This class implements a pseudo-random number generator. nextDouble() and nextFloat() return a value between 0.0 and 1.0. nextLong() and nextInt() return long and int values distributed across the range of those data types. nextGaussian() returns pseudo-random values with a Gaussian distribution--the mean of the values is 0.0, and the standard deviation is 1.0. You can use the setSeed() method or the optional constructor argument to initialize the pseudo-random number generator with some variable seed value other than the current time (the default), or with a constant to ensure a repeatable sequence of pseudo-randomness.
public class Random extends Object implements Serializable { // Public Constructors public Random(); public Random(long seed); // Public Instance Methods 1.1public void nextBytes(byte[] bytes); public double nextDouble(); public float nextFloat(); public synchronized double nextGaussian(); public int nextInt(); public long nextLong(); public synchronized void setSeed(long seed); // Protected Instance Methods 1.1protected synchronized int next(int bits); }