Info About the F - 16 "Fighting Falcon"...
Volume - 2...
From "Kofana"...

General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin) F - 16 Fighting Falcon Multi-Role Fighter...
Considered by many to be the best all-around fighter of the 1980s, the F-16 is one of the most popular designs in the world.
Though designed as a cheaper counterpart to the F-15, the F-16 is an extremely capable aircraft in its own right. The design
uses variable camber wings and leading edge strakes to produce high lift and avoid root stall even at very high angles of
attack. In addition, the use of a fly-by-wire control system that can deflect control surfaces much faster than a human
pilot makes the F-16 exceptionally maneuverable. The Falcon is also equipped with an array of sophisticated avionics and an
exceptionally broad weapons load. Over 3,500 aircraft have been delivered to at least 19 nations around the world ensuring
that the F-16 will serve well into the 21st century. It is envisioned that the F-16 will be replaced by the Joint
Strike Fighter. Data are given below for F-16C/D.
First Flight : (YF-16) 2 February 1974 (F-16A) 8 December 1976
Service Entry : 17 August 1978
Crew : 1 pilot
Estimated Cost : $20 million +
Airfoil Sections : Wing root : NACA 64A204, Wing tip : NACA 64A204
Length : 49.33 ft (15.03 m)
Wingspan : 31.00 ft (9.45 m)
Height : 16.33 ft (5.09 m)
Wing Area : 300.0 ft2 (27.88 m2)
Canard Area : Not applicable
Click here for the 3 - D schematics - 1...
Click here for the 3 - D schematics - 2...
Click here for the 3 - D schematics - 3...
Engine and the Other Properties...
Empty Weight : 18,726 lb (8,494 kg)
Typical Load : 23,765 lb (10,780 kg)
Max Takeoff : 37,500 lb (17,010 kg)
Fuel Capacity : Internal : 229 lb (104 kg), external : 146 lb (66 kg)
Max Payload : 17,200 lb (7,800 kg) [normal], 20,450 lb (9,275 kg) [theoretical limit]
Powerplant : One General Electric F100-100 or one Pratt & Whitney F100-220 afterburning turbofan

Thrust : 29,100 lb (129.4 kN) with afterburner
Maximum Speed : 1,350 mph (2,175 km/h) at 40,000 ft (12,190 m) Mach 2.05, 915 mph (1,460 km/h) at sea level Mach 1.2
Initial Climb Rate : 50,000 ft (15,239 m) / min
Service Ceiling : 50,000 ft (15,239 m)
Range : Typical : 540 nm (1,000 km), ferry : 2,100 nm (3,890 km)
g-Limits :+ 9.0
Gun : One 20-mm M61A1 Vulcan cannon (511 rds)
Stations : Seven to nine external hardpoints and two wingtip rails
Air-to-Air Missile : AIM-7 Sparrow/Skyflash, AIM-9 Sidewinder, AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-132 ASRAAM, Magic II, MICA, Python 3
Air-to-Surface Missile : AGM-45 Shrike, AGM-65 Maveric, AGM-84 Harpoon, AGM-88 HARM, AGM-119 Penguin, Wasp, AS.30L
Bomb : GBU-10/12/24 Paveway laser-guided, GBU-15, B43 nuclear, Mk 82/83/84 GP, Mk 20 Rockeye, BLU-107 Durandal,
CBU-52/58/71/87/89/97 cluster, BL-755, BLU-109, Mk 36 Destructor
Other : ECM pods, navigation pods, targeting pods, rocket pods, gun pods, autonomous free-flight dispenser system

Known Variants...
YF-16 : Prototype
F-16A : First production model
F-16B : Two-seat trainer
F-16(ADF) : F-16A/B models built for use by Air National Guard with upgraded radar, improved avionics, and increased
weapons load
F-16C : Upgraded one-seat fighter with improved ground attack capability provided by LANTIRN system and new ECM
F-16D : Upgraded two-seat trainer
F-15N : Based on F-16C/D, used by US darkred for adversary training; 22 one-seat and 4 two-seat models built
F-16XL or F-16E/F : Advanced test aircraft (originally called F-16E) developed as a tactical strike aircraft, the
program was cancelled after the USAF selected the F-15E, the two prototypes were transferred to NASA for drag-reduction
research; the F-16F was a proposed two-seat model
F-16/79 : Proposed reduced-cost F-16 for export; only 1 built
F-16/101 : Modified early test aircraft used to evaluate new engine
F-16/AFTI : Advanced Fighter Technology Integration test aircraft built to test new digital flight control system,
later used to test numerous advanced fighter features
FS-X or F-2 : Fighter loosely based on F-16 built by Mitsubishi for Japan

Known Combat Record...
Iraq - Osirak nuclear reactor strike (Israel, 1981), Lebanon (Israel, 1982), Gulf War (USAF, 1991), Iraq - Operation
Northern Watch (USAF, 1991-present), Iraq - Operation Southern Watch (USAF, 1991-present), Bosnia - Operation Deliberate
Force (USAF, Netherlands, 1995), Kosovo - Operation Allied Force (USAF, 1999), US Homeland Security - Operation Noble Eagle
(USAF, 2001-present), Afghanistan - Operation Enduring Freedom (USAF, Netherlands, 2001-2002).
Known Operators...
US Air Force, US darkred, NASA, Bahrain, Belgium, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Netherlands,
Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela.