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Oracle® BPEL Process Manager Developer's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
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21 Oracle BPEL Console Reports

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle BPEL Console reports. It provides descriptions of the types of reports you can create, how to create them, and how to analyze the results.

This chapter contains the following topics:

21.1 Creating Oracle BPEL Console Reports

You can create reports in Oracle BPEL Console that enable you to:

Perform the following steps to create reports. The examples shown in this section describe how to create reports for the LoanFlowPlus sample BPEL process that is available under the Oracle_Home\integration\orabpel\samples\demos\LoanDemoPlus\LoanFlowPlus directory. To automatically build this sample in JDeveloper BPEL Designer, create a workspace with an empty project and click the LoanFlowPlus.jpr file in the LoanFlowPlus directory.

  1. Click a specific process to create reports for all its instances in the Deployed BPEL Processes column of the Dashboard tab of Oracle BPEL Console (for this example, LoanFlowPlus is selected).

    Description of reports_dashboard.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_dashboard.gif

    The Initiate tab appears by default.

  2. Enter specific details to initiate an instance and click Post XML Message.

  3. Click Reports on the BPEL Processes tab.

    Description of reports_processestab.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_processestab.gif

    The Reports tab appears:

    Description of reports_processestab2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_processestab2.gif

    This page enables you to generate several report types. The fields to complete in order to create reports are described in the following table:

    Page Element Location in Page Description
    Report Type list upper right Select the type of report to create:
    • Process

    • Performance

    • Activity Sensor

    • Fault Sensor

    • Process Time Distribution

    Descriptions of these report types are provided in the sections that follow.

    End Date field upper left Enter the date at which to stop generating report data.
    End Hour list upper left Select the hour at which to stop generating report data.
    Time Interval list upper middle Select Daily, Hourly, or Weekly as the time interval for generating data.
    Number of Time Intervals field upper middle Enter the time period for creating reports. This is the number of days, weeks, or hours (according to the Time Interval list selection) starting from the end date going backwards in time to determine the start date.
    Go button upper middle Click to create the selected report type.

    For example, if you enter 7/29/05 as the end date, 22:00 as the end hour, Weekly as the time interval, and 3 as the number of time intervals, the report is created for the three weeks between 7/08/05 at 10 PM and 7/29/05 at 10 PM.

  4. See the following sections for details about creating the available report types:


  • After creating any report type, you can save the report details to a comma-separated value (CSV) file by selecting Export to CSV. You can then review these reports in Microsoft Excel.

  • You can also execute and view Oracle BPEL Console reports from Oracle Application Server Portal. See Chapter 20, "Oracle BPEL Portlets" for instructions.

21.1.1 Creating Process Reports

Process reports display data on the state of selected BPEL process instances and execution times of these instances. The data is grouped along the time line (X-Axis) into the number of time intervals based on the specified query criteria.

  1. Select Process from the Report Type list.

  2. Enter appropriate time period query details as described in the table in Step 3 and click Go.

    The report results appear:

    Description of reports_process.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_process.gif

  3. Review the Instance State section of the process report (the left side).

    The graph shows the number of BPEL process instances initiated, faulted, successfully completed, and currently running. For this example, which uses the LoanFlowPlus sample BPEL process, the graph shows how many loans were requested (initiated), how many stopped abnormally due to faults in the system, how many were successfully processed, and how many are still pending.

  4. Hold your cursor over a specific bar to display information. For this example, the information that displays identifies the series as faulted instances, the group (date) in which this information was gathered as 7/28/05, and the value (number) of faulted instances as four.

    Description of reports_process2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_process2.gif

  5. Click this bar to display the list of instances that faulted.

    This displays the list of four faulted instances on the Instances tab.

    Description of reports_process6.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_process6.gif

  6. Click a specific instance from the list to debug.

    You can then debug the instance and take appropriate corrective actions.

  7. Return to the process report results shown in Step 2.

  8. Review the Instance Execution Time section of the process report (the right side).

    This graph shows the maximum, minimum, and average execution times aggregated across all closed instances of the business process during the selected time interval. By default, process reports display all successfully and unsuccessfully completed processes (known as All Closed).

  9. If you want to display only successfully completed (known as Closed Successfully) or unsuccessfully completed (known as Faulted) process instances, make an appropriate selection from the View Execution Time for list above the graph.

    Description of reports_process3.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_process3.gif

  10. Click one of the minimum or maximum data points in the graph to show additional details. For example, click the maximum execution time to view information about the instance that took the longest amount of time to execute.

    Description of reports_process4.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_process4.gif

    This displays the Instances tab for this instance.

    Description of reports_process5.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_process5.gif

  11. Click the specific instance in the list.

    You can then debug the instance and take appropriate corrective actions.

21.1.2 Creating Performance Reports

Performance reports display the percentage of BPEL process instances that meet the Completion Time SLA field value. This enables you to identify bottlenecks in instance performance. You assign this value to the SLACompletionTime parameter in the Configurations tab of the Deployment Descriptor Properties window in JDeveloper BPEL Designer. You specify an SLACompletionTime parameter value using the P0YT format. P0YT conforms to the PnYnMnDTnHnMnS convention, where:

  • T is the date and time separator

  • nY, nM, nD, nH, nM, and nS correspond to the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively

For example, P0YT1.5S corresponds to 0 years, 1.5 seconds. The letter P and at least one unit of time must always be present.

