"Pump Hydraulics"...
Static suction head (hsuct) is the difference in elevation between the suction liquid level and the
centerline of the pump impeller, Static discharge head (hd) is the difference in elevation between the
discarge liquid level and the centerline of the pump impeller, Static head (Hstat) is the difference in
elevation between the static discarge and static suction liquid levels, Manometric suction head is the suction gage
reading measured at the suction nozzle of the pump referenced to the centerline of the pump impeller (h3 minus
suction velocity head), Manometric dischrage head is the dischrage gage reading measured at the discharge nozzle of
the pump referenced to the centerline of the pump impeller (h4 minus discharge velocity head plus
hd) and Friction and local losses are caused by the flow of fluid through the pipe system and by
fittings and valves [also inlet (Hentr) and outlet], respectively (h1 and h2).
"Moody Diagram"...
Pump Characteristic Curves...
Pump manufacturers provide information on the performance of their pumps in the form of characteristic curves, commonly
called pump curves. In most pump curves, the total dynamic head H in meters, the efficiency E in
percent, and the power input P in kilowatts are plotted as ordinates against the capacity (flow rate) Q in
cubic meters per second as the abscissa.
"Pump Characteristic Curves - 1"...
"Pump Characteristic Curves - 2"...
Wastewater Pumps...
Centrifugal pumps of nonclog design are commonly used. The selected pumps must have sufficient clearance to pass the
solids without clogging. In some cases, submergible pumps having blades have been widely used especially at small plants.
"Sanitary and Storm Sewer Transfer Pump Station Detail"...