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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Part Number B12160-02
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Status Monitor Portlets
Oracle Workflow provides two Status Monitor portlets that you can add to an Oracle Portal page to view summaries of workflow status information. The Error Workflows portlet provides administrator information about errored workflows, while the Workflows portlet provides self-service information about workflows owned by a user.
Adding a Portlet to an Oracle Portal Page
Before you can add an Oracle Applications Framework portlet to an Oracle Portal page, your system administrator must assign you a responsibility that includes the menu function for that portlet on its menu. The Error Workflows portlet is seeded in the Workflow Administrator Web (New) responsibility, and the Workflows portlet is seeded in the Workflow User Web (New) responsibility. The system administrator may assign you either one of these responsibilities or another responsibility to which the appropriate portlet has been added.
After a responsibility that includes an Oracle Workflow portlet has been assigned to you, you can use Oracle Portal to add that portlet to an Oracle Portal page. In the Portlet Repository, select Oracle Applications Framework Provider under Other Providers to access the Oracle Workflow portlets. For more information, please refer to the Oracle Portal online help, or see: Adding a Portlet to a Page, Oracle Application Server Portal Tutorial.
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