Oracle Workflow API Reference Release Part Number B12163-02 |
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procedure CreateAdHocRole2
(role_name in out varchar2,
role_display_name in out varchar2,
language in varchar2 default null,
territory in varchar2 default null,
role_description in varchar2 default null,
notification_preference in varchar2 default
role_users in WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable,
email_address in varchar2 default null,
fax in varchar2 default null,
status in varchar2 default 'ACTIVE',
expiration_date in date default null,
parent_orig_system in varchar2 default null,
parent_orig_system_id in number default null,
owner_tag in varchar2 default null);
Creates a role at runtime by creating a value in the WF_LOCAL_ROLES table with the user flag set to N. This is referred to as an ad hoc role. CreateAdHocRole2() accepts the list of users who belong to the role in the WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable format, which lets you include user names that contain spaces or commas.
Note: A role can contain only individual users as its members. It cannot contain another role.
Arguments (input)
role_name | An internal name for the role. The internal name must be no longer than 320 characters. It is recommended that the internal name be all uppercase. This procedure checks that the name provided does not already exist in WF_ROLES and returns an error if the name already exists. If you do not provide an internal name, the system generates an internal name for you where the name contains a prefix of '~WF_ADHOC-' followed by a sequence number. |
role_display_name | The display name of the role. This procedure checks that the display name provided does not already exist in WF_ROLES and returns an error if the display name already exists. If you do not provide a display name, the system generates one for you where the display name contains a prefix of '~WF_ADHOC-' followed by a sequence number. |
language | The value of the database NLS_LANGUAGE initialization parameter that specifies the default language-dependent behavior of the user's notification session. If null, the procedure resolves this to the language setting of your current session. |
territory | The value of the database NLS_TERRITORY initialization parameter that specifies the default territory-dependent date and numeric formatting used in the user's notification session. If null, the procedure resolves this to the territory setting of your current session. |
role_description | An optional description for the role. |
notification_preference | Indicate how this role receives notifications: 'MAILTEXT', 'MAILHTML', 'MAILATTH', 'MAILHTM2', 'QUERY', 'SUMMARY', or, for Oracle Applications only, 'SUMHTML'. If null, the procedure sets the notification preference to 'MAILHTML'. |
role_users | The names of the users that belong to this role, as a table in the WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable format. |
email_address | A optional electronic mail address for this role or a mail distribution list defined by your electronic mail system. |
fax | An optional fax number for the role. |
status | The availability of the role to participate in a workflow process. The possible statuses are ACTIVE, EXTLEAVE, INACTIVE, and TMPLEAVE. If null, the procedure sets the status to 'ACTIVE'. |
expiration_date | The date at which the role is no longer valid in the directory service. |
parent_orig_ system | An optional code for the originating system of an entity that you want to mark as being related to this role. |
parent_orig_ system_id | The primary key that identifies the parent entity in the parent originating system. |
owner_tag | A code to identify the program or application that owns the information for this role. |
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