If you define the completion time service level agreement (SLA) value for the LoanFlowPlus process as P0YT450S seconds (450 seconds), the report graph shows the percentage of instances that completed and did not complete within that time period.

This assignment adds this parameter to the bpel.xml file.

    <property name="SLACompletionTime">P0YT450S</property>

  1. Select Performance from the Report Type list.

  2. Enter appropriate time period query details as described in the table in Step 3 and click Go.

    The report results appear:

    Description of reports_perf1.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_perf1.gif

    This graph shows the percentage of instances that completed and did not complete within this time period.

  3. Hold your cursor over a specific bar to display information. For this example, the information that displays below identifies the series of instances that satisfied the SLACompletionTime parameter value, the group (date) in which this information was gathered as 7/29/05, and information about the percentage and number of successfully completed instances and total number of instances for that day.

    Description of reports_perf2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_perf2.gif

  4. Click a specific bar to display the Instances tab. For example, click the red bar for instances that did not satisfy the SLA value. Holding your cursor over this bar before clicking displays specific information about these instances.

  5. Click the specific instance in the list.

    You can then debug the instance and take appropriate corrective actions.

  6. If you want to override the SLACompletionTime parameter value in the bpel.xml file, change the value in the Completion Time SLA field above the graph and click Go to re-execute the report.

    The report results display details based on the new parameter value entered. Note that a Default link now displays to the right of the value you entered in Step 6.

    Description of reports_perf3.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_perf3.gif

  7. Click Default to re-execute the report with the initial SLACompletionTime parameter value set during design time in the Configurations tab of the Deployment Descriptor Properties window.

21.1.3 Creating Activity Sensor Reports

Activity sensor reports show data for the activity sensors associated with the selected BPEL process over a specified time span. This enables you to analyze activity trends. Activity sensor reports show the activity name, sensor name, activity type, aggregated values of the minimum, maximum, and average execution time of the activity, and the number of occurrences of the activity. This report shows activity execution time only if activity sensors are defined for the BPEL process.

  1. Select Activity Sensor from the Report Type list.

  2. Enter appropriate time period query details as described in the table in Step 3.

  3. Make a selection from the Activity Sensor list. Only activities with sensors display in this list.

    • Select All to create a report for all activities in the BPEL process.

    • Select a specific activity for which to create a report.

  4. Click Go.

    The report results appear (for this example, All was selected from the Activity Sensor list):

    Description of reports_actsen1.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_actsen1.gif

  5. Click Show Details on the far left side to view additional information about an activity sensor.

    This displays details about all the variables associated with that activity sensor. It also shows a graph for the minimum, maximum, and average execution times, as collected by the chosen activity sensor over the selected time span.

    Description of reports_actsen3.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_actsen3.gif

  6. Click the variable name in the Variable Name column (for this example, named input) to display the detailed values of the variable collected during the selected time period.

    Description of reports_actsen4.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_actsen4.gif

  7. Click a specific instance ID on the Variable Details window to display the Flow diagram of that instance.

    You can then debug the instance and take appropriate corrective actions.

21.1.4 Creating Fault Sensor Reports

Fault sensor reports show the data collected by fault sensors over a specified time interval. This enables you to analyze trends in faults while processing loan applications. The report shows the date and time of the fault occurrence, the activity in which the fault occurred, and a link to the faulted instance. For this example, the LoanFlowPlus sample BPEL process is used. There are two types of faults for which data is provided in this sample:

  • Bankruptcy reports — the fault occurs when the customer has a negative credit rating

  • The social security number of the customer requesting the loan was not found

  1. Select Fault Sensor from the Report Type list.

  2. Enter appropriate time period query details as described in the table in Step 3 and click Go.

    The report results display the types of fault messages.

    Description of reports_fltsen1.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_fltsen1.gif

  3. Click a specific instance ID in the Instance ID column to display the Flow diagram for the activity of the instance that faulted.

    Description of reports_fltsen2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_fltsen2.gif

  4. Debug the activity and take appropriate corrective actions.

21.1.5 Creating Process Time Distribution Reports

Process time distribution reports enable you to view the distribution of execution times across the activities of BPEL process instances. For example, you may have two activities, one for each loan application company returning a loan offer. You can see which activity is taking the longest amount of time to process the loan offer. You do not need to create sensors in activities to use this report. This report enables you to identify which activities are taking the most time to process.

  1. Select Process Time Distribution from the Report Type list.

  2. Enter appropriate time period query details as described in the table in Step 3 and click Go.

    The report results appear:

    Description of reports_ptd1.gif follows
    Description of the illustration reports_ptd1.gif

  3. Note which activities take the longest to complete.

  4. Debug the activity and take appropriate corrective actions.

21.2 Summary

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle BPEL Console reports. It provides descriptions of the types of reports you can create, how to create them, and how to analyze the results.