This image shows a box labeled JDeveloper in the top left corner. Inside this box is a smaller box labeled BPEL Designer. The word Design appears to the left of this smaller box. A dashed arrow points out from the right side towards a box labeled BPEL. The bottom part of this box is part of a larger box that is labeled BPEL Server. On the left side of this box is a smaller box labeled WSDL Binding, which includes four circles labeled, from top to bottom, Web Service, JMS, JCA, and Email. To the right of this box, but still inside the box labeled BPEL Server, are two boxes. The top box is labeled Built-in Integration Services. And includes four boxes, the first three of which are labeled: XQuery, XSLT, and User Tasks. Below this box is a box labeled Core BPEL Engine.
Below the box labeled BPEL Server is a box labeled J2EE Application Server (WebLogic, Oracle AS, JBoss, WebSphere). On the right side of the box labeled BPEL Server are two lines: one connects to a circle with the word Dehydrate on top and the words Oracle DB on the bottom. The other line connects to a box labeled BPEL Console. The word Manage is on the side of this box.