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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface
10g Release 2 (10.2) for Windows or UNIX

Part Number B16245-01
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2 Error Code/Verb Reference

This chapter covers errors and associated codes returned by EM CLI in addition to a complete listing of all EM CLI verbs. Complete syntax and usage information is also available for each Verb through EM CLI's command line help system.

This chapter includes the following:

Verb Error Codes Returned by EM CLI

EM CLI return codes can be used to manage the control flow in a workflow/scripting environment. EM CLI return codes for Verb errors are positive integers. A Verb returns either 0 (successful execution) or an error number.

EM CLI Infrastructure Errors

Any execution of the EM CLI client could result in the following errors.

Table 2-1 Infrastructure Errors

Error Number Description


A Verb has encountered a problem with a dependency that is specific to the implementation of the Verb (INSIDE of its abstraction barrier) - NOT HAVING TO DO WITH THE VERB'S SEMANTICS.


Configuration files are corrupt or inaccessible.


The command name is not recognized.


Unexpected condition occurred.

OMS Connection Errors

Verbs that execute at the OMS will return these error codes as indicated in the listing for each applicable Verb.

Table 2-2 OMS Connection Errors

Error Number Description


License has not been accepted by the current user


Cannot connect to the OMS.


Wrong credentials for log in to the OMS.

File-Fed Option Errors

Verbs that allow for file-fed options (rather than options where the values are explicitly defined on the command line) can return the following error codes.

Table 2-3 File-Fed Option Errors

Error Number Description


Cannot find an option value file.


Cannot read in an option value file.


An option value file is too big.

Built-In Verb Errors

The following error codes are returned by each Verb (not including EM CLI Infrastructure Errors that apply to ALL Verbs).

Table 2-4 Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code


0—Beacon Added Successfully

129— Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

170—Service does not exist.

173—Beacon does not exist.

201—Beacon is already in the monitoring beacons list.

230—Insufficient Privileges.

255—Backend error. Verb failed.


1—File does not exist, is unreadable, or an I/O error occurred.

2—I/O error occurred while writing to the MPA file.

3—The specified MP already exists in the MPA.

4—The target type definition file cannot be parsed.

5—The MPA filename is not between 1 and 255 characters.

6 —A file of a particular file type is required for another file.

223—The supplied options are syntactically incorrect


1—The supplied target type does not exist. Unable to retrieve target metadata from the specified host's Management Agent.

2—Host does not exist.

3—Agent does not exist.

4—Group does not exist.

5—No monitoring credentials set found for target in the repository.

6—Target instance already exists in the repository.

7—The supplied target properties are incomplete.

8—One or more of the supplied target properties are invalid.

15—Target deletion in progress.

20—Unable to connect to the specified host's Agent.

21—Unable to save the target instance to the specified host's Agent.

22—Cannot add more than one Agent target for a single Agent URL.

23—Unable to add an instance of an Agent target without a URL.

219—Insufficient privileges to add target.

Insufficient privileges to add target to group.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly. Invalid argument value.

File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed options.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Error processing input XML file.4—Insufficient privileges for apply template.6—Target does not exist.7—Incompatible template and target types during apply.8—Test(s) specified for overwriteExisting do not exist in the template.9—Key test(s) specified as disabled for apply.10—Stepgroup contains a step that does not exist in the file.11—Some text property in file does not conform to valid syntax.12—Some text property contains variable but variable value is missing.13—Some transaction property/threshold/collection setting does not conform to required restrictions.50—Generic error.


Possible return error codes consist of the following PLUS all of the errors returned by the Verb specified in the command line file for execution.

244—The file does not exist.

245—There is a problem reading in the file or does not exist.

246—The file ends inside a quoted token.

247—The argfile options are specified incorrectly.


0—Test assigned to target type successfully.

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

190—Test or target type invalid.

230—Insufficient Privileges.

255—Backend error. Verb failed


0—Service system changed successfully.

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

170—Service does not exist.

171—System <system> does not exist.

172—Key component does not exist.

230—Insufficient Privileges

255—Backend error. Verb failed


1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in wrong format. Example: Source Home location, hostname are missing.

2—Destination properties file format is invalid.

3—Source Home/software library data invalid. No Source Home/software library fetched from the repository matches data specified by user.

4—Product type does not match the specified cloning verb. Example: Attempted to clone a database but specified an Application Server as a source.

5—Invalid input parameters specified. This is a generic error message for all cases not covered by the previous error messages. In some cases the parameter itself may be in a valid format, but may point to a home that is not readable or corrupt.

6—Error validating Destination home.7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home. This error is typically returned during Application Server cloning when the Application Server properties file cannot be read from the Source Home.

8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning APIs, or validation, database access APIs.


