Exams for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators...
Exam - 6...
Environmental Engineering...
( 01 ) Differentiate between fauna and flora.
( 02 ) Differentiate between abiotic and biotic environments.
( 03 ) Humidification means ________.
( 04 ) A clutch is the _________.
( 05 ) Enlist the factors affecting the fog.
( 06 ) What is meant by "Green house effect" ?
( 07 ) Define ; (a) Aerosol (b) Smog.
( 08 ) The main sources of air pollution are _________ and _________.
( 09 ) Elutriation of sludge means _________.
( 10 ) Sources of sludge are _________, _________, _________ and _________.
( 11 ) _________ and _________ are two of the methods of sludge disposal.
( 12 ) Differentiate between ploughing and trenching.
( 13 ) General characteristics of solid waste are _________.
( 14 ) Salvaging of solid waste means _________.
( 15 ) Differentiate between pyrolysis and incineration.
( 16 ) What is meant by fermentation of solid waste.
( 17 ) Acoustic reflex means _________.
( 18 ) _________ and _________ are two distinct types of noises.
( 19 ) Differentiate between air borne noise and structure borne noise.
( 20 ) Distinguish between bel and decibel.
( 21 ) (i) Illustrate non-renewable resources with neat sketches. (ii) Give a chart showing the environmental health hazard.
( 22 ) Enumerate the important powers conferred on the Central Government of India by the Environment (Protection) Act,1986.
( 23 ) Give a list of treatment procedures to treat effluents from ; (i) a Textile industry (ii) a Distillery and
(iii) a Tannery.
( 24 ) Enlist and explain the factors influencing the stages of sludge digestion. State also the objects of sludge
( 25 ) Enlist the main gases which are polluting the air. Explain their sources and suggest measures to control them
within the permissible standards.
( 26 ) Give the air quality criteria and standards. Mention the methods of collection and testing of air quality
( 27 ) "Disposal of the solid waste can also reclaim waste land to prime land" - Discuss.
( 28 ) Explain in detail the method of composting including the precautions.
( 29 ) Describe the administrative and engineering controls of noise pollution.
( 30 ) Enlist the methods of noise pollution control and also enumerate the adaptive materials.
( 31 ) "The environmental control of vectors and pathogens is the only permanent measure to eradicate communicable
diseases". List what are these measures from Environmental Engineering.
( 32 ) Tannery effluent untreated is used for farming. -Explain how does it affect the ecological balance.
( 33 ) What is C.O.D ?
( 34 ) Why D.D.T is not popular in the western countries ?
( 35 ) List the effluent standards for discharge into a body of water.
( 36 ) What is the efficiency of primary clarifier ?
( 37 ) Why grit is to be removed ?
( 38 ) Mention whether the strength of an industrial waste as measured by C.O.D or B.O.D or both ?
( 39 ) Sewage is discharged into a water course. How would you follow it up by water pollution legislative ?
( 40 ) What is air classification ?
( 41 ) How air pollution affects the climate ?
( 42 ) Compare SPM and aerosole.
( 43 ) Where, in what industry, electrostatic precipitators are installed ?
( 44 ) What is the composition of solid waste ?
( 45 ) Why sanitary land filling is superior ?
( 46 ) List the recoveries from solid waste.
( 47 ) What is electro magnetic separator ?
( 48 ) What is the limitation for composting ?
( 49 ) An industry has spilled a radio active waste on the road. How would you dispose it of ?
( 50 ) List the engineering measures to prevent - noise pollution.
( 51 ) Discuss the role of environmental engineering in the environmental control of vectors causing malaria, cholera, filaria and plague.
( 52 ) How nitrate is a pollutant ? How would you determine nitrate concentration in a given sewage and industrial
waste ?
( 53 ) Explain in a trickling filter handling domestic waste, how bacterial reduction, BOD reduction, air supply and nitrification takes place. Draw a layout.
( 54 ) What is the objective of sludge treatment by digestion ?
( 55 ) Explain a sludge digestion process using heating and mixing, and list the factors affecting the speed of digestion.
( 56 ) Compare the constituents of clean air with that of the air classified as hazardous.
