passivation

Ready Count

Number of EJBs that are in the ready state in the containers


Number of times the EJB was removed from the EJB container

4.16 StatelessSessionBean Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the stateless session bean.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-16 StatelessSessionBean Metrics

Metric Description

Active Methods

Number of methods that are currently active

Avg Drain Size

All EJB objects exist in a container. The container can discard them by either destroying or passivating them. This metric indicates the drain size, that is the number of objects removed from a container at a time, or in one drain.

Concurrent Lives

Number of concurrent lives


Number of instances that were destroyed by the container

Drains From Pool

Number of drains from the pool

EJB Method Execution Rate per second

EJB method execution rate per second

Gets Found

Number of gets that were found

Gets From Pool

Number of times instances were fetched from the pool


Number of new EJB instances

No. of EJB Methods Executed During Last Interval

Current method execution time

Pool Size

Size of the pool

Ready Count

Number of instances that are in the ready state

Returns Discarded

For a stateless or entity bean, after an object is utilized for some action or business process, it is sent back to the container so that it can be reused. However, when the object is in process, the container may recreate more objects in the pool so that when this particular object is returned to the container the container may not be able to accept it because its pool size is full. Hence these objects are discarded. This metrics depicts the number of such objects.

Returns To Pool

Number of returns to the pool

4.17 System Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the system that is hosting this IBM WebSphere Application Server.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-17 System Metrics

Metric Description

Avg CPU Utilization

Average utilization of the system's CPU

CPU Utilization

Current utilization of the system's CPU

Free Memory

Amount of free memory currently available in the system

4.18 ThreadPool Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the thread pool that contains the current running thread.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-18 ThreadPool Metrics

Metric Description

Active Threads

Number of currently active threads

Percent Maxed

Maximum percentage of threads at a time in the pool

Pool Size

Maximum number of threads a pool can contain

Thread Creates

Number of threads that were created in this pool

Thread Destroys

Number of times a thread pool was destroyed

4.19 Top EJBS

This category of metrics provides information about the EJBs that were received and responded to maximum requests.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-19 Top EJBS Metrics

Metric Description

Active Methods

Number of currently active methods

EJB Method Execution Rate per second

EJB method execution rate per second

No of EJB Methods Executed During Last Interval

Average execution time of active methods

Total Method Calls

Total method calls on the EJB

4.20 TransactionService Metrics

This category of metrics describes the transaction service. The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

Table 4-20 TransactionService Metrics

Metric Description

Active Global Transactions

Number of global transactions that are active

Global Before Completion Duration

Global before completion duration

Global Commit Duration

Time taken for committing global transaction

Global Prepare Duration

Global prepare duration

Global Transaction Duration

Time taken by global transactions

Global Transaction Timeout

Number of transactions that were timed out

Global Transactions Begun

Number of global transactions that were initiated

Global Transactions Committed

Number of global transactions that were committed

Global Transactions Involved

Global transactions involved

Global Transactions RolledBack

Number of transactions that were rolled back

Local Before Completion Duration

Local before completion duration

Local Commit Duration

Time taken for committing a local transaction

Local Transaction Duration

Local transaction duration

Local Transaction Timeout

Number of local transactions that were stuck and timed out

Local Transactions Begun

Number of local transactions that have begun

Local Transactions Committed

Number of local transactions that were committed

Local Transactions RolledBack

Time taken for rolling back local transactions

Number Optimizations

Number of optimizations

4.21 WebModule Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the web module or war file deployed on this server.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-21 WebModule Metrics

Metric Description

Number Loaded Servlets

Number of servlets that were reloaded into the server

Number Reloads

Number of reloads of the web application inside the server memory

4.22 WebServices Service Metrics

This category of metrics provides information about the webservices running on this IBM WebSphere Application Server.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

The following table lists the metrics and their associated descriptions.

Table 4-22 WebServices Service Metrics

Metric Description

Dispatch Response Time

Dispatch response time

Number Dispatched

Number of replies dispatched

Number Loaded Services

Number of loaded services

Number Received

Number of requests received by this webservice

Number Successful

Number successful

Reply Response Time

Time taken by the webservice to respond to a request

Reply Size

Size of the reply sent by this webservice

Request Response time

Request response time

Request Size

Size of the request

Response Time

Time taken to respond to a request

