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Toprak Home Page, serving data more than 2.00 Gb, is a
free web-site... Main purpose of the site is to serve detailed and completed information about the wastewater
collection, treatment, sludge processing, and moreover... It is kindly requested that you register your info by
clicking on the "Communication Lane"... Your registration data
will be strickly kept confidential and only used to inform you whenever an improvement was carried out at the site...
Namely, if you look for something new related to "Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Disposal" served in the site,
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Kindly Requested... |
Site was completely redesingned and improved... This is an organization which includes detailed
info related to "Atatürk", "Türkiye", "Izmir" and mainly "Wastewater Engineering"... In the site,
there may be some HTML tag errors, broken images or other mistakes in spite of fact that the site
was carefully designed and organized, and moreover checked-up by three "Site Doctor"s listed below...
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In addition, you may find out "404 Error Found" or similar bothersome messages... In both cases,
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Troubles will be immediately eliminated... This is extremely important for the other user's convenience... Site needs
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Sponsor Wanted... |
Toprak Home Page is looking for a sponsor... Please inform me by clicking on the "Communication Lane"... Thanks...