Mechanical and Electrical Design of Pumping Stations - 29...

Chapter - 29 : Appendix E - Head Loss Methods and Formulas...

E-l. General...

This appendix shows the different methods and formulas used to determine the head losses occurring in a pumping station. For stations with complex discharge configurations and which are over 2,000-cfs total capacity, consideration should be given to performing a model test to confirm the losses. This is particularly important when the low head determines the size of the pump driver and the losses are greater than 15 percent of the total head. All losses should be determined for the maximum flow rate expected to occur for that pumping condition.

E-2. Internal Pipe Losses...

( a ) Friction losses.

The Darcy-Weisbach formula can be used to determine friction losses in circular pipes. This formula is preferable to other formulas since it takes into consideration all the variable conditions. For water temperatures above 60 O F. and using the friction factors found in typical Corps of Engineers discharge pipe systems, the following formula (in the form of Hazen and Williams) applies :

( b ) Bend losses.

Bends are usually constructed either by fabrication of mitered cut straight pieces welded together or of cast or forged construction. Friction factor “K” can usually be obtained from various charts and tables. The inside diameter of the pipe in used to locate the correct friction factor “K.” The loss for the bend is found by multiplying the “K” value by the velocity head occurring in that section of pipe.

( c ) Entrance, exit, and other losses.

Other losses occur when a section of piping changes in diameter. These changes in size can be from something less than one pipe diameter to an infinitely greater diameter, such as a discharge into a pool or lake where the velocity downstream of the pipe is zero. Various charts and tables are available for determining the appropriate friction factor “K” for the various fittings, increasers, and reducers. Chart E-l shows the various water surfaces for open discharges from vertical tubes such as used with submersible pump installations. When using this chart, the velocity head would not be added into the system losses since this loss is expended in obtaining the height of water above the vertical pipe exit. It is also seen from the chart that the elevation of the water is also dependent on the discharge bay dimensions.

E-3. External Losses...

( a ) General.

The capacity used to determine the external head losses is usually calculated on the basis of total station capacity. An exception to this would be the loss through a single gate opening on an individual pump sump.

( b ) Discharge chamber losses.

The head loss in a discharge chamber usually is caused by a constriction in area at its exit. This restriction is usually the stop log slots used for dewatering the chamber for repair of a flap gate during high discharge stages. A critical depth condition (Figure E-l) can occur at this location if the water level downstream of this point is at a lower elevation. The discharge chamber critical depth is determined using the formula shown on Chart E-2. This formula applies * when a free discharge exists beyond the stop log slot at the exit of the discharge chamber. In order to obtain flow in the discharge chamber, a head of water is required at the opposite end of the chamber. This head of water is added to the water elevation caused by either the critical depth condition at the stop log slots, or the downstream water elevation, whichever is greater. The head of water is equal to the velocity head occurring with the depth of water at the stop log slots. An example of calculation of the critical depth and the resulting discharge chamber depth is shown below. It can be seen that the real head on a pump may be greater because of the artificial head created by the losses in the discharge chamber. It is required to determine which is greatest, the water level in the discharge chamber created by the restriction or the center-line elevation of the flap gates. The center-line elevation of the flap gate is used to determine the low static head whenever it is higher than the water level, in the discharge chamber, occurring for that pumped flow rate. The slope of the water surface in the chamber will be greatest at the opposite end from the constriction, and usually not at the exact location of all the discharge flap gates. For purposes of head determination, it is assumed that the greatest water level occurring in the discharge chamber will be effective for all the pump discharges.

( c ) Trashrack losses.

Head loss through the trashracks should be less then 6 inches for a properly designed rack that is raked regularly. A head loss value of 6 inches will be used when determining the trashrack portion of the total external losses. It is possible to exceed this value when the rack becomes partially clogged with debris; therefore the structure design of the rack should be in accordance with EM 1110-2-3104. In unusual cases where the design of the rack is such that for a clean rack the losses would be greater than 6 inches, the calculated loss plus a 6-inch margin should be used for the head loss.

( d ) Gate opening losses.

The head loss through gate openings is assumed to be equal to the velocity head that occurs for the gate opening. If multiple gate openings occur in the water path to the pumps, then a loss would occur at each gate opening and be additive.

Chart E-1. Open tube losses.

Figure E-1. Discharge chamber critical depth.

Chart E-2. Chart E-2. Critical depth condition (Sheet 1 of 3).

Chart E-2. Chart E-2. Critical depth condition (Sheet 2 of 3).

Chart E-2. Chart E-2. Critical depth condition (Sheet 3 of 3).