( 57 ) What is meant by "Primary Air Quality" and "Secondary Air Quality" standards. List the limits.
( 58 ) In an industrial area, how would you monitor air quality ?
( 59 ) Describe the nature of garbage, rubbish and ashes.
( 60 ) Draw a process flow chart for separation of heavy metals and processing the solid waste for (i) Mechanical
composting (ii) Methane gas generation for power by a digestion process (iii) Fuel pellet making.
( 61 ) Explain aerobic and anaerobic composting.
( 62 ) Describe the microbiology of composting process.
( 63 ) Who are the users of radioactive materials ?
( 64 ) List the conditions for safe disposal of radio active wastes by deep burial.
( 65 ) List the sources of noise pollution and it's effect on human health.
( 66 ) How noise pollution is measured ? State the limit and the control measures and adaptive materials.
( 67 ) Name the types of pollutants.
( 68 ) Distinguish between paint source of pollution and non-point source of pollution.
( 69 ) Enlist the types of analysis carried out on pollutants.
( 70 ) Define environmental damage.
( 71 ) The characteristics of waste water include _________.
( 72 ) Distinguish between industrial and municipal wastes.
( 73 ) Preliminary treatment of waste water removes _________.
( 74 ) Enlist the methods of sludge disposal.
( 75 ) Enlist the sources of air pollution.
( 76 ) State the classification of air pollution.
( 77 ) What is an aerosol ?
( 78 ) Name two units of measure to report air pollution data.
( 79 ) Why should waste is to be treated ?
( 80 ) Name the methods of solid waste disposal.
( 81 ) What is negative lapse rate ?
( 82 ) Briefly explain recycling of wastes.
( 83 ) Enlist the toxic wastes.
( 84 ) State some effective disposal methods of radioactive wastes.
( 85 ) Enumerate the sources of noise pollution.
( 86 ) Suggest methods of noise control.
( 87 ) "Industrialisation is an index of prosperity of a nation - Industrialisation is the cause of environmental degradation" - Discuss and reconciliate between -the two contrasting statements.
( 88 ) "Mere legislation of laws will not contain environmental pollution" - Discuss.
( 89 ) With a neat sketch draw a typical waste treatment plant and explain the functions of each of the components.
( 90 ) Explain in detail the secondary treatments of a municipal and industrial waste water, bringing out their
differences and requirements in the treatment process.
( 91 ) Explain in detail the types of air control measures and enlist the equipments used to contain gaseous emissions.
( 92 ) Give the detailed air quality criteria and standards and explain methods to evaluate and monitor the same.
( 93 ) "Nothing is a waste" - Discuss with reference to solid waste management.
( 94 ) Explain in detail the thermal disposal of solid wastes and composting of solid wastes. Compare the merits and
demerits of both.
( 95 ) Differentiate between : Musical sound and noise.
( 96 ) Differentiate between : Loudness and annoyance.
( 96 ) Differentiate between : Indoor noise and outdoor noise.
( 97 ) Differentiate between : Air borne noise and noise pollution.
( 98 ) Differentiate between : Bel and decibel.
( 99 ) Differentiate between : Air pollution and noise pollution.
( 100 ) "An atomic energy plant has the problem of continuous disposal of radioactive wastes. The plant is on the
outskirts of a fast developing metropolis. Ground water is the only source of water supply to the metropolis which
is spread near the atomic energy plant" - Explain the possibilities of the ground water sources getting radioactively polluted and its after effect on consumers. Suggest methods to prevent such a situation and provide different methods
to safe of safe and effective methods of disposal of the radioactive wastes.
( 101 ) Define B.O.D5.
( 102 ) How heat causes pollution ?
( 103 ) What is EPA ?
( 104 ) Which of the following causes more concern today in water pollution ? and why ? (a) Biological pollution
(b) Chemical pollution.
( 105 ) What is water pollution control legislation ?
( 106 ) What are the unit processes involved in primary treatment of wastewater ?
( 107 ) What is the function of screen chamber ?
( 108 ) What is the limit for B.O.D5 and suspended solids in the effluent ?
( 109 ) Give the pollutant standard index to warn the people to keep indoor.
( 110 ) What is inversion condition ?
