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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Part Number B12161-02
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Buyer: Receive Supplier PO Acknowledgement Subprocess Activities
Following is a description of each activity in the subprocess, listed by the activity's display name.
Start (Node 1)
This Standard function activity marks the start of the process.
Result Type
| None
Prerequisite Activities
| None
Buyer: Receive PO Ack Event (Node 2)
This event activity waits to receive the B2B Purchase Order Acknowledgement event message from the supplier. The activity must be completed within one day; otherwise it times out.
Event Action
| Receive
Event Filter
Prerequisite Activities
| Start
Item Attributes Set by Activity
| Event Name, Event Key, Event Message
PO Not Acknowledged by Supplier (Node 3)
This activity occurs only if the Buyer: Receive PO Ack Event activity times out before being completed. This activity notifies the order requestor that the supplier has not yet acknowledged the purchase order. The message includes a 'Send' attribute that displays the purchase order number when the notification is sent.
If you display the property page of this activity node, you see that the activity is assigned to a performer whose name is stored in the item type attribute named Order Requestor.
| PO Not Acknowledged
Result Type
| None
Prerequisite Activities
| Buyer: Receive PO Ack Event
PO Acknowledged by Supplier (Node 4)
This activity notifies the order requestor that the purchase order has been acknowledged by the supplier. The message includes a 'Send' attribute that displays the purchase order number when the notification is sent.
If you display the property page of this activity node, you see that the activity is assigned to a performer whose name is stored in the item type attribute named Order Requestor.
| PO Acknowledged
Result Type
| None
Prerequisite Activities
| Buyer: Receive PO Ack Event
End (Node 5)
This Standard function activity marks the end of the process.
Result Type
| None
Prerequisite Activities
| PO Acknowledged by Supplier
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