Sludge Disposal & Design Examples - 03...


A 0.1 MGD chemical sludge at a 1.5 percent solids concentration is to be concentrated in a gravity thickener to obtain a solids in the underflow at 2.5 percent SS concentration. The settling data of the chemical sludge are as follows ;

Solids concentration ( % ) Settling velocity ( ft / h )
0.4 7.0
0.8 1.9
1.2 0.7
1.6 0.28
2.0 0.13

Develop the solids flux curve by computing the solids flux at each solids concentrations as shown below ;

- For SS = 0.4 % ; solid flux = ( 0.4 ) ( 62.4 / 100 ) ( 7.0 ) ( 24 ) = 41.9 lb / ft 2 . day
( Note : cu ft of water = 62.4 lb of water )
- The results are plotted in figure given below ;

The design solids flux or limiting solids flux is obtained by drawing the tangent to the solids flux curve from the desired underflow SS concentration of 2.5 percent.

G L = 18 lb / ft 2 . day

The required surface area of the gravity thickener is ;

A = [ ( 0.10 ) ( 1.50 / 100 ) ( 10 6 ) ( 8.34 ) ] / ( 18 ) = 695 ft 2
( Note : 8.34 lb / MGD = 1 mg / L )


Determine the polymer required and size the centrifuge with respect to surface area for dewatering 10,000 lb / day of sludge previously thickened to 4 percent. The centrifuge will operate over 8 hours with a 95 percent solids recovery. The pilot plant data yielded the following relationship ;

R ( % ) = [ ( 48 ) ( 0.47 + P ) 0.37 ] / ( Q 0.52 )

Where ; R : solid recovery efficiency ( % ), P : polymer dosage ( lb / ton of sludge ) and Q : hydraulic loading ( GPM / ft 2 ). For 4 % solids concentration, the sludge flow is ;

Q ' = ( 10,000 ) ( 1 / 0.04 ) ( 1 / 8.34 ) = 30,000 gal / day

If the centrifuge will operate for 8 hours per day, the total sludge flow to the centrifuge is ;

Q ' = ( 30,000 ) ( 24 / 8 ) = 90,000 gal / day = 62.5 GPM

At 95 % solids recovery, the relationship between polymer requirement and hydraulic loading can be calculated by ;

95 = [ ( 48 ) ( 0.47 + P ) 0.37 ] / ( Q 0.52 )

The centrifuge size is computed by ;

A = ( 62.4 ) / ( Q ) ft 2

The polymer dosage, therefore, is computed by ;

P ' = ( P ) ( 10,000 / 2,000 ) lb / day

The results are plotted in figure given below. Then, the capital and operating costs of each combination of required area and polymer dosage should be found and the least cost situation determined.

The variables that influence the dewatering process are solids concentration, sludge and filtrate viscosity, sludge compressibility, chemical composition, and the nature of the sludge particles ( size, shape, water content, etc. ). The filter operating variables are vacuum, drum submergence and speed, sludge conditioning, and the type and porosity of the filter media. The rate of filtration of sludges has been formulated and according to Poiseuille's and Darcy's laws by Carman and Coackley ;

( dV / dt ) = [ ( P ) ( A 2 ) ] / { ( MU ) [ ( r ) ( c ) ( V ) + ( R M ) ( A ) ] }

Where ; V : volume of filtrate, t : cycle time ( approximate form time in continuous drum filters ), P : vacuum, A : filtration area, MU : filtrate viscosity, r : specific resistance and c : weight of solids / unit volume of filtrate.

c = 1 / { [ ( c I ) / ( 100 - c I ) ] - [ ( c F ) / ( 100 - c F ) ] }

Where ; c I : initial % moisture content and c F : final % moisture content.

R M , the initial resistance of the filter media, can usually be neglected as small compared to the resistance developed by the filter cake. The specific resistance r is a measure of the filterability of the sludge and is numerically equal to the pressure difference required to produce a unit rate of filtrate flow of unit viscosity through a unit weight of cake. Integration and rearrangement of the equation yields ;

( t / V ) = { [ ( MU ) ( r ) ( c ) ] / [ ( 2 ) ( P ) ( A 2 ) ] } ( V ) + [ ( MU ) ( R M ) ] / [ ( P ) ( A ) ]

From equation given above, a linear relationship will result from a plot of t / V against V. The specific resistance can be computed from the slope of this plot ;

r = [ ( 2 ) ( b ) ( P ) ( A 2 ) ] / [ ( MU ) ( c ) ]

Where ; b : slope of the t / V against V plot. Although specific resistance has limited value for the calculation of filtration rates on drum filters, it provides a valuable tool for the evaluation of vacuum filtration variables and the relative filterability of sludges. Typical values are given in table shown below.

Description Specific resistance ( s 2 / g ) x 10 7 Coefficient of compressibility
Activated ( digested ) 800 -
Primary ( raw ) 1,310 - 2,110 -
Primary ( digested ) 1,350 25
Activated sludge + 13.5 % Fe Cl 3 - 45
Vegetable processing sludge 46 7
Vegetable tanning 15 20
Lime neutralization acid mine drainage 30 11
Aluminum processing 3 0.44
Paper industry 6 -
Distillery 200 1.30
Petroleum industry 10 - 100 0.50 - 0.70

Most wastewater sludges form compressible cakes in which the filtration rate and the specific resistance is a function of the pressure difference across the cake ;

r = ( r O ) ( P S )

Where ; s : coefficient of compressibility.

The greater the value of s, the more compressible is the sludge. When s = 0, the specific resistance is independent of pressure and the sludge is incompressible.


The sludge dewatering data were collected from a " Buchner " funnel test as shown in table given below. The specific conditions of the test were ;

- A = 104.6 cm 2
- P = 15 in Hg = 526 g / cm 2
- MU = 0.00895 g / cm . sec
- c I = 0.044 g / mL ( solids ) or 95.6 % moisture
- c F = 0.200 g / mL ( solids ) or 80.0 % moisture

Determine the specific resistance.

Time ( sec ) Volume ( mL ) t / V ( sec / mL )
14.5 66 0.22
29.5 92 0.31
45.0 112 0.40
59.0 129 0.46
70.0 134 0.52
89.0 156 0.57
105.0 167 0.63
120.0 174 0.69

By plotting t / V agaist V as shown in figure given below the slope of the line is, b = 0.004 sec / mL 2 .

The solids deposited per unit volume of filtrate is calculated by ;

c = 1 / { [ ( c I ) / ( 100 - c I ) ] - [ ( c F ) / ( 100 - c F ) ] }

c = 1 / { [ ( 95.6 ) / ( 100 - 95.6 ) ] - [ ( 80.0 ) / ( 100 - 80.0 ) ] } = 0.056 g / mL

The specific resistance is ;

r = [ ( 2 ) ( b ) ( P ) ( A 2 ) ] / [ ( MU ) ( c ) ]

r = [ ( 2 ) ( 0.004 ) ( 526 ) ( 104.6 2 ) ] / [ ( 0.00895 ) ( 0.056 ) ] = 9.19 x 10 7 sec 2 / g

Vacuum Filtration Design...

Neglecting the initial resistance of the filter media ;

L F = ( 35.7 ) { [ ( c ) ( P 1 - s ) ] / [ ( MU ) ( R O ) ( t F ) ] } 1 / 2

Where ; R O = r O x 10 - 7 ( sec 2 / g ), P : vacuum ( psi ), c : solids deposited per unit volume filtrate ( g / mL ), MU : filtrate viscosity ( centipoises ), t F : form cycle time ( min ) and L F : filter loading ( lb / ft 2 . hr ). This equation should be modified for the prediction of filtration rates for various types of sludges ;

L F = ( 35.7 ) { [ ( P 1 - s ) ] / [ ( MU ) ( R O ) ] } 1 / 2 ( c m / t F n )

Filter operation has shown the exponent n to vary from 0.4 to 1.0. The effect of variation on solids content fed to the filter will likewise vary m from 0.25 to 1.0. Final cake moisture is related to the cake thickness, the drying time, the pressure drop across the cake, the liquid viscosity, and the air rate through the cake. The drying time increases to a maximum beyond which very little increase will occur. In a very porous cake, the change in cake moisture with increased drying time or increased vacuum is small, because the high air rates through the cake cause a rapid initial drying to equilibrium. Nonporous cakes require longer drying times and high vacuum to attain a maximum cake solids content. Typical plots of experimental vacuum filtration analysis are shown in figure given below.

The filter loading from equation given above is in terms pf form time. This is conventionally converted to cycle time for final specification and design ;

L C = ( L F ) ( % Submergence / 100 ) ( 0.80 )

The factor 0.80 compensates for the area of the filter drum where the cake is removed and the media washed. The total cycle time on a filter may vary from 1 to 6 minutes. Submergence of the drum may vary from 10 to 60 percent resulting in a maximum spread of form time of 0.1 to 3.5 minutes. This also yields a maximum spread of dry time of 2.5 to 4.5 minutes. In general, the filter yield from highly compressible cakes is relatively unaffected by increases in form vacuum varying from 12 to 17 in. ( 30 to 43 cm ) of Hg. The vacuum filtration characteristics of several sludges are summarized in table given below.

Sludge Concentration
( % )
( % )
Filtration rate
( lb / ft 2 . hr )
( kg / m 2 . hr )
( % by wt )
Primary sewage undigested 6 - 10 66 - 69 6.9
1.0 - 2.0 A
6.0 - 9.0 B
Primary sewage digested 6 - 10 70 - 73 7.2
2.5 - 3.5 A
7.0 - 12.0 B
High rate trickling filter
mixed primary and secondary
7 68 - 75 7.1
1.5 - 2.5 A
7.0 - 11.0 B
High rate trickling filter
mixed primary and secondary
digested mixture
7 71 - 3.5 A
9.0 B
A : Ferric chloride, B : Lime

Pressure Filtration Design...

Pressure filtration is applicable to almost all water and wastewater sludges. As shown in figure given below, the sludge is pumped between plates that are covered with a filter cloth. The liquid seeps through the cloth leaving the solids behind between the plates. The filter media may or may not be precoated. When the spaces between the plates are filled, the plates are separated and the solids removed. The pressure exerted on the cake during formation is limited to the pumping force and filter closing system design. Filters are designed at pressures ranging from 50 to 225 psi ( 340 to 1,600 kN / m 2 ). As the final filtration pressure increases, a corresponding increase in dry cake solids is obtained. Most municipal sludges can be dewatered to produce 40 to 50 percent cake solids with 225 psi ( 1,600 kN / m 2 ) systems or 30 to 40 percent solids with 100 psi ( 690 kN / m 2 ) filters. Filtrate quality will vary from 10 mg / L suspended solids with precoated to 50 - 500 mg / L with unprecoated cloth depending on the media, type of solids, and type of conditioning. Conditioning chemicals are the same as used in vacuum filtration ( lime, ferric chloride, or polymers ). Materials such as ash have also been used. Performance characteristics are shown in table given below.

Sludge type Suspended solids
( % )
Conditioning of dry solids
( % )
Cake solids
( % )
Time cycle
( hr )
Raw primary 5 - 10 Ash : 100
FeCl 3 : 5 - Lime : 10
Raw primary with less than 50 % AS 3 - 6 Ash : 150
FeCl 3 : 5 - Lime : 10
Raw primary with more than 50 % AS 1 - 4 Ash : 200
FeCl 3 : 6 - Lime : 12
Digested and, digested with less than 50 % AS 6 - 10 Ash : 100
FeCl 3 : 5 - Lime : 10
Digested and, digested with more than 50 % AS 2 - 6 Ash : 200
FeCl 3 : 7.5 - Lime : 15
AS ( Activated sludge ) Up to 5 Ash : 250
FeCl 3 : 7.5 - Lime : 15

Hydraulic presses have also been applied to further dewater filter cake from paper mill sludges for incineration. Board mill sludge has been dewatered to 40 percent solids from 30 percent solids at a pressure of 300 psi ( 2,100 kN / m 2 ) and pressing time of 5 min. A belt press has recently been developed. Chemically conditioned sludge is fed through two filter belts and is squeezed by force to drive water through these belts. Variations of this device have been succesfully used to dewater municipal and industrial sludge. Dewatering performance for a belt filter press on several sludges is shown in table given below.

Feed solids
( % )
Secondary : Primary ratio Polymer dosage
( lb / ton dry solids )
( psig )
Cake solids
( % )
Solids recovery
( % )
( lb dry solids / m . hr )
9.5 100 % primary 1.6 100 41 98 2,706
8.5 1 : 5 2.4 100 38 98 2,706
7.5 1 : 2 2.7 25 - 100 33 - 38 96 1,485
6.8 1 : 1 2.9 25 31 95 898
6.5 2 : 1 3.1 25 31 95 858
6.1 3 : 1 4.1 25 28 93 605
5.5 100 % secondary 5.5 25 25 95 546

A comparison of the performance of solid bowl centrifuges, belt presses and pressure filters was made for 400 treatment plants by Reuter and reported by Bohnke. This comparison is shown in figure given below.

Klein Co. developed a belt filter press ( see figure given below ) that employed not only the concept of cake shear with simultaneous application of pressure but also low pressure filtration and thickening by gravity drainage. An endless filter belt ( A ) runs over a drive and guide roller at each and ( B and C ) like a conveyor belt. The upper side of the filter belt is supported by several rollers ( D ). Above the filter bed a press belt ( E ) runs in the same direction and the same speed. The drive roller for this belt ( F ) is coupled with the drive roller ( B ) of the filter. The press belt can be pressed on the filter belt by means of a pressure roller system whose rollers ( G ) can be individually adjusted horizontally and vertically. The sludge to be dewatered ( H ) is fed on the upper face of the filter belt and is continuously dewatered between the filter and press belts. Note how the supporting rollers of the filter belt and the pressure rollers of the pressure belt are adjusted in such a way that the belts and the sludge between them describe an S - shaped curve. This configuration induces parallel displacement of the belts relative to each other due to the difference in radius producing shear in the cake. After dewatering in the shear zone, the sludge is removed by a scraper ( I ).


A refinery has a sludge consisting of waste lime from a neutralization process and several oily - waste streams. The composite waste has a solids concentration of 52.6 g / L and an average flow of 29,600 GPD. The design coefficients and operating conditions for the vacuum filter are shown below. Find the required vacuum filter area based on a 7 days per week operation.

Design Coefficients...

* MU = 1.0 centipoise
* 1 - s = 0.087
* m = 0.548
* n = 0.562
* R O = 3.5 sec 2 / g

Design Operating Conditions...

* P = 9.8 psig
* Cake solids = 34 %
* Cycle time = 6 min


The initial solids concentration of 52.6 g / L is approximated to 5.26 % and thus, the moisture content is 94.74 %. The solids deposited per unit volume filtrate is ;

c = 1 / { [ ( c I ) / ( 100 - c I ) ] - [ ( c F ) / ( 100 - c F ) ] }

c = 1 / { [ ( 94.74 ) / ( 100 - 94.74 ) ] - [ ( 66.00 ) / ( 100 - 66.00 ) ] } = 0.0622 g / mL

The filter loading is ;

L F = ( 35.7 ) { [ ( P 1 - s ) ] / [ ( MU ) ( R O ) ] } 1 / 2 ( c m / t F n )

L F = ( 35.7 ) { [ ( 9.8 0.087 ) ] / [ ( 1.0 ) ( 3.5 ) ] } 1 / 2 ( 0.0622 0.548 / 6 0.562 ) = 1.86 lb / ft 2 . hr

The weight of sludge solids is ;

W = ( 52,600 ) ( 0.0296 ) ( 8.34 ) = 13,000 lb / day

The required vacuum filter area is ;

A = ( W ) / ( L ) = ( 13,000 ) / ( 1.86 x 24 ) = 292 ft 2

Sand Bed Drying...

For smaller sewage plants and some industrial waste treatment plants, the most common method of sludge dewatering is drying on open or covered sand beds. Drying of the sludge occurs by percolation and evaporation. The properties of the water removed by percolation may vary from 20 to 55 percent, depending on the initial solids content of the sludge and on the characteristics of the solids. The design and use of the drying beds are affected by climatic conditions ( rainfall and evaporation ). Sludge drying beds usually consist of 4 to 9 in ( 10 to 23 cm ) of sand over 8 to 18 in ( 20 to 45 cm ) of graded gravel or stone. The sand has an effective size of 0.3 to 1.2 mm and a uniformity coefficient less than 5.0. Gravel is graded from 1 / 8 to 1 in ( 0.32 to 2.54 cm ). The beds are provided with underdrains spaced from 9 to 20 ft ( 2.6 to 6.1 m ) apart. The underdrain piping may be vitrified clay pipe with open joints having a minimum diameter of 4 in ( 10 cm ) and a minimum slope of about 1 percent. The filtrate is returned to the treatment plant. Wet sludge is usually applied to the drying beds at depths of 8 to 12 in ( 20 to 30 cm ). Removal of the dried sludge in a " liftable state " varies with both individual judgment and final disposal means, but usually involves sludge of 30 to 50 percent solids. The dewatering characteristics of some sludges are shown in table given below.

Source or
type of sludge
( % )
( % )
( m )
Period to
liftable state
( days )
Solids content
( % )
Specific resistance
( 10 9 sec 2 / g )
( 500 g / cm 2 )
of comp.
Steam peeling or carrots 1.91 74.3 39.4 25 7.0 0.46 1.02
Lime neutralization of pickling liquor 2.46 16.9 48.3 25 10.5 0.30 0.63
Vegetable tanning 6.79 43.5 19.5 20 20.0 0.15 0.79
Lime neutralization of regenerant
liquors from ion - exchange
demineralization of plating wastes
7.05 19.8 17.5 20 18.0 0.19 0.55
Alum sludge 4.82 56.8 30.5 74 25.0 13.50 0.60
Digested sewage sludge 4.28 56.8 30.5 74 25.0 13.50 0.60

In many cases, the bed turnover can be substantially increased by the use of chemicalsç Alum treatment can reduce the sludge drying time by 50 percent. The use of polymers can increase the rate of bed dewatering and also increase the depth of application. Bed yield has been reported to increase linearly with polymer dosage.

Type of digested sludge Area
ft 2 / capita ( m 2 / capita )
lb of dry solids / ft 2 . year
Primary 1.0 ( 0.09 ) 30
Primary and trickling filter 1.6 ( 0.11 ) 25
Primary and activated sludge 3.0 ( 0.28 ) 20
Chemically precipitated sludge 2.0 ( 0.19 ) 22


If the production of digested plain - sedimentation solids is 9 cu ft per 1,000 persons daily, find ( a ) the area of open sludge - drying bed, in sq ft per capita, that must be provided in the northern US and ( b ) the volume of sludge cake, in cu yd per capita, that must be removed annually.

( a ) Area of bed : Assuming 5 dryings of sludge 8 in. in depth annualy, the bed area is [ ( 9 ) ( 365 ) ] / [ ( 5 ) ( 1,000 ) ( 8 / 12 ) ] = 1.0 sq ft per capita. This is a common figure for open beds in the northern US.

( b ) Volume of sludge cake : Assuming 50 % reduction in volume of sludge during drying, the volume of dried cake becomes [ ( 0.50 ) ( 9 ) ( 365 ) ] / [ ( 27 ) ( 1,000 ) ] = 0.06 cu yd per capita annually.


Composting may be employed for dewatered organic sludge or mixtures of sludge and solid waste. Composting converts organics into humus material for soil conditioner and nutrient source. Composting is an aerobic thermophilic decomposition. The mixture must have a moisture content 50 - 60 percent and a C : N ratio that does not exceed 35. A digestion temperature of 45 - 70 O C is generated by the thermophilic digestion that kills pathogenic organisms, which may be present in the sludge resulting in sterilization. In order to resume continuous digestion a recycle of digested material is necessary. Digestion time varies from one day to three weeks depending on the the degree of treatment and type of feed material. A post digestion or maturing period follows. Odorous byproducts may be destroyed in a soil filter. The pH should be maintained near 7 and aeration employed to maintain aerobic conditions. Composting has been conducted in stacks ( mixed for aeration ) with pre - and posttreatment of the material, in rotating drums or in digestion elevators with vertical rotation shafts with several levels. In this case only one to two days retention is required with pretreatment and post digestion. Many organic sludges can be incorporated into the soil without mechanical dewatering. Surface application can be accomplished by spreading from a truck or spraying. Sludge may also be injected into the soil 8 to 10 inches below the surface by a mobile unit. Injection offers the advantage of minimizing surface runoff and odor problems. An important consideration is the heavy metal content of the sludge. At a pH greater than 6.0 heavy metals will exchange for Ca + 2 , Mg + 2 , Na + and K + . This natural ability to exchange heavy metals by the soil is called the " cation exchange capacity ( CEC ) " and is expressed in meq / 100 g dry soil. The amount of heavy metals from sludge incorporation that can be retained by the soil is up to the CEC, but will be influenced by such factors as pH, and aerobic or anaerobic conditions. The CEC of sandy soil may vary from 0 - 5 while clay soils will have a CEC between 15 - 20. The nutrient content of the sludge will support the growth of plants. The organic portion of the soil will also chelate heavy metals. Prior to incorporation, sludges should receive a minimum degree of stabilization. Chow has recommended aerobic digestion of 15 days to reduce the volatile content to less than 55 percent. The amount of heavy metals that can be applied to the land is expressed in metal equivalent ( pounds per ton of dry sludge ).

Metal equivalent of sludge = ( Zn + 2 Cu + 4 Ni ) / ( 500 )

Total metal equivalents that can be applied ( lbs / acre ) = ( 65 ) ( CEC )

Cadmium is considered separately ;

Cd = 10 lbs / acre ( lifetime application ) and 2 lbs / acre . year ( maximum )

Suggested maximum heavy metals can be applied are shown in table given below.

Metal ( lbs / acre ) Soil CEC ( meq / 100 g )
0 - 5 5 - 15 15 - 20
Zn 225 450 900
Cu 110 225 450
Ni 45 90 180
Cd 4.5 9 18
Pb 450 900 1,800


Design a land incorporation system for an excess activated sludge.


Sludge characteristics :

- Quantity = 6,560 gallons / day
- Amount = 3,500 pounds / day
- NH 3 = 235 mg / L
- Organic - N = 865 mg / L
- SS = 63,000 mg / L
- PO 4 = 30 mg / L

Metal analysis of sludge :

- Al = 700 mg / kg dry solid
- Cd = 3.0
- Ca = 105,000
- Cr = 400
- Cu = 60
- Fe = 6,000
- Pb = 30
- Ni = 150
- Zn = 120
- K = 150

Average CEC of the soil :

- CEC AVERAGE = 16.8 meq / 100 g


Sludge application :

- Metal equivalent of sludge = ( Zn + 2 Cu + 4 Ni ) / ( 500 ) = ( 120 + 2 x 60 + 4 x 150 ) / ( 500 ) = 1.68 lbs / ton sludge
- Total sludge can be applied = ( 65 ) ( CEC ) = ( 65 ) ( 1.68 ) = 1,092 lbs / acre
- Sludge application = ( 1,092 ) / ( 1.68 ) = 650 tons / acre ( lifetime )
- Maximum allowable sludge application = 650 tons / acre ( lifetime )

Bermuda grass :

- 200 lbs / acre for nitrogen loading

Subsurface incorporation :

- 100 % NH 3 availability
- 40 % Organic - N availability

Agronomic loading :

* Available N for the 1 st year application
- Total N = ( 235 ) + ( 865 ) ( 0.4 ) = 581 mg / L = 0.00486 lbs / gal
- Sludge loading = ( 200 ) / ( 0.00486 ) = 41,126 gal / acre
- Area required = [ ( 6,560 ) ( 365 ) ] / ( 41,126 ) = 58 acre

* Project life of the plot based on CEC
- Sludge concentration = 63,000 mg / L = 0.53 lbs / gal
- Sludge applied = ( 0.53 ) ( 41,126 ) = 21,684 lbs / acre = 10.8 tons / acre
- Years of application = ( 650 ) / ( 10.8 ) = 60.2 years

* Based on Cd content in the sludge
- Rate = ( 3.0 ) ( 31,324 / 2.2 ) ( 1 / 1,000 ) ( 1 / 454 ) = 0.094 lbs / acre
- Years of application = 106 years


Subsequent years of application should consider additional organic nitrogen conversion.

Each crop has a nutrient requirement ( N, P, K, etc. ). The annual quantity of sludge that can be incorporated depends on the available nitrogen content of the sludge and the nitrogen uptake of the selected crop. Excess application of sludge can result in oxidation of ammonia to nitrate, which can back into the groundwater. Since all the applied organic nitrogen is not available to the crops in the same year, there is a sequential removal of organic nitrogen. Normally, about 40 percent of the organic nitrogen applied in the first year is available for crop growth that year. Subsequently, 20, 10, 5 and 2.5 percent of the organic nitrogen is available for the 2 nd , 3 rd , and 5 th years. EPA recommends a minimum depth of earth cover to the annual water table of 10 feet with a permeability rate of 2 to 20 inches / hr. A maximum land slope of 8 percent is recommended. A minimum soil pH of 6.5 should be maintained.

Heat Treatment...

Many sludges, including sewage sludge, are difficult to dewater and require high dosages of coagulating chemicals for this purpose. Two processes have been developed that heat the sludge for short periods under pressure. This coagulates the solids, breaks down the gel structure, and reduces the hydration and hydrophilic nature of the solids. This permits rapid dewatering without the use of chemical additives. In the " Porteus " process sludge is passed through a heat exchanger into a reaction vessel, where steam is injected directly into the sludge. The retention time is 30 minutes at 350 to 390 O F ( 188 to 199 O C ) and 180 to 210 psi ( 1,240 to 1,450 kN / m 2 ). After heat treatment, the sludge passes back through the heat exchanger into a thickener - decanter. For sewage sludge, a cake from a filter ptess of about 40 percent moisture is obtained. The decant and press liquor is high in BOD and requires return to the treatment process. The low - pressure " Zimpro " system operates with pressures in the range of 150 to 300 psi ( 1,030 to 2,070 kN / m 2 ). Sludge and air are heated by an exchanger to 250 to 300 O F ( 149 to 167 O C ) before entering the reactor. Reactor temperatures are maintained at 300 to 350 O F ( 167 to 177 O C ) by the injection of steam. The primary difference between " Zimpro " and " Porteus " is the injection of air to the reactor in the " Zimpro " process. The exhaust gases are water scrubbed. The treated sludge is disposed of by vacuum filtration or on sand beds. The filtrate normally contains 2,000 to 3,000 mg / L of BOD and requires biological treatment. The " Zimpro " process is shown in figure given below. The principal advantages of heat treatment are that the sludge is sterilized, substantially deodorized, and dewaters readily on vacuum or pressure filters. Performance data is shown in table given below.

Dewatering unit / Type of sludge Feed
( % )
( % )
( sec )
( lb / ft 2 . hr )
Vacuum filter
Waste activated 12.5 36.7 135 7.2
Raw primary 6.0 43.8 67 39.5
Digested primary 10.5 38.5 100 21.7
Filter press
Waste activated 6.8 53.3 120 8.7

Dewatering unit / Type of sludge Feed
( % )
( % )
Feed rate
( lb / hr )
( % )
Solid bowl centrifuge
Waste activated - 38.8 66 91.7
Waste activated - 36.0 102 96.7
Raw primary and waste activated - 41.6 77 96.4
Raw primary and waste activated - 51.3 181 89.4

Land Disposal...

Land disposal of wet sludges can be accomplished in a number of ways ; lagooning or application of liquid sludge to land by truck or spray system or by pipeline to a remote agricultural or lagoon site. Lagooning is commonly employed for the disposal of inorganic industrial waste sludges. Sewage and organic sludges usually receive aerobic and anaerobic digestion prior to lagooning to eliminate odors and insects. Lagoons may be operated as substitutes for drying beds in which the sludge is periodically removed and the lagoon refilled. In a permanent lagoon, supernatant liquor is removed, and when filled with solids, the lagoon is abandoned and a new site selected. Sewage sludge stored in a lagoon can be dewatered from 95 percent moisture to 55 to 60 percent moisture in a two - to - three - year period. In general, lagoons should be considered where large land areas are available and the sludge will not present a nuisance to the surrounding environment. In several cases, biological sludges after aerobic or anaerobic digestion have been sprayed on local land sites from tank wagons or pumped through agricultural pipe. Multiple applications at low dosages form a thin sludge layer that is easily worked into the soil. Reported loadings range from 100 dry tons / acre ( 22.4 metric tons / 1,000 m 2 ) average conditions to 300 tons / acre ( 67.2 metric tons / 1,000 m 2 ) in areas of low rainfall. Excess activated sludge has been disposed of in oxidation ponds in which algal activity maintains aerobic conditions in the overlaying liquid while the sludge undergoes anaerobic digestion. This procedure has been succesfully employed for municipal activated sludge at Austin, Texas, and excess activated sludge from a petrochemical plant in Houston, Texas. Pipeline transportation of wet sludge for land or lagoon disposal in remote areas is gaining increasing interest, particularly for large urban communities. Sewage sludge requires digestion prior to pumping. The relative costs of pipeline disposal and other methods for a city of 100,000 people is shown in figure given below.


After dewatering the sludge cake must be disposed of. This can be accomplished by hauling the cake to a land - disposal or by incineration. The variables to be considered in incineration are the moisture and volatile content of the sludge cake and the thermal value of the sludge. The moisture content is of primary significance because it dictates whether the combustion process will be self - supporting or whether supplementary fuel will be required. The thermal value of several sludges is shown in table given below.

Description of tested sludge Combustible ( % ) Ash ( % ) Heat value ( BTU / lb )
Oil - - 17,500
Grease and scum 88.5 11.5 16,750
Raw wastewater 74.0 26.0 10,285
Fine screenings 86.4 13.6 7,820
Waste sulfite liquor solids - - 7,900
Primary wastewater sludge - - 8,990
Activated wastewater sludge - - 6,540
Semichemical pulp solids - - 5,812
Digested primary sludge 59.6 40.4 5,290
Grit 33.2 69.8 4,000

Incineration involves drying and combustion. Various types of incineration units are available to accomplish these reactions in single or combined units. In the incineration process, the sludge temperature is raised to 212 O F ( 100 O C ), at which point moisture is evaporated from the sludge. The water vapor and air temperature is increased to the ignition point. Some excess air is required for complete combustion of the sludge. Self - sustaining combustion is often possible with dewatered waste sludges once the burning of auxiliary fuel raises incinerator temperature to the ignition point. The primary end products of combustion are carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ash. Incineration can be accomplished in multiple - hearth furnaces in which the sludge passes vertically through a series of hearths. In the upper hearts, vaporization of moisture occurs and cooling of exhaust gases. In the intermediate hearths, the volatile gases and solids are burned. The total fixed carbon is burned in the lower hearths. Temperature range from 1,000 O F ( 538 O C ) at the top hearth to 600 O F ( 316 O C ) at the bottom. The exhaust gases pass through a scrubber to remove fly ash and other volatile products. In the fluidized bed, sludge particles are fed into a bed of sand fluidized by upward - moving air. A temperature of 1,400 to 1,500 O F ( 760 to 815 O C ) is maintained in the bed, resulting in rapid drying and burning of the sludge. Ash is removed from the bed by the upward - flowing combustion gases.


An activated sludge plant produces 7,000 GPD of excess activated sludge from 1 MGD of sewage. The sludge contains 1.5 % solids of which 70 % are volatile on a dry basis. In conditioning the sludge for dewatering on a vacuum filter, 6 % Fe Cl 3 on a dry basis is added. Find ( a ) the required vacuum filter area and ( b ) the auxiliary heat required to incinerate the filter cake. The specific gravity of the wet sludge may be taken as 1.002.

Area of vacuum filter :

- The daily weight of dry solids is ;

( 7,000 ) ( 8.34 ) ( 1.002 ) ( 0.015 ) = 880 lb

- Assuming that each percent of Fe Cl 3 increases the dry solids in the ratio of the molecular weight of Fe ( OH ) 3 to that of Fe Cl 3 , or 106.8 to 162.2, the added chemical increases the weight of sludge by 0.66 % for each percent of Fe Cl 3 . Hence the additional weight is ( 6 ) ( 0.66 ) ( 880 / 100 ) = 35 lb. Assuming an allowable filter loading of 2.5 lb / ft 2 . hr, the required filter area is then found to be ( 880 + 35 ) / [ ( 24 ) ( 2.5 ) ] = 15.2 ft 2 .

Auxiliary heat required to incinerate :

- The fuel value of the cake ; ( 107 ) { { [ ( 100 ) ( 70 ) ] / [ 100 - ( 6 ) ( 0.66 ) ] } - 5 } { [ 100 - ( 6 ) ( 0.66 ) ] / ( 100 ) } = 7,000 BTU / lb

If the filter cake contains 20 % solids and the efficiency of evaporation and incineration is 55 %, the heat requirements are [ ( 1,124 ) ( 100 - 20 ) ] / [ ( 20 ) ( 0.55 ) ] = 8,100 BTU / lb. Auxiliary heat must, therefore, be provided in an amount of ( 880 + 35 ) ( 8,100 - 7,000 ) = 1.0 million BTU / day.

Wet Oxidation...

Wet oxidation is a process by which the organic solids in a sludge are chemically oxidized in an aqueous phase by dissolved oxygen in a specifically desingated reactor at elevated temperature and pressure. The principal components of the process shown in figure given below are a reactor, an air compressor, a heat exchanger, and a high - pressure sludge pump. The process involves pressurizing and preheating the sludge, injection of air and preheated sludgeinto the reactor, and oxidation in the reactor followed by gas - liquid and ash - liquid separation. The primary design parameters are temperature, air supply, pressure, and feed solids concentration. The degree and rate of oxidation is significantly influenced by the reactor temperature. The pressure must be sufficient to condense the water vapor. Operation results have indicated COD reductions of 75 to 80 percent at temperatures of 525 O F ( 247 O C ) and pressures of about 1,750 psig ( 12,100 kN / m 2 ). The effluent liquor has a BOD between 5,000 and 9,000 mg / L. The residual solids can be dewatered by vacuum filtration or disposed of in lagoons or drying beds.