( 111 ) What are the factors essential for the production of photochemical smog ?
( 112 ) Compare sanitary landfill to open dumping in respect of solid waste.
( 113 ) Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic composting.
( 114 ) How are you sure that the microbial action is still going on in a sanitary land filling ?
( 115 ) Name two diseases (vector borne) which are controlled by proper sanitary disposal of solid wastes.
( 116 ) List the radiation effects on adults.
( 117 ) "It is not possible to dispose off radioactive wastes safely". Explain why ?
( 118 ) What is noise pollution ?
( 119 ) How noise pollution can be abated by building construction ?
( 120 ) Give the significance of B.O.D5 and C.O.D tests. Why C.O.D test is prefered ?
( 121 ) How environmental engineering is helpful to control ; (a) Malaria (b)Filaria (c)Plague (d)Cholera.
( 122 ) Compare a secondary treatment for tannery and brewery wastes with flow diagram.
( 123 ) What is the B.O.D5 content in domestic wastewater and brewery wastewater ?
( 124 ) Draw a layout of activated sludge process for domestic sewage and brewery waste treatment, to reduce the
B.O.D5 content to 20 mg / L.
( 125 ) What is air pollution ? How does it affect man and vegetation ? Give the primary and secondary ambient air
quality standards.
( 126 ) Discuss the prevention and control measures for air pollution.
( 127 ) What is solid waste ? List the various elements in the solid waste, and their nature ?
( 128 ) What are the factors needed for speedy aerobic composting ? Describe a mechanical composting.
( 129 ) Discuss the sanitary precautions taken care of in a sanitary land filling ?
( 130 ) How methane gas is produced by microbes from sanitary land filling ?
( 131 ) Discuss the effects of radiation on man.
( 132 ) List the sources of radiation and the limits in effluents passed as to rivers.
( 133 ) What are the devil effects of noise pollution ?
( 134 ) Describe engineering and administrative measures and adaptive materials to control noise pollution.
( 135 ) Study of environmental engineering is important because _________.
( 136 ) Name the pollutants that damage the environment.
( 137 ) What is a non-point source of pollution ?
( 138 ) Name the chemical analysis of pollutants.
( 139 ) Classify the wastewater.
( 140 ) State the units employed in the preliminary treatment.
( 141 ) How are sludge disposed ?
( 142 ) What is the difference of treatment of industrial wastes ?
( 143 ) Classify air pollution.
( 144 ) Enlist the air quality criteria.
( 145 ) What are particulates ?
( 146 ) What are cyclones ?
( 147 ) State the characteristics of solid waste.
( 148 ) ____________ and _____________ are the thermal processes of solid waste disposal.
( 149 ) What are the factors that control the sanitary land fill ?
( 150 ) What is recycling of solid wastes ?
( 151 ) State the sources of noise pollution.
( 152 ) What are the noise control criteria.
( 153 ) State the engineering controls of treatment.
( 154 ) Enlist the adaptive materials.
( 155 ) What are the laws entacted to protect environment ? Enlist and explain some of the important ones.
( 156 ) "Environmental pollution degrade the air, land and water resources" - Explain.
( 157 ) Comment on the following factors that influence the capacity of digestion tank : (i) Temperature, (ii) Mixing
and seeding and (iii) Seasonal storage.
( 158 ) Design a sludge digestion tank with the following data : (i) Average flow of sewage = 20 m 3 / day,
(ii) Total suspended solids in raw sewage = 350 mg/l, (iii) Volatile suspended solids = 250 mg/l (iv) Water content of
raw sludge = 96 %, (v) Water content of digested sludge = 90 %, (vi) Volatile solids reduction = 50 %. Assume any other
data required.
( 159 ) "Solid waste disposal can be gainfully performed by recycling" - Discuss.
( 160 ) Explain the microbiology of solid waste composting.
( 161 ) Describe the methods used to control particulate emission.
( 162 ) What is the nature of air pollution ? State the sources of air pollution and suggest methods to control air pollution.
( 163 ) Name the sources of radiation pollution and state their impact on the environment. Explain the methods to
safeguard against the same.
( 164 ) "Growth of any city is felt by the growth of Noise pollution" - Discuss.