Java in a Nutshell

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The java.awt.image Package

21.14 java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter (JDK 1.1)

This class implements an ImageFilter that scales an image to a specified pixel size. It uses a very simple scaling algorithm in which rows and columns of image pixels are duplicated or omitted as necessary to achieve the desired size. See AreaAveragingScaleFilter for a scaling filter that results in smoother images.

The methods of this class are ImageConsumer methods used for communication between the image filter and the FilteredImageSource that uses it. Applications do not usually call these methods directly.

The easiest way to use this filter is to call Image.getScaledInstance(), specifying an appropriate hint constant.

public class ReplicateScaleFilter extends ImageFilter {
    // Public Constructor
            public ReplicateScaleFilter(int width, int height);
    // Protected Instance Variables
            protected int destHeight;
            protected int destWidth;
            protected Object outpixbuf;
            protected int srcHeight;
            protected int srcWidth;
            protected int[] srccols;
            protected int[] srcrows;
    // Public Instance Methods
            public void setDimensions(int w, int h);  // Overrides ImageFilter
            public void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, ColorModel model,
            public void setPixels'u'byte[] pixels, int off, int scansize);  // Overrides ImageFilter
            public void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, ColorModel model,
            public void setPixels'u'int[] pixels, int off, int scansize);  // Overrides ImageFilter
            public void setProperties(Hashtable props);  // Overrides ImageFilter


Object->ImageFilter(ImageConsumer, Cloneable)->ReplicateScaleFilter

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