This image provides an overview of the loan process communication route. In the upper left is a box labeled Portal. An arrow labeled initiate(loanApp) points from the right of this box to a box labeled receive. Receive points down to a box labeled invoke. This box is inside a dashed box labeled scope. The invoke box has an upper bidirectional arrow on the right side labeled getRating(SSN) and a lower bidirectional arrow on the right side labeled manageFault(fault). The upper arrow points to a box labeled Credit Rating Service. The lower arrow points to a box labeled Manual Task - customer representative. Below Manual Task is a box labeled Loan Provider Service.
The invoke box has a line on the bottom that points down to a Flow that includes an invoke box and receive box on the left and an invoke box and receive box on the right. The invoke on the right has an outgoing arrow named process(loanApp) that points to a box labelled Loan Provider Service - United Loan. The receive on the right has an incoming arrow named onResult(loanOffer) that comes from a box labeled Loan Provider Service - Star Loan.
The two receive boxes point down to a box labeled switch - Select lowest offer. The switch box points down to a box labeled Portal.