Prof. Dr. Adil Baykasoglu received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Mechanical and Industrial Engineering areas in Turkey (Gaziantep) and England (Nottingham). He is presently a full Professor at the Industrial Engineering Department at the Dokuz Eylul University. He has published numerous academic papers, 3 books and edited several conference books on operational research, computational intelligence, engineering management, and manufacturing systems design. He is also an active editor and referee for many scientific journals.
- The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Encouragement Award in Engineering, 2010.
- Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA), Outstanding Young Scientist Award and Grant by the Turkish Academy of Sciences, 2007-2010.
- METU M. Parlar Foundation Research Encouragement Award, 2008.
- Investigation and Optimization of Energy Absorption Performance of Thin-Walled Structures with Functionally Graded Thickness under Axial and Oblique Impact Loadings (BAP, Hitit University, MUH19001.17.001, 17.08.2017-17.02.2019)
- Improving service times in fully automated parking systems (Tam otomatik otopark sistemlerinde hizmet surelerinin iyilestirilmesi) (DEU BAP-2016229: 2017.KB.FEN.027, 28.07.2017-28.10.2018)
- Dinamik meta-sezgisel optimizasyon (dynamic meta-heuristic optimization), TUBITAK project no:214M240, (15.04.2015-12.05.2017).
- Development of a type-2 fuzzy logic based multiple attribute decision making approach with applications (Ikinci dereceden bulanik mantik temelli yeni bir cok kriterli karar verme yaklasimi gelistirilmesi ve uygulamalari) (DEU BAP-201664:2016.KB.FEN.025, 19/12/2016-19/12/2017)
- Tüm parametre ve karar degiskenleri bulanik olan dogrusal programlama problemlerinin cözümü icin sinirlandirilmis bulanik aritmetik temelli bir yaklasim (Constrained fuzzy arithmetic based approach for solving linear programming problems with fully fuzzified parameters and decision variables), DEU BAP, Project No: 2014175. (29 January 2015-29 January 2016).
- EKOL Lojistik A.S. icin stratejik filo yonetimine yonelik bir karar destek sistemi gelistirilmesi, Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanligi, SANTEZ (0617.STZ.2014)(01 Kasim 2014 - 31 Ekim 2016).
- Isil islem firinlarinin dinamik yüklenmesiyle Norm Civata A.S.'de verimlilik iyileştirme, Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanligi, SANTEZ (0293.STZ.2013-2) (01 Mart 2014 - 31 Agustos 2015).
- Delphi Automotive Systems Ltd. Sti.'de otomobil kablo aglarinin etkin uretimi icin bilgisayar destekli "ergonomik risk faktorlerini dikkate alan montaj istasyonu" tasarimi sistematigi gelistirilmesi, Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanligi, SANTEZ, Proje No: 1512.STZ.2012-2, (01 Subat 2013 - 01 Mayis 2014).
- Multi-agent approach for the dynamic scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems (Esnek Üretim Sistemlerinin Dinamik Çizelgelenmesi için Çoklu Etmen Yaklasimi), TUBITAK, Project No:MAG-1001, 111M279. (September 2011-September 2014)
- Bee system and cost based data mining by meta-learning methods (Ari sistemi ve meta-ogrenme yaklasimlari ile maliyete duyarli veri madenciligi), TUBITAK, Project No:MAG-1001, 111M528. (15 April 2012-15 September 2014)
- Multi objective meta-heuristic optimization to balance generalized assembly lines (Cok amacli evrimsel meta-sezgisel optimizasyon yaklasimi ile genellestirilmis montaj hatti dengeleme), DEU BAP, Project No: 201267. (25 May 2012-25 May 2014).
- Modeling and analysis of dynamic vehicle deployment problem via agent based simulation, DEU BAP, Project No: 2011238. (27 April 2012-27 April 2013).
- Development of a ABC based costing system for SME’s and an application to a logistics company, Gaziantep University Research Fund: 01.06.2007, MF-07-04, 2008.
- Multi-Objective Design and Production Optimization of High Strength Concrete Using Soft Computing Techniques, TUBITAK project no:105M025, 2007.
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Engineering and Medical Processes, Gaziantep University Research Fund, 21-11-2003, MF-03-06.
- Investigation of natural gas usage potential of Gaziantep, (Gaziantep University, 18-7-2000, ARGE-025/EM/01) (18-7-2000, 23-11-2000).
- 3 projects in logistics and machinery sectors were completed.
- Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering: Head of the Department (24 June 2011-24 June 2023)
- Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering: Head of the Operational Research Section (05 April 2012-Present)
- University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering: Head of the Operational Research Section (24 December 1999-01 February 2011)
- University of Gaziantep, Board Member of the Faculty of Architecture Management (10 February 2009- 01 February 2011)
- University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering: Head of the Department (31 March 2003-01 April 2009)
- University of Gaziantep, Board Member of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences (30 October 2002-15 August 2008)
- University of Gaziantep, Board Member of the Engineering Faculty Management (31 March 2006- 30 October 2007)
- University of Gaziantep, Board Member of Scientific Research Projects Management Unit (18 March 2003-20 March 2007)
- University of Gaziantep, Industrial Engineering Socrates-Erasmus Coordinator (15 June 2002-26 July 2005)
- University of Gaziantep, Department of Informatics: Head of the Department (11 October 2002-02 May 2003)
- University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering: Vice Chairmen of the Department (12 June 2000-22 March 2003)
- Turkish Chamber of Mechanical Engineers: University representative (1 June 2000-2004)
- University of Gaziantep, Member of the Library Commission (24 December 1999-15 October 2003)
- "2nd International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing", 26-28 June 2002, Gaziantep-Turkey University of Gaziantep, Dept. Of Industrial Engineering, Organizing Committee Chairmen.
- The 4th International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, ICRM 2007, University of Nottingham, September 17-19, Nottingham, UK, 2007. Organizing Committee Member.
- "24th Turkish Operational Research and Industrial Engineering Congress", 16-18 June 2004, Adana-Gaziantep, Turkey, Organizing Committee Chairmen.
- "Brand Management Congress", Gaziantep, Turkey, 14-15 April 2005, Organizing and Steering Committee Member.
- "Brand, Quality and Technology Management Congress", Gaziantep, Turkey, 18-19 May 2007, Organizing and Steering Committee Member.
- IMS'2004: 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, September, 6-8, 2004, Sakarya, Turkey. International Committee Member.
- "18th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future", CARS & FOF 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Porto, Portugal, International Programme Committee Member.
- "3rd International Conference on Mathematical & Computational Applications", ICMCA'2002, 4-6 September 2002, Konya, Turkey, International Committee Member.
- "III. Ulusal Uretim Arastırmalari Sempozyumu", UAS'03, 19-20 Nisan 2003, Istanbul, Turkiye, Program Committee Member.
- "First International Conference on Performance Measures, Benchmarking and Best Practices in New Economy - Business Excellence 2003", University of Minho, to be held in Guimaraes, Portugal, in June 2003, International Committee Member.
- "The Second International Conference on Manufacturing Research" 7-9 September 2004, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, England, International Committee Member.
- "ICAM-2005: International Conference on Agility", Helsinki, Finland, July 27-28, 2005, International Committee Member.
- "3rd International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing", 12-14 September 2005, Guangzhou-China, Guangdong University of Technology, International Committee Member.
- "International Conference on Operations Research Applications in Infrastructure Development in Conjunction with 38th Annual Convention of Operational Research Society of India", 27-29 December 2005, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, International Committee Member.
- "ICAM-2006: International Conference on Agility", Virginia, USA, July 19-20, 2006, International Committee Member.
- IMS'2006: 5th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, May, 29-31, 2006, Sakarya, Turkey. International Committee Member.
- "YA/EM'06: Yoneylem Arastirmasi / Endustri Mühendisligi XXVI. Ulusal Kongresi", 3-5 Temmuz 2006, Kocaeli, Danisma Kurulu Uyesi.
- "Second European Conference on Management of Technology: EuroMOT 2006" 10-12 September 2006, Aston Business School, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Review Board Member.
- "12. Ulusal Ergonomi Kongresi", 16-18 Kasım 2006, Gazi Universitesi, Golbasi Egitim Tesisleri, Ankara, Program Committee Member.
- "7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications", October 22-24, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, International Program Committee Member.
- "YA/EM'07: Yoneylem Arastirmasi / Endustri Mühendisligi XXVII. Ulusal Kongresi", 2-4 Temmuz 2007, Izmir, Program Committee Member.
- "VI. Endustri-Isletme Muhendisliği Kurultayi", MMO, 9-10 Kasım 2007 Bursa, Danismanlar Kurulu Uyesi.
- "USIS'2007- 1. Universite-Sanayi Isbirligi Sempozyumu", 5-7 Haziran 2007 Sakarya, Danisma Kurulu Uyesi.
- "UAS'07- 7. Ulusal Uretim Arastirmalari Sempozyumu", 15-17 Kasım 2007 Ankara, Bilim Kurulu Uyesi.
- "5th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICINCO", 11-15 May 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, Program Committee Member.
- "8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications", November 26-28, 2008, Kaonsiung, Taiwan, International Committee Member.
- "1. Kent Lojistiği Sempozyumu", 5-6 Haziran 2008, Sakarya, Turkey, "Danisma Kurulu Üyesi"
- "IMS'2008: 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems", October 14- 17, 2008, Sakarya, Turkey, "International Committee Member"
- "YA/EM'08: Yoneylem Arastirmasi / Endustri Mühendisligi XXVIII. Ulusal Kongresi", Galatasaray Universitesi, 30 Haziran-2 Temmuz 2008, Istanbul, Program Committee Member.
- "ICAM-2008: International Conference on Agile Manufacturing", July 16-18 2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA, International Scientific Committee Member.
- "9. Ulusal Uretim Arastirmalari Sempozyumu", 15-17 Ekim 2009, Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Endustri Mühendisligi Bolumu, Eskisehir, Danisma Kurulu Uyesi.
- "International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG'2009)", April 27-29, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Track on AI Applications in Scheduling, Track Comitte Member.
- "ICINCO-2009: 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics", 2-5 July 2009, Milan, Italy, Program Committee Member.
- "ISDA 2009: 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications", November 30 - December 2, 2009, Pisa, Italy, International Science Committee Member.
- CISIM 2009: 8th International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, December 09-11, 2009, Coimbatore, India, International Science Committee Member.
- SoCPaR 2009: The International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, 4-7 December 2009, Malacca, Malaysia, International Program Committee Member.
- "YA/EM'09: Yoneylem Arastirmasi / Endustri Muhendisligi XXIX. Ulusal Kongresi", 22-24 Haziran 2009, Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, Program Committee Member.
- FUZZYSS'09: 1st International Fuzzy Systems Symposium, October, 1-2, 2009, Ankara, Turkey, Organizing Committee Chairmen.
- The 5th International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, ICRM 2010, University of Nottingham in Ningbo, January 11-13, 2010, Ningbo, China. Organizing Committee Member.
- "YA/EM'2010: Yoneylem Arastirmasi / Endustri Muhendisligi XXX. Ulusal Kongresi", 30 Haziran-2 Temmuz 2010, Sabanci Universitesi, Istanbul, Akademik Danışma Kurulu Uyesi.
- 7th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations-ITNG 2010, April 12-14, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. AI Applications track committee member.
- The 4th International Workshop on Intelligent, Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS 2010), February, 15th - 18th 2010, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow College, Krakow, Poland, Program Committee Member.
- & many others...
- TUBA-GEBIP: Turkish Academy of Sciences-Young Scientist Member (2007-2010)
- Global Young Academy (2010-Current)
- ISAM, The International Society of Agile Manufacturing (2002-Current)
- Turkish Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (1993- Current)
- Machine Design and Production Society, Turkey (1994-Current)
- Turkish Operational Research Society (2002-Current)
- Logistics Society, Turkey (2005-Current)
- Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems (Founding Editor)
- Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (SCI-indexed) (Associate Editor-Ended January 2018)
- Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University (SCI-indexed) (Associate Editor-Ended January 2018)
- European Journal of Industrial Engineering (Editorial Board Member)
- International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Editorial Board Member)
- International Journal of Applied Management Science (Editorial Board Member)
- International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies (Editorial Board Member)
- International Journal of Remanufacturing (Editorial Board Member)
- International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (Associate Editor)
- International Journal of Agile Manufacturing (Associate Editor)
- The Open Operational Research Journal (Editorial Board Member)
- The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal (Editorial Board Member)
- The Open Management Journal (Editorial Board Member)
- International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences (Editorial Board Member)
- Lojistik Dergisi (LODER) (Editorial Board Member)
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Volume: 15, Number: 5, 2004)
- Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (Volume :15, Number :1, 2004)
- International Journal of Agile Manufacturing Systems (Volume :6, Number :1 and 2, 2003)
- International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (Volume :6, Number :1 and 2, 2003)
- Industrial Engineering Journal, Turkey (Volume :14, Number :3, 2003)
- International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Volume :3, Number :1, 2008)
- International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Volume: 5, Number: 3, 2010)
- International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Volume: 9, Number: 1, 2011)
- Computers in Industry (Volume: 62, Number: 2, 2011)
- Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (Volume: 21, Number: 5, 2010)
- Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (Cilt:23, Sayı:6, 2012)
International Journals
- Advances in Fuzzy Systems
- American Concrete Institute Journals
- Applied Soft Computing
- Automation in Construction
- Building and Environment
- Computers & Operations Research
- Computers and Industrial Engineering
- Computers and Industrial Engineering
- Computers in Industry
- e-journal of New World Sciences Academy
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Engineering Optimization
- Engineering with Computers
- European Journal of Industrial Engineering
- European Journal of Operational Research
- Fundamenta Informaticae
- IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics- Part B
- IIE Transactions
- Information Sciences
- Information Technology Journal
- INFORMS Journal of Computing
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
- International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
- International Journal of Advanced Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems
- International Journal of Agile Manufacturing
- International Journal of Applied Management Science
- International Journal of Applied Management Science
- International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research
- International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
- International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- International Journal of Production Economics
- International Journal of Production Research
- International Journal of System Science
- Journal of Applied Sciences
- Journal of Computers and Concrete
- Journal of Heuristics
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
- Journal of Manufacturing Systems
- Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
- Journal of Medical Systems
- Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers
- Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A
- Knowledge-Based Systems
- Management Research News
- Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications
- Omega
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
- Production Planning & Control
- Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Scientia Iranica
- South East European Journal of Economics and Business
- The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal
- The Open Operational Research Journal
- The Service Industries Journal
- World Applied Sciences Journal
- & many others...
National Journals (Turkish)
- Cukurova Universitesi Muhendislik Mimarlik Fakultesi Dergisi
- Endustri Mühendisligi Dergisi (MMO)
- Eskisehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi
- Gazi Universitesi Mühendislik Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi
- Gazi Universitesi, Journal of Polytechnic
- Polis ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
- ZKÜ Teknoloji Dergisi
- & many others...
Undergraduate Level
- ME 477 Production Plant Design
- ME 499 Graduation Project
- IE 141 Computer Programming I (C)
- IE 161 Introduction to Industrial Engineering
- IE 228 Work Study
- IE 241 Computer Programming II (C++)
- IE 242 Data Structures and Algorithms
- IE 302 Introduction to Concurrent Engineering
- IE 304 Cellular Manufacturing and Group Technology
- IE 321 Operations Research I
- IE 322 Operations Research II
- IE 325 Production and Operations Management
- IE 338 Logistics
- IE 421 Facilities Design and Planning
- IE 427 Multiple Objective Decision Making
- IE 431 Total Quality Management
- END 4904 Fuzzy Logic and Industrial Applications
- IND 4910 Selected Topics on Mathematical Programming
- IE 478 Case Studies in Industrial Engineering
- CE 209 Computation for Civil Engineers (Fortran 95)
- TE 241 Computer Programming (Fortran 95)
- ISLT 317 Yönetim Bilgi Sistemleri (Management Information System, in business school)
- ISLT 322 Malzeme ve Lojistik Yönetimi (Materials and Logistics Management, in business school )
- ISLT 329 Üretim Sistemleri Planlaması (Production Systems Planning, in business school)
- ISLT 405 Yöneylem Araştırması (Operational Research, in business school)
- ISLT 413 Üretim Planlaması (Production Planning, in business school)
- GMMO 252 Kalite Güvence ve Standartlar (Quality Assurance and Standards, in Vocational School)
- & several others...
Graduate level
- IE 501 Optimization Techniques I
- IE 503 Methods of Industrial Engineering
- IE 507 Production Systems II
- IE 510 Advanced Topics in Facility Layout and Location
- IE 511 Computer Applications to Industrial Problems
- IE 520 System Simulation
- IE 521 Advanced Heuristics in Engineering
- IE 524 Advanced Topics in Operations Research
- IE 525 Integer and Goal Programming
- IE 526 Topics in Multiple Objective Decision Making and Optimization
- IE 531 Activity Based Costing
- IE 532 Cellular Manufacturing
- IE 534 Benchmarking
- IE 536 Advanced Object Oriented Analysis and Programming
- IE 547 Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- IE 549 Fuzzy Systems and Control
- IE 551 Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
- IE 555 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- IND 5041 Applied Metaheuristics
- IND 5018 Multiobjective and Multicriteria Programming
- ENM 5031 Modern Management Techniques in Engineering
- ENM 5042 Business Process Analyses and Modeling
- ENM 5013 Quantative Business Analysis I
- & several others...
- "Visual Basic for Applications" (The University of Nottingham) Spring Semester 1998/9, Nottingham.
- "LabVIEW, Virtual Instrumentation", 27 February-01 March 2001, E3TAM Co., Istanbul.
- "ISO 9000: 2000 The IQNET Harmonized Approach-Auditor Skills Development", 26-27 February 2001, Istanbul, RINA INDUSTRY Office.
- "Worker Health and Safety", KOSGEB Gaziantep, March 2001, KOSGEB, Gaziantep.
- "ISO 9000 Certification Internal Auditor Training" End Management Consulting, 02-04 March 1999, Gaziantep.
- "22 days-Training of Trainers Programme" EU Business Development Center in Gaziantep, 1 April-28 May 2004, Gaziantep.
- ISO 9000:2000 Lead Auditor Training (Training registration No: A-17133), 10-14 May 2006, Sistem Egitim ve Belgelendirme Ltd. Şti., Gaziantep.
- "Basic Acoustic Training", 9 December 2006, University of Gaziantep, faculty of Engineering, Turkish Chamber of Physics Engineers, Gaziantep.
- "Techniques for Improving Management" 25-28 September 2006, Türkiye Ortadogu Amme İdaresi Enstitüsü, Gaziantep.
- & many others...
- Hilmiye Betul Dikmen, "Modelling and solving multiple objective assembly line balancing problem by considering human-robot collaboration", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, January 2025.
- Ilkim Karaman, "Optimal sizing of raw materials in carton box industries", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, October 2023.
- Ceylin Unal, "Usability Evaluation of a Learning Management System with Axiomatic Design", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, October 2022.
- Elif Ercan, "Dynamic pricing in car parks", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, July 2021.
- Dilek Yesilkaya, "Combining Systems Dynamics Modelling With Dynamic Multi Criteria Decision Making", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, October 2019.
- Aysel Biyik, "Estimation of loosening rates of fasteners under certain transverse vibration conditions by using computational intelligence techniques", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, June 2017.
- M. Emre Senol, "Realizing metaheuristic algorithms in multi-agent based modeling environments", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, January 2017.
- Burcu Kubur, "Resolving marble cutting problems with mathematical programming and heuristic approaches", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, June 2016.
- Nurhan Dudakli, "Fleet size optimization under certain environment", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, January 2016.
- Ecem Percinbilgi, "Production planning implementation in a real life system", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, June 2016.
- Nur Aktas, "Modeling and solving assembly line design problems by considering human factors with an application", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, February 2015.
- Ilker Golcuk, "An analysis of criteria interaction techniques in multiple attribute decision making and a fuzzy topsis based new model proposal", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, December, 2013.
- Sultan Maral, "Investigation of fuzzy functions approach and its possible applications in industrial engineering problems", MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, March 2013.
- Filiz Senyuzluler, "A soft computing based approach to integrated process planning and scheduling with setup and machine capacity considerations", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, June 2012.
- Murat Halis, "Evaluating fuel alternatives for electricity generation in Turkey through multiple criteria decision support methodologies", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, July 2009.
- Zeynep D. Unutmaz Durmusoglu, "A simulation study to evaluate the effect of flexibility on flow time", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, January 2009.
- Vahit Kaplanoglu, "Development of a process based generic product costing system for SME's and an application to a logistic company", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, August 2007.
- Alican Yilankırkan, "Market, location and feasibility analysis of baby diaper production", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, August 2006.
- Nevra Yilankirkan, "Investigation of the non-woven fabric production process technologies and a cost-benefit analysis for the usage of medical textiles", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, August 2006.
- Sedat H Ozen, "Performance evaluation and strategy development for Business Consulting Companies using AHP and DEA", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, September 2005.
- Elif T. Erdogan, "Mark-Up Estimation Using Data Mining", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Civil Engineering, Gaziantep, August 2005.
- Ibrahim Sabuncu, "Solving Two Sided Assembly Line Balancing Problems with Zoning Constraints Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, November 2004.
- Hasan Cagsir, "GIS Based Multiple Criteria Decision Support System for Urban Planning Problems in Gaziantep", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, July 2003.
- Tolunay Sevim, "Solving Fuzzy Multiple Objective Optimization Models by Using Multiple Objective Tabu Search", MsC, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, August 2003.
- Sedef Cali, "Generating Solutions for Data-Driven Decision Making Problems based on Bayesian Models", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, September 2023.
- Tolga Cimen, "Rebalancing manufacturing lines by meta-heuristic methods", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, February 2023.
- Burcu Kubur Ozbel, "Modeling and Solving Dynamic Lot Sizing Problems under Different Production Environments", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, December 2022.
- Nurhan Dudakli, "Simultaneous and Dynamic Optimization of Operational Planning Problems in Fully Automated Parking Systems", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, November 2022.
- M. Emre Senol, "Coalition of metaheuristics through parallel computing for solving complex optimization problems", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, July 2022.
- Ilker Golcuk, "Fuzzy sets and functions with selected problems in decision engineering", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir., March 2019.
- Fatma Selen Madenoglu, "Dynamic scheduling of flexible job shops under capacity and setup constraints", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir., January 2017.
- Kemal Subulan, "Fleet planning and network optimization in supply chains under uncertain environments", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, July 2016.
- Fehmi Burcin Ozsoydan, "Modelling and solving optimization problems in uncertain/dynamic environments with manufacturing systems examples", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, April 2016.
- Esra Ekinci, "Modelling and analysis of complexity in service systems", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, February 2016
- Sebnem Demirkol Akyol, "Multi objective meta-heuristic optimization to balance generalized assembly lines", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, May 2014.
- Latife Gorkemli, "Dynamic manufacturing cell formation through market oriented programming", PhD, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, January 2014.
- Sener Akpinar, "Modeling and solving mixed-model assembly line balancing problem with setups", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir, January 2013.
- Zeynep D. Unutmaz Durmusoglu, "Heuristic optimization through negotiation", PhD, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, June 2012.
- Vahit Kaplanoglu, "Modeling and solving truck-load consolidation problems by using multi-agent technology", PhD, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, January 2011.
- Tolunay Gocken, "Employing meta-heuristics and fuzzy ranking functions for direct solution of fuzzy mathematical programs", PhD, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, February 2009.
- Mustafa Gocken, "A simulation based approach to develop new approaches for "due date assignment" and "job release" in multi-stage job shops", PhD, University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, Gaziantep, February 2009.
- Lale Ozbakir, "Modelling, analysing and solving multiple objective job shop scheduling problems using meta-heuristics", PhD, Erciyes University, Department of Management, Kayseri, March 2004.
Current MsC
- Paria Jabbari, Metaheuristic Programming Incorporating Reinforcement Learning with Applications, MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir.
- Cagatay Zorlu, Flight Leg Assignment Optimization with Metaheuristic Algorithms, MsC, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir.
Current PhD
- Elif Yoruk, "Pre-disaster location and replenishment of emergency relief items via mathematical programming approaches", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir.
- Filiz Senyuzluler Ozcelik, "Data-driven product recommendation system for second-hand products", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir.
- Ozge Buyukdeveci, "Modeling and solving complex optimization problems with parallel Single Seekers Society (SSS) algorithm incorporating machine learning", PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir.
MsC Projects (non-theses students)
- Gulden Karakoyun, "Musteri kayip analizi ve e-ticaret verileri ile bir uygulama" (Churn analysis and an application using e-commerce data), Engineering Management MsC program, Izmir, July, 2023.
- Minenur Ozdemir, "System analysis and design for asset management sofware development", Engineering Management MsC program, Izmir, July, 2023.
- Sevval Tekkol, "Bir isletmede veri güdümlü kestirimci bakim uygulamasi" (Data driven predictive maintenance in a company), Engineering Management MsC program, Izmir, February, 2022.
- Gizem Kurt, "Betonarme istinat duvarlarinin optimum tasarimi" (Optimum design of reinforced concrete retaining walls), Engineering Management MsC program, Izmir, March, 2020.
- Efe Uslucan, "RFID teknolojisi ile yari mamul urun takibi ve bir isletmede ornek uygulama", MsC Term Project, Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Management MsC program, Izmir, March, 2019.
- Yigit Aykurt, "Insaat sektorunde cok kriterli karar verme teknikleri ile yuklenici secimi", MsC Term Project, Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Management MsC program, Izmir, March, 2019.
- Burcu Yagmur, "Supplier selection by using multiple criteria decision making methods", MsC Term Project, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering-II teaching, January 2018.
- Feyzi Komurcu, "Optimization of material cutting and placement operations in wind blade component production", MsC Term Project, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering-II teaching, July 2017.
- Hamide Meliz Yavuz, "Sürec bazli benzetim ve modelleme yöntemini kullanarak camasir makinesi montaj hatti sürec modellemesi ve analizi"-"Modelling analysis of washing machine assembly line by using process based simulation and modelling approach", MsC Term Project, Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Management MsC program, Izmir, July, 2017.
- Seray Yorulmaz, "ERP sistemi kurulumda kritik basarı faktörlerinin analizi", MsC Term Project, Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Management MsC program, Izmir, February, 2016.
- Batuhan Demirkan, "Ergonomic risk analysis for a television production line", MsC Term Project, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management MsC program, Izmir, July 2014.
- Ayse Cansu Guceyu, "Solving generalized travelling salesmen problem (GTSP) with teaching learning based optimization (TLBO) algorithm", MsC Term Project, Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering-II teaching, Izmir, 2012.
- Baykasoglu, A., State of metaheuristic algorithms. International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Technologies, Xidian University, November 22-24, 2024, Sanya, China.
- Baykasoglu, A., What is happening in the world of metaheuristics? 3rd International Conference on Data, Electronics and Computing, September 18-20, 2024 Kayseri, Turkey, pp. xxii.
- Baykasoglu, A., Inspirations from Nature to Search for Better Solutions: The Weighted Superposition Attraction/Repulsion Algorithm (WSAR). DEU FBE 3rd International Symposium on Graduate Research-2024, 25-27 December 2024, Izmir, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu, A., Dynamic Optimization through Intelligent Search Algorithms with Industrial Applications. International Symposium on Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ISCAI 2022), November 2022, China.
- Baykasoglu, A., Data-Driven Dynamic Multi-Criteria Decision Making via Learning of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Technologies(ICAIT2022), November 2022, China.
- Baykasoglu, A., Looking at meta-heuristics & a closer look at the firefly algorithm, 12th International Statistics Days Congress (ISDC2022), Ozdere/Izmir Türkiye, October 13-16, 2022.
- Baykasoglu, A., Data-driven multi-criteria decision making in decision engineering, International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Statistics 2019 (DMS-2019), Van Yüzüncü Yil University, June 26-29, 2019, Van, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu A., Dynamic Metaheuristic Optimization with Application Examples, 11. International Statistics Days Conference, 03-07 October 2018, Kefaluka Hotel, Bodrum, Mugla, Turkey, 2018.
- Baykasoglu A., Dynamic Optimization in a Dynamic Industry, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0, November 15-17, 2018, Iskenderun Technical University, Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu, A., Dinamik optimizasyon (Dynamic Optimization), 38. Yoneylem Arastirmasi Endustri Muhendisligi Ulusal Kongresi YAEM 2018 (38th Turkish OR/IE Conference), 26-29 Haziran 2018, Eskisehir.
- Baykasoglu, A., "Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Cognitive Maps", The 5th International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS'17), 14 October 2017, Ankara, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu, A., "Strategic Fleet Management in Intermodal Transportation", XIII. International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, 22 October 2015, İzmir, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu, A., "Nakliye Firmalarinin Operasyonlarinin Dinamik Kontrolu Icin Modern Yaklasimlar", 2. Ulusal Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi, Aksaray Universitesi, 16 Mayis 2013, Aksaray.
- Baykasoglu, A., "Emerging production philosophies", Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey, 16-18 February 2000, Kayseri, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu, A., "Computer aided modeling of production processes", University of Gaziantep, Gaziantep, 22 February 2001, Gaziantep, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu, A., "Process modeling and analysis", OTOMASYON'2001 8. Endüstriyel Otomasyon Fuari, Endüstriyel Etkinlikler Haftasi, 15-18 March 2001, Seminer No: 32, Tuyap Beylikduzu Fuar Merkezi, Istanbul, Turkey
- Baykasoglu, A., "The role TQM in improving productivity of manufacturing", Turkiye Sorunlarina Cozum Konferansi-IV, 22 May 2001, Gaziantep Universitesi, Cok Amacli Gosteri Salonu, Gaziantep, Turkey
- Baykasoglu, A., "Process modeling for manufacturing productivity improvement", 23 June 2001, Makina Muhendisleri Odasi, Gaziantep Subesi, Gaziantep, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu, A., "Mass Customisation", OTOMASYON'2002 9. Endustriyel Otomasyon Fuari, Endustriyel Etkinlikler Haftasi, 15 Mart 2002, Tuyap Beylikduzu Fuar Merkezi, Istanbul.
- Baykasoglu, A., "Data mining and its application to production processes", OTOMASYON'2004 11. Endustriyel Otomasyon Fuari, Endustriyel Etkinlikler Haftasi, 14 March 2004, Tuyap Beylikduzu Fuar Merkezi, Istanbul, Turkey
- Baykasoglu, A., "Data mining in production management", OTOMASYON'2005 12. Endustriyel Otomasyon Fuari, Endustriyel Etkinlikler Haftası, 19 March 2005, Tuyap Beylikduzu Fuar Merkezi, Istanbul, Turkey.
- 2nd IAP Conference for Young Scientists in conjunction with the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the New Champions, Dalian, China, 10-12 September 2009.
- & many others...
- Baykasoglu, A., Taskin Gumus, A., Ozceylan, E., Oner, A., Endustri Muhendisliginin Gelecegi (Future of Industrial Engineering), IES'20 International Engineering Symposium | Engineering Applications in Industry (Virtual) December, 5-6 and 10-13, 2020 | Izmir Democracy University, Izmir, Turkey
- Baykasoglu, A., Durmusoglu, B., Sumen, H., Akturk, S. M., Yeltekin, A., Dereli, T., "Lean production or agile production?" WIN'2002 Fuari, 15 March 2002, Tuyap Beylikduzu Fuar Merkezi, Karadeniz Salonu, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu, A., Dereli, T., "Which one is more important, reducing cost or improving quality?" WIN'2004 Fuari, 14 March 2004, Tuyap Beylikduzu Fuar Merkezi, Karadeniz Salonu, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Baykasoglu, A., Akkus, A., Durmusoglu, B., Avuncan, G., Oktay, N., Dereli, T., "Problems and solution ways in production management" WIN'2005 Fuari, 19 March 2005, Tuyap Beylikduzu Fuar Merkezi, Karadeniz Salonu, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Adil Baykasoglu, Coskun Ozkan, Banu Aktalay, Aysun Altunkaynak, "SMEs and innovation", "YA/EM'06: Yoneylem Arastirması / Endustri Mühendisligi XXVI. Ulusal Kongresi", 15:30-17:00, 5 July 2006, Kocaeli Universitesi, Kocaeli, Turkey.
- & many others...
- Consultancy to several software, logistics and machinery companies
- He carried out several consultancy and training activities on the following subjects: Operations Management System Design, Logistics, Factory Feasibility, New Product-Process Development, Facility Layout, ISO 9000 and Quality System Design, CAD-CAM and CIM systems implementation and development, Maintenance System Design and Implementation, Production Planning and Scheduling (Implementation, Design), E-business Applications, Marketing, Business Development.
- & many others...
- Took active roles in establishment of the industrial engineering department at the University of Gaziantep.
- Took some role in the development of innovation center of university of Gaziantep.
- Took part in many industrial projects (especially in business process modeling) during his PhD studies in UK.
- Took active roles during the establishment of Socrates-Erasmus Programs in University of Gaziantep.
- Wrote corner for several newspapers (Gaziantep27, Dunya).
- European Union Gaziantep Business Development Center (ABIGEM) (Short Term Local Expert, from 2002 to 2005). Took part in many SME development projects.
- European Union, Leonardo da Vinci (LdV), Independent External Expert (from 2005 - Current). Evaluated too many movement and placement projects.
- ISO9000:2000 Quality Management Systems Auditor
- & many others...