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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Part Number B12161-02
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Installing the Event System Demonstration Data Model
The Event System data model is installed only with the standalone version of Oracle Workflow. The data model is automatically installed for you by the Workflow Configuration Assistant. The files used in the installation are copied to the demo and demo/<language> subdirectories of your Oracle Workflow server directory structure.
Attention: For the Event System Demonstration to work properly, you should perform the steps required to set up Oracle Workflow after the installation. See: Overview of Setting Up, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
The installation does the following:
- Calls a script called wfevdemc.sql to create two tables called WF_EVENTDEMO_ITEMS and WF_EVENTDEMO_PO. The table WF_EVENTDEMO_ITEMS contains the items that can be selected for the purchase order. The Event System Demonstration process updates the table WF_EVENTDEMO_PO with information from the purchase order.
- Calls the scripts wfevdems.sql and wfevdemb.sql to create the PL/SQL spec and body for a package called WF_EVENTDEMO. This package contains:
- The PL/SQL stored procedures called by the function activities used in the Event System Demonstration workflow.
- The PL/SQL procedures WF_EVENTDEMO.Create_Order and WF_EVENTDEMO.Track_Order called by the Oracle Workflow web agent to generate the web-based interface pages for the Event System Demonstration process demonstration.
- Loads the Event System Demonstration workflow definition from wfevdeme.wft into the database. You can view this process in the Oracle Workflow Builder.
- The data model for the Event System Demonstration process also includes the same demonstration directory service that is used by the sample Requisition process. See: Installing the Requisition Data Model.
Attention: For security reasons, the installation process automatically locks the database accounts for the users in the demonstration directory service after they are created. Before you can begin using the accounts, you must unlock them using a script called wfdemoul.sql. See: Installing the Requisition Data Model.
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