The Evaluation of the Effect of Flumazenil in Hepatic Encephalopathy by Median Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potentials

Musa Onar, Ziya Arık, G Kesim, Hakkı Kahraman, Esin Özyılkan

 In order to evaluate the effect of flumazenil, a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, on hepatic encephalopaty, 10 patients with hepatic encephalopaty with abnormal SEPs were studied after 1,2,6 mg Flumazenil were given intravenously. Median nerve SEPs were recorded. There were no significant differences between the values of N20 wave latency, N20 -P23 wave amplitude and central conduction time (N13- N20 wave peak interval) according to the Wilcoxon paired test (P> 0.05).

