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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Part Number B12160-02
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Testing Standard Access
You can test standard access from an Oracle Applications Framework-based Web page to the Status Monitor in the Programmatic Access page. Standard access provides loosely coupled access to a Status Monitor page within the full Oracle Workflow application.
To Test Standard Access
1. Use a Web browser to log on to a responsibility specified by your system administrator and choose the Programmatic Access link.
2. Select the Test "Standard" Access link.
3. In the Test "Standard" Access region, enter the test options you want. Each option corresponds to a method parameter for the method in the class that is being simulated. See: Standard Access in Java.
The test options include:
- Item Type - Optionally enter the internal name of a workflow item type to automatically query in the Status Monitor.
- Item Key - Optionally enter an item key to automatically query in the Status Monitor.
- First Page - Specify the Status Monitor page that you want to initially display.
- MAIN - Main Workflows search page
- HISTORY - Activity History page in the Administrator Monitor or Notification History page in the Self-Service Monitor
- DIAGRAM - Status Diagram page
- RESPONSES - Participant Responses page
Note: For access to the HISTORY, DIAGRAM, or RESPONSES pages, you must specify an item type and item key. If you specify an item type and item key but do not specify a first page, the First Page option defaults to HISTORY.
- Retain Calling AM - Specify true or false to indicate whether to retain the calling application module when calling a Get URL method. If you enter true, retainAM=Y is appended to the URL; if you enter false, retainAM=N is appended to the URL.
4. Select the test action you want to perform.
- Get Advanced Monitor URL - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.getAdvanceUrl( ). This call returns a URL for the Administrator Monitor page specified by the test options in the following format, suitable for use within an Oracle Applications Framework application page:
For example, you can set this URL as a destination link on an OAWebBean using the call <OAFrameworkBean>.setDestination(String url).
The parameter retainAM=Y or retainAM=N is appended to the URL depending on the value you specified for the Retain Calling AM option.
When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow retrieves a URL according to the test options using Monitor.getAdvanceUrl( ) and displays that URL as a hyperlink in a text message bean. To navigate to the Status Monitor, select the link.
- Get Simple Monitor URL - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.getSimpleUrl( ). This call returns a URL for the Self-Service Monitor page specified by the test options in the following format, suitable for use within an Oracle Applications Framework application page:
For example, you can set this URL as a destination link on an OAWebBean using the call <OAFrameworkBean>.setDestination(String url).
The parameter retainAM=Y or retainAM=N is appended to the URL depending on the value you specified for the Retain Calling AM option.
When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow retrieves a URL according to the test options using Monitor.getSimpleUrl( ) and displays that URL as a hyperlink in a text message bean. To navigate to the Status Monitor, select the link.
- Redirect to Advanced Monitor - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.redirectToAdvanceUrl( ). When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow redirects you to the Status Monitor as specified by the test options.
- Redirect to Simple Monitor - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.redirectToSimpleUrl( ). When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow redirects you to the Status Monitor as specified by the test options.
5. Select the Perform "Standard" Action button.
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