Mediterranean Olympic Games - 2005...

Click on the logo for the "Official WEB Site"...

Click on the logo for the info about "Spain"...

Best site of the animated flags...

Medalist Rank...

Rank Country Flag Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 Italy 57 40 56 153
2 France 56 51 46 153
3 Spain 45 59 48 152
4 Turkey 20 24 29 73
5 Egypt 15 10 18 43

Medals of Turkey...

Gold Silver Bronze Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women
13 7 19 5 20 9 73

Medals of the Games...

Game Gold Silver Bronze
Archery - 1 1
Athletics 1 - 4
Basketball 1 - -
Boxing 2 3 4
Football - 1 -
Golf - 1 1
Judo 2 2 4
Karate 1 1 5
Rowing - 2 1
Shooting - 1 1
Volleyball 1 - -
Weightlifting 7 7 3
Wrestling 5 5 5
Total 20 24 29

Mediterranean Olympic Games - 2005
Last updated on August 15th, 2005
File Number Size
HTML 1 16.38 Kb
Images 28 208.90 Kb
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Total File : 29
Total Size : 225.28 Kb