Oracle Workflow API Reference Release Part Number B12163-02 |
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function SendNotification
(p_subscription_guid in raw,
p_event in out wf_event_t) return varchar2;
Sends a notification as specified by the parameters in the PARAMETER_LIST attribute of the event message. Use this rule function to send notifications outside of a workflow process.
After sending the notification, this function sets the notification ID into the event parameter list as a parameter named #NID. If you want to use the notification ID in further processing, raise the event using WF_EVENT.Raise3(), which returns the event parameter list after Oracle Workflow completes subscription processing for the event. You can then call WF_EVENT.GetValueForParameter() to obtain the value of the #NID parameter.
For example, if the notification requires a response, you can retrieve the response values from the user's reply by obtaining the notification ID and using it to call WF_NOTIFICATION.GetAttrText(), WF_NOTIFICATION.GetAttrNumber(), or WF_NOTIFICATION.GetAttrDate() for the RESPOND attributes.
SendNotification() calls the WF_NOTIFICATION.Send() API to send the notification, using the event parameters as the input arguments for WF_NOTIFICATION.Send(). The following table shows the names of the parameters you should include in the event parameter list to specify the notification you want to send, and the information you should provide in each parameter's value.
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
RECIPIENT_ROLE | The role name assigned to receive the notification. |
MESSAGE_TYPE | The item type associated with the message. |
MESSAGE_NAME | The message internal name. |
CALLBACK | The callback function name used for communication of SEND and RESPOND source message attributes. |
CONTEXT | Context information passed to the callback function. |
SEND_COMMENT | A comment presented with the message. |
PRIORITY | The priority of the message. If this value is null, the Notification System uses the default priority of the message. |
DUE_DATE | The date that a response is required. This optional due date is only for the recipient's information; it has no effect on processing. |
Note: Although you can send a notification using the SendNotification() rule function without defining or running a workflow process, you do need to define the message you want to send within a workflow item type.
Arguments (input)
p_subscription_ guid | The globally unique identifier of the subscription. |
p_event | The event message. |
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