Ethiopia Missions # 9 and 10...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 09...     "Kofana"...     Altitude of the our base is 5,500 ft (Way - point 0)... Set radar enemies only... But it must not valid for the Hercules that you must let it landing at the airbase located at the way - point 2... Be careful for targetting, especially for the Hercules... Set the radar's range at 20NM... First take - off... Get armed by 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 1 MGK - 82 x 3 and 2 fuel tanks... You may detect some enemy aircrafts, do not waste time for them... Go to the way - point 2, directly... Your first job is to destroy the enemy ground targets... Set throttle 100 and after - burner stage of 1... You must be hurry up... Set radar's range 10NM... And start to fire to the ground targets... By the way, if an enemy aircraft was locked at your radar kick it out... After a good shoot, set radar's range 05NM for close combat... Attack again carefully... Turn your direction rapidly... You must use chaff and flare... Do it until you have received a message "Secondary objective completed"... Now, you can say to the other enemy aircrafts "Welcome"... The enemy Hercules must be landed safely... Wait and patrol the area near the way - point 2... Kick out all residual enemy aircrafts... Again, i must warn you... Do not destroy the enemy Hercules... After it landed you will a message "Primary objective completed"... Now, you can go to the our airbase located at the way - point 0... Have an altitude of 6,700 ft at the returning lane and set throttle of 30... Take a easy landing at the angle of 70... Second take - off... Get 3 fuel tanks instead of 1 MK - 82 x 3, others the same... It might be required to set up the throttle 4 at the take - off stage... Be careful... While flying to the way - point 2, one more time, get an altitude of 7,700 ft and set auto - pilot having a throttle of 30... Do not spend fuel... At the attacking to the 2, again, set throttle 60 at the distance of 10... Try again and again... Primary objective : Fuel truck... Secondary objective : 1 radar unit, 2 ZSU - 23 AA guns and 1 SA - 4 launcher... Bonus objective : Not completed... But, probably the more tanks escaping from the base (Way - point 2)... I have got more... Structures, more 6 trucks, 2 Mig - 19 Farmers, 2 Mig - 21 Fishbeds and 3 T - 80 tanks and 3 SAM units...     Bonus objective is probably ???

7 trucks, 1 radar unit, 2 ZSU - 23s, 1 SA - 4, 2 Mig - 19s, 2 Mig - 21s, 3 SAMs and 3 T - 80s...

Mission # 10...     "Kofana"...     An easy mission after all... Get armed and fueled by 6 AIM - 120 AMRAAM and 3 fuel tanks... This mission is related to the wingmen control... Control - F1 : Wingmen attack my target... Control - F2 : Section attack my target... Control - F3 : Formation attack my target... Control - F4 : Wingman rejoin formation... Your main purpose is to save the Hercules until they reaching to the way - point 4... At that lane find and fired all enemy aircrafts up... Set radar 40NM... At the angle of 30 - 40, you find a Mig... Kick it out and try to find another one... By the way, use wingmen controls... Primary objective : 2 Mig 19 Farmers, 2 Mig 21 Fishbeds and 2 Mig 25 Foxbats... Secondary objective : None... Bonus objective : None...     Another attempt... + 1 enemy truck... + 1 SU - 27 Flanker and + 2 anti - aircraft guns... More... + 5 trucks... You have to land to rearm and refuel on a base by manually...

2 Mig - 19s, 2 Mig - 21s, 2 Mig - 25s, 1 SU - 27, 6 trucks and 2 AAs...