1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in wrong format. Example: Source Home location, hostname are missing.

2—Destination properties file format is invalid.

3—Source Home/software library data is invalid. No Source Home/software library fetched from the repository matches data specified by user.

4—Product type does not match the cloning verb used. Example: Attempted to clone a database but supplied an Application Server as a source.

5—Invalid input parameters specified. Generic error message for all cases not covered by previous error messages. In some situations, the parameter itself may be in a valid format, but may point to a home that is not readable or corrupt.

6—Error validating Destination home.7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home. This error is typically returned during Application Server cloning when the Application Server properties file cannot be read from the Source Home.

8—Other internal error occurred. Exceptions raised within cloning APIs, or validation database access APIs.


1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in wrong format. Example: Source Home location, hostname are missing.2—Destination properties file format is invalid.

3—Source Home/software library data invalid- no Source Home /software library fetched from the repository matches data specified by user.

4—Product type not matching with the cloning verb used. Example: You attempted to clone a database but specified an Application Server as a source.

5—Invalid input parameters specified: generic error message for all cases not covered above. In some cases the parameter itself may be in a valid format, but may point to a home which is not readable or corrupt.

6—Error validating Destination home.7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home: This error is typically returned during Application Server cloning when the Application Server properties file cannot be read from the sourcehome.

8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning APIs, or validation, database access APIs.


1—Target does not exist.

2—Target exists.


1—Blackout X already exists.

2—Only Super Administrators are allowed to add a new reason. Use get_ blackout_reasons to view current reasons.

3—Agent targets cannot be directly blacked out.217—The blackout end_time cannot be in the past.

The dates specified will never cause this blackout to take effect.

The difference between the end_time and the start_time must be equal to the duration.

The difference between the repeat interval and the duration must be at least X minutes.

The duration must be -1 (for indefinite blackouts) or positive.

The duration must be at least X minutes.

219—Current user does not have OPERATOR privilege over all blackout targets.

220—Target X does not exist.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Blackout X already exists.

2—Only Super Administrators are allowed to add a new reason (use get_ blackout_reasons).

3—Agent targets cannot be directly blacked out.

217—The blackout end_time cannot be in the past.

The dates specified will never cause this blackout to take effect.

The difference between the end_time and the start_time must be equal to the duration.

The difference between the repeat interval and the duration must be at least X minutes.

The duration must be -1 (for indefinite blackouts) or positive.

The duration must be at least X minutes.

219—Current user does not have OPERATOR privilege over all blackout targets.

220—Target X does not exist.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Group X already exists.

2—Cannot add target X to typed group of base type Y.

218—Group X is currently in the process of being deleted.

219—Current user does not have privilege X over all member targets.

220—Member target X does not exist.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

Invalid argument value.

Group type is invalid.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


0—Redundancy Group "<red_group_name>" created successfully

1—Redundancy Group "<red_group_name>" of target type <red_group_type> already exists.

2—Cannot add target "<member_target_type>" to typed group of base type "<red_group_type>".

3—Time Zone Region <timezone_region> does not exist.

4—Redundancy Group Type "<red_group_type>" is invalid.

218—Redundancy Group "<red_group_name>:<red_group_type>" is currently in the process of being deleted.

220—Target "<member_target_name>:<member_target_type>" does not exist.

223—Redundancy Group name "<red_group_name>" is not valid. It may contain only alphanumeric characters, multibyte characters, a space, "-", "_", ".", ":", and have length at most 256 characters.

223—User name "<owner>" is not valid. It must begin with an alphabetic character, contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores (\"_\"), or periods (\".\"), and have length of at most 256 characters.

223—Invalid value for parameter "add_targets": "<add_targets>". Reason: "<add_targets>" is not a name-value pair.

223—Member Targets not of same type.

223—"<generic_redundancy_group>" does not support member of type "<member_target_type>" .


1—Role by same name already exists.

2—User with same name as role already exists.

4—Privilege is invalid or nonexistent.

5—Target specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

6—The Super Administrator privilege cannot be granted to a role.

7—Role does not exist.

8—Group specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

9—Job in privilege is invalid or nonexistent.

10—Creating a role that you are assigning to the new role.

11—The specified user does not exist.

219—User is unauthorized to perform this action.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

Invalid argument value.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


0—Web Application Created Successfully.

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

130—Missing key components.

151—Test validation failed.

171—System <system> does not exist.

172—Key component does not exist.173—Beacon does not exist.

181—No key tests defined.

182—No key beacons defined.

200—Service <target_name> already exists.

230—Insufficient Privileges.

255—Backend error. Verb failed.


0—System "<system_name:system_type>" created successfully

110—System "<system_name:system_type>" already exists.

120—Member target "<member_target_name>:<member_target_type>" does not exist.

122—Type "<system_type>" is not a valid System type.

123—Time Zone Region "<timezone_region>" does not exist.

130—Type meta version "<type_meta_ver>" is invalid.

223—System name "<system_name>" is not valid. It must begin with an alphabetic char, contain only alphanumeric chars or any of "- _.:", and have length at most 256 chars.

223—Type meta version "<type_meta_ver>" is invalid. It must contain only numeric and "." characters, and have length of at most 8 chars.

223—Timezone_region cannot be null or blank.

223—Invalid value for parameter "add_members": "<add_members>". Reason: "<add_members>" is not a name-value pair.


1—Target specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

2—Group specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

3—Job specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

4—One of the specified privileges is invalid.

5—Such user already exists.

6—One or more roles to be granted to the new user does not exist.

7—A role with the same name as the new user already exists.

218—A delete is pending against this user until all blackouts and jobs submitted by this user are stopped.

219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly:

Invalid argument value.

Username is somehow invalid.

Supplied password does not have the proper format. Example: Password left empty.

File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed options.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Blackout X created by user Y does not exist.

2—Cannot delete a blackout that has not ended or was not stopped.

219—You (X) do not have the SUPER_USER privilege needed to stop, delete, or modify blackout Y created by user Z.

Only the blackout owner can stop, delete, or modify the blackout.

Current user does not have OPERATOR privilege over all blackout targets.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Group X does not exist.

218—Group X is currently in the process of being deleted.

219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this action.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Specified job is invalid or non-existent.

219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

218—Some executions are not stopped when delete happens.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.



223—SYNTAX_ERRNUM: Input is malformed.

255—VERB_FAILED_ERRNUM: Backend validation fails.


1—Role does not exist.

219—User is unauthorized to perform this action.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


0—System "<system_name:system_type>" deleted successfully.

121—System "<system_name:system_type>" does not exist.

122—Type "<system_type>" is not a valid System type.

219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this action.

223—System name "<system_name>" is not valid. It must begin with an alphabetic character, contain only alphanumeric characters or any of "- _.:", and have length at most 256 chars.


15—Target deletion in progress.

219—Insufficient privileges to delete specified target.

220—Target does not exist.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


0—Test Deleted Successfully

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

170—Service does not exist.

174—Test does not exist.

230—Insufficient Privileges.

255—Backend error. Verb failed.


1—Cannot delete the repository owner.

2—Specified user does not exist.

3—Cannot delete the current user.

218—A delete is pending against this user until all blackouts and jobs submitted by this user are stopped.

219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


0—Test Disabled Successfully

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

170—Service does not exist.

174—Test does not exist

203—Test already disabled.

230—Insufficient Privileges

255—Backend error. Verb failed


0—Test Enabled Successfully

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

170—Service does not exist.

174—Test does not exist

202—Test already enabled.

230—Insufficient Privileges

255—Backend error. Verb failed


0—Command execution succeeded for all targets.

2—Command execution failed for one or more targets. Detailed errors will be displayed for each failed target.

3—Invalid or unknown targets in the targets list.

4—Preferred credentials are missing for one or more targets.

5—Invalid credential set name.

223—Unable to parse the command line properly.


0—Command execution succeeded for all targets.

2—Command execution failed for one or more targets. Detailed errors will be displayed for each failed target.

3—Invalid or unknown targets in the targets list.

4—Preferred credentials are missing for one or more targets.

5—Invalid credential set name.

223—Unable to parse the command line properly.


1—The source_params argument is invalid or in the wrong format. Example: Source Home location or hostname are missing.

2—Destination properties file format is invalid.

3—Source Home/software library data invalid. No Source Home/software library fetched from the repository matches data specfied by user.

4—Product type not matching with the cloning verb used. Example: Attempted to clone a database but specified an Application Server as a source.

5—Invalid input parameters specified. Generic error message for all cases not covered by previous error messages. In some cases the parameter itself may be in a valid format, but may point to a home that is not readable or corrupt.

6—Error validating Destination home.

7 —Error validating/collecting information from source home.

Typically returned during Application Server cloning when the Application Server properties file cannot be read from the sourcehome.

8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning APIs,or validation,database access APIs.


1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in the wrong format. Example: Source Home location or hostname are missing.

2—Destination properties file format is invalid.

3—Source Home/software library data invalid. No Source Home/software library fetched from the repository matches data specfied by user.

4—Product type not matching with the cloning verb used. Example: Attempted to clone a database but specified an Application Server as a source.

5—Invalid input parameters specified. Generic error message for all cases not covered by previous error messages. In some cases the parameter itself may be in a valid format,but may point to a home that is not readable or corrupt.

6—Error validating Destination home.

7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home:

Typically returned during Application Server cloning when the Application Server properties file cannot be read from the sourcehome.

8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning APIs,or validation,database access APIs.


1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in wrong format. Example: Source Home location, hostname are missing.

2—Destination properties file format is invalid.

3—Source Home/software lib data invalid- no Source Home /software library fetched from the repository matches data specfied by user.

4—Product type not matching with the cloning verb used. Example: tried to clone database but gave app server as source.

5—Invalid input parameters specified: generic error message for all cases not covered above. In some cases the parameter itself may be in a valid format,but may point to a home which is not readable or corrupt.

6—Error validating Destination home.

7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home: Typically returned during Application Server cloning when the Application Server properties file cannot be read from the Source Home.

8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning APIs,or validation,database access APIs.


2—Error serializing xml output.3—Insufficient privileges for extract template.5—Template does not exist in repository.50—Generic error.


1—Target does not exist.

2—Target exists.


1—Target does not exist.

2—Target exists.


1—Blackout X created by user Y does not exist.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Host X does not exist.223—Unable to parse command line correctly.220—Target X does not exist.


1—Host X does not exist.

220—Target X does not exist.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Group X does not exist.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


Other than the confirmation message, the get_groups verb only generates syntax errors. The SQL invoked by get_groups does not throw any exception.

0—All groups (TargetName , TargetType) in the repository are displayed.

223—Syntax Error: Argument -script cannot be specified with a value.

223—Syntax Error: -format argument "name" value must match one of these strings: "script|pretty|csv".

223—Syntax Error: Invalid value for parameter "format": "name:<format_name>;column_separator=<column_separator_char>". Reason: "column_separator=column_separator_char" is not a name-value pair.

223—Syntax Error: -format argument contains an unrecognized key name <key_name>


223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


121—System "<system_name:system_type>" does not exist.


223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—There is no help available.

223—Unable to parse the command line correctly.


1—Target does not exist.

2—Target exists.


1—Group X does not exist.

2—Cannot add target X to typed group of base type Y.

3—Group X contains itself as a sub-group at some level.

219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this action:

Current user does not have privilege X over all member targets. Current user does not have sufficient privileges on target X to add it to the group.

220—Target X does not exist.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly. Group type is invalid.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


0—Redundancy Group ""<red_group_name>" modified successfully.

1—Redundancy Group ""<red_group_name>:<red_group_type>" does not exist.

2—Cannot add target "<member_target_type>" to typed group of base type "<red_group_type>".

4—Redundancy Group Type "<red_group_type>" is invalid.

218—Redundancy Group "<red_group_name>:<red_group_type>" is currently in the process of being deleted.

220—Target "<member_target_name>:<member_target_type>" does not exist.

223—Redundancy Group name "<red_group_name>" is not valid. It may contain only alphanumeric characters, multibyte characters, a space, "-", "_", ".", ":", and have length at most 256 characters.

223—User name "<owner>" is not valid. It must begin with an alphabetic character, contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores (\"_\"), or periods (\".\"), and have length of at most 256 characters.

223—Invalid value for parameter "add_targets": "<add_targets>". Reason: "<add_targets>" is not a name-value pair.

223—Member Targets not of same type.

223—"Generic redundancy group" does not support member of type "<member_target_type>" .


4—Privilege is invalid or nonexistent.

5—Target specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

6—The Super Administrator privilege cannot be granted to a role.

7—Role does not exist.

8—Group specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

9—Job in privilege is invalid or nonexistent.

10—Cannot have a circular chain of role grants.

11—The specified user does not exist.

219—User is unauthorized to perform this action.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly. Invalid argument value.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


0—System "<system_name:system_type>" modified successfully.

101—System <system_name:system_type> contains itself as a sub-system at some level.

120—Member target "<member_target_name>:<member_target_type>" does not exist.

121—System "<system_name:system_type>" does not exist.

122—Type "<system_type>" is not a valid System type.

219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges on target <member_target_name> to add it to the system.

219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this action.

223—Invalid value for parameter "add_members": "<add_members>". Reason: "<add_members>" is not a name-value pair.


8—One or more of the supplied target properties are invalid.

15—Target deletion in progress.

219—Insufficient privileges to modify target.

220—Target does not exist.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed options.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Target specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

2—Group specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

3—Job specified in one of the privileges is invalid.

4—One of the specified privileges is invalid.

5—Specified user does not exist.

6—One or more roles to be granted to the new user does not exist.

218—A delete is pending against this user until all blackouts and jobs submitted by this user are stopped.

219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly: Invalid argument value or Username is somehow invalid.

File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed options.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—An Internal error occurred. Could not get an Instance of the Assignment Manager