Curriculum Vitae (Informal Version)...

Prof.Dr.Hikmet TOPRAK was born in Akhisar on March , 1961. He has completed the high school education at Izmir Atatürk Highschool. He graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Environmental Engineering in 1982 having highest degree. His thesis of B.Sc. was on Comparison of Construction and Energy Costs of Biological Treatment Alternatives Applied for Domestic Wastewaters. He has joined the international course on Air-Sea Transfer Processes, ATMS 462 sponsored by NATO at Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington the State, USA in 1983. He was appointed to Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Environmental Engineering as Research Assistant on September 8, 1983. He completed his thesis of Ms.S on Use of Interactive Computer Systems on Design of Activated Sludge Process at DEU , Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences in 1985. He completed his military job as Engineer Officer, Second Lieutenant in 1985. He got scholarship on German given by the State of Baden Württemberg Ministery of Science and Art at Goethe Institute in Mannheim in 1988. He joined the course on Methodology of Integrated Planning, Mediterranean Action Plan, United Nations Environment Program in 1989. He completed his thesis of Ph.D on Dynamic Modeling of Anaerobic Waste Stabilization Ponds at DEU , Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences in 1990. He joined the technical excursion Environment'91 to Germany planned by DEU in 1991. He was the founder member of Izmir Association of Environmental Engineers (formerly) and the president of first period. He joined the Advanced Research Workshop on Atmospheric Methane : Sources, Sinks and Role in Global Change organized by NATO in Oregon, USA in 1991. He was appointed to Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering as Assistant Professor on January 2, 1992. He got scholarship on Cultural Program of European Community given by the Government of Portugal in 1993, and studied on land-scale anaerobic waste stabilization ponds at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias e Technologia, GDEH. He joined the Advanced Research Workshop on Diachronic Climatic Impacts on Water Resources with Emphasis on Mediterranean Region organized by NATO in Crete, Greece in 1993. He joined the Advanced Research Workshop on Cleaner Technologies and Cleaner Products for Sustainable Development organized by NATO in Hungary in 1994. He was appointed to Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering as Associate Professor on Environmental Technology, Water Pollution and Control on October 26, 1994. He joined the international conference on Urban Habitat in Delft, Holland in 1995. He is interested in Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution - Wastewater Collection and Treatment - Stormwater Drainage - Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters - Computer Aided Design of Treatment Systems - Mathematical Modeling and Simulation - Environmental Impact Assessment. He has taken responsibility on too many as-built projects as Design Engineer, Project Secretary and Project Coordinator at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering. He has knowledge on computer languages of PL/1, WATFIV, FORTRAN/4, and BASIC. He has been working as lecturer at the same department since 1983. He knows English and German. He is member of Chamber of Environmental Engineers, Turkish National Committee on Water Pollution and Control, Turkish National Committee on Solid Wastes, Turkish National Committee on Air Pollution and Control ,New York Acedemy of Sciences ,International Association on Water Quality and National Geographic Society. He assisted the courses of Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Domestic Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment, Unit Operations-I between 1983 and 1992. He lectured the course of Technical Drawing Applications on Environmental Engineering between 1986 and 1990. He also lectured the courses of Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Unit Operations-I,Soil Mechanics and Science of Environment at DEU, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City Planning. He has been lecturing the courses of Domestic Wastewater Treatment , Soil Mechanics, Optimization of Solid Waste Collection, Transportation and Disposal Systems,Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Structural Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Dispersion, Water Supply and Sewer Systems . He has also been lecturing the courses of Operation of Activated Sludge Process and Seminar in English and supervising thesis of Ms.S at DEU, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.