The guipref1.gif image shows the windows dialog box titled Environment which contains three panes and two buttons. The three panes are labelled:
Set Options:
Screen Buffer:
The Set Options pane contains a scrollable text selection box containing a list of options to choose from. The arraysize option is selected. A text callout from the selection box contains the following: "Choose one of these options".
The Value area contains two groups of two radio buttons and a numeric input field. The radio buttons in the first group are labelled:
Default is selected. A text callout from the Default label contains the following: "Click the default radio button to use the default value". The radio buttons in the second group are labelled:
Both are greyed out and unavailable. A text callout from the On/Off labels contains the following: "Because arraysize is a numeric value, these buttons are not available".
The numeric input field contains the value 15, but is greyed out and unavailable. A text callout from the numeric input field contains the following: "Because default is chosen, the text box shows the default value. The default setting cannot be changed".
The Screen Buffer pane contains two numeric input fields labelled:
Buffer Width: with a value of 100
Buffer Length: with value of 1000
The two buttons are labelled: