Oracle Workflow API Reference Release Part Number B12163-02 |
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Level | Tag | Description |
1 | <NOTIFICATIONGROUP maxcount=""> | The <NOTIFICATIONGROUP> tag is the opening tag for the XML structure. The maxcount attribute defines the maximum number of <NOTIFICATION> tags to expect. This number may not be reached, but will not be exceeded within the <NOTIFICATIONGROUP> tag. |
2 | <NOTIFICATION nid="" language="" territory="" codeset="" priority="" accesskey="" node="" item_type="" message_name="" nidstr=""> | The <NOTIFICATION> element defines a single message entity. A <NOTIFICATION> is a repeating structure within <NOTIFICATIONGROUP>, the number of which will not exceed the specified maxcount value. Each <NOTIFICATION> element for a notification sent by the Notification System is identified by its unique nid attribute, which is the notification ID. For messages received from an external source, such as notification responses from users, the notification ID should be zero (0). The language and territory values represent the language and territory preferences of the notification recipients. The codeset attribute is the preferred codeset associated with the language in the WF_LANGUAGES table. The value of the codeset attribute must be in the Oracle Database codeset notation. If the Reset NLS configuration parameter is selected for the notification mailer that sends this notification, then the final e-mail will be encoded to the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) equivalent of the Oracle Database codeset. The priority attribute is the relative priority for the message compared to other messages. A priority of 1 through 33 is high, 34 through 66 is normal, and 67 through 99 is low. The accesskey and node attributes store information for inbound response messages. These attributes are used together with the nid attribute to validate the response. The item_type attribute is the internal name of the Oracle Workflow item type that owns the notification. The message_name attribute is the internal message name for the notification within that item type. These two attributes are provided for reference and are not used by a Java-based notification mailer. The nidstr attribute is for internal use only. The notification mailer uses this attribute to send the notification ID in a custom header called X-oracle-workflow-nid. This header is used during processing of inbound messages to help identify bounced messages in cases where the original message may be included, but the notification ID is encoded in the inbound message body and cannot be recognized there by the notification mailer. |
3 | <HEADER> | <The HEADER> element defines the envelope information for the message, which contains the details of the recipients, where the message was sent from, and the subject for the message. |
4 | <RECIPIENTLIST> | The <RECIPIENTLIST> tag enables the message to be sent to more than one recipient. The first recipient in the list is treated as the primary recipient. Subsequent recipients will receive copies of the message. All recipients in the list will receive the same e-mail in the language and formatting of the primary recipient's preferences. |
5 | <RECIPIENT name="" type=""> | The <RECIPIENT> tag defines a recipient for the message. A <RECIPIENT> is a repeating structure within the <RECIPIENTLIST>. Each <RECIPIENT> is identified by its name attribute, which is the internal name of the recipient role. The type attribute contains the copy type for the recipient. Valid values for this attribute are to, cc, and bcc. If the type attribute is not provided, then the recipient is treated as having a copy type of to. |
6 | <NAME> </NAME> | The <NAME> tag defines the display name of the recipient. |
6 | <ADDRESS> </ADDRESS> | The <ADDRESS> tag defines the e-mail address of the recipient. |
5 | </RECIPIENT> | This tag marks the end of a <RECIPIENT> element. |
4 | </RECIPIENTLIST> | This tag marks the end of the <RECIPIENTLIST> element. |
4 | <FROM> | The <FROM> tag shows the sender of the message. For outbound notifications, the from role can be set using the #FROM_ROLE message attribute. The from role is also set to the role who reassigned the notification if this notification has been reassigned, to the requesting role if this notification is a request for more information, or to the responding role if this notification is a response to a request for more information. For inbound notifications, this information is determined by the From address of the incoming e-mail message. |
5 | <NAME> </NAME> | The <NAME> tag defines the display name of the sender. |
5 | <ADDRESS> </ADDRESS> | The <ADDRESS> tag defines the e-mail address of the sender. |
4 | </FROM> | This tag marks the end of the <FROM> element. |
4 | <SUBJECT> </SUBJECT> | The <SUBJECT> element holds the subject line of the notification. |
3 | </HEADER> | This tag marks the end of the <HEADER> element. |
3 | <CONTENT content-type=""> | The <CONTENT> element holds the contents of the notification message. The <CONTENT> element contains one or more <BODYPART> elements. The content-type attribute contains the valid MIME type definition for the content within the <CONTENT> element. Valid values for the content-type attribute include multipart/mixed, text/plain and text/html. The first <BODYPART> element within the <CONTENT> tag is treated as the main content of the message, and will be the first component within a multipart/* message structure. Subsequent <BODYPART> elements are treated as attachments to the message. |
4 | <BODYPART content-type=""> | The <BODYPART> tag represents a MIME component of the final message. This element contains a <MESSAGE> tag and optionally one or more <RESOURCE> tags. If the <RESOURCE> tags are implemented, then the content-type attribute must be defined for the <BODYPART> tag to explain the relationship of the <RESOURCE> elements to the <MESSAGE> element. The only valid value for this content-type attribute is multipart/related. The first <BODYPART> element is treated as the main content of the message. This content will be either text/* or multipart/related. The subsequent <BODYPART> elements contain any attachments as required by the notification message definition and the recipient's notification preference. Attachments may include an HTML-formatted version of the notification, a Notification Detail Link, and any message attributes for which the Attach Content option is selected. For inbound messages, the <BODYPART> element contains the message and any attachments where appropriate. |
5 | <MESSAGE content-type="" content-transfer-encoding="" content-disposition="" src=""> | The content-type attribute contains the media type definition for the <MESSAGE> element. Valid values for this content-type attribute are text/plain, text/html, multipart/mixed, or multipart/related. The content-transfer-encoding attribute is an optional attribute to qualify further the encoding of the text/plain or text/html content. The content-disposition attribute specifies that the component is an attachment. The src attribute can optionally be defined if the content for the <MESSAGE> element is not readily available when the notification XML document is generated. The value of the src attribute must be a URL from which the content can be obtained during final e-mail message rendering. |
- | <![CDATA[ ]]> | This structure holds the raw message content. If the content of a <RESOURCE> element should be merged into the content of the <MESSAGE> element, then the message content must include a token prefixed by an ampersand (&) to mark the position at which the resource content should appear. The token must match the token attribute value of the corresponding <RESOURCE> element. |
5 | </MESSAGE> | This tag marks the end of a <MESSAGE> element. |
5 | <RESOURCE content-type="" content-transfer-encoding="" content-disposition="" content-id="" src="" language="" territory="" page-type="" token=""> | The content-type attribute contains the media type definition for the <RESOURCE> element. This value should be a media-type/subtype definition. The content-transfer-encoding attribute is an optional attribute to qualify further the encoding of the text/plain or text/html content. The content-disposition attribute specifies that the component is an attachment. The content-id attribute holds the unique content identifier for the component. This identifier is referenced within the content of the <MESSAGE> element. The src attribute can optionally be defined if the content for the RESOURCE> element is not readily available when the notification XML document is generated. The value of the src attribute must be a URL from which the content can be obtained during final e-mail message rendering. In Oracle Applications only, if the src attribute is defined to refer to Oracle Applications Framework content and the message recipient is not an Oracle Applications user defined in the FND_USER table, then the language and territory attributes hold the language and territory preferences of the recipient. Additionally, if the src attribute is defined to refer to Oracle Applications Framework content, then the page-type attribute is set to the value fwk to identify Oracle Applications Framework as the source of the content. The page-type attribute should be defined only if the src attribute is defined correspondingly. The token attribute holds the token value used to mark the position at which the content of the <RESOURCE> element will be merged into the content of the <MESSAGE> element. Within the <MESSAGE> element, the token value is prefixed by an ampersand (&). |
- | <![CDATA[ ]]> | This structure holds the content for the <RESOURCE> element. |
5 | </RESOURCE> | This tag marks the end of a <RESOURCE> element. |
4 | </BODYPART> | This tag marks the end of a <BODYPART> element. |
3 | </CONTENT> | This tag marks the end of the <CONTENT> element. |
3 | <RESPONSE> | The <RESPONSE> tag is implemented only for inbound notifications. It is not part of the specification for outbound notifications. The <RESPONSE> element contains one or more <ATTRIBUTE> elements, which hold the response values found in the incoming e-mail message. There should be an <ATTRIBUTE> tag for each response attribute associated with the notfication. However, only the RESULT message attribute is mandatory. The other respond attributes are optional. If no value is specified for a respond attribute, Oracle Workflow uses the default value defined for the message attribute. |
4 | <ATTRIBUTE name="" type="" format=""> | The <ATTRIBUTE> tag holds the response value found in the incoming e-mail message for a particular response attribute. An <ATTRIBUTE> is a repeating structure within the <RESPONSE>. The name attribute for this element is the internal name of the response attribute. The type attribute of this element is the Oracle Workflow data type of the reponse attribute, which can be either TEXT, NUMBER, DATE, DOCUMENT, or LOOKUP. The format attribute for this element contains the format string for the response attribute. For response attributes of type LOOKUP, the format is used to identify the lookup type code according to the value of the name attribute. For other data types, the format attribute is not used. |
- | <![CDATA ]]> | This structure holds the response information to be assigned to the attribute. |
4 | </ATTRIBUTE> | This tag marks the end of an <ATTRIBUTE> element. |
3 | </RESPONSE> | This tag marks the end of a <RESPONSE> element. |
2 | </NOTIFICATION> | This tag marks the end of a <NOTIFICATION> element. |
1 | </NOTIFICATIONGROUP> | This tag marks the end of the <NOTIFICATIONGROUP> element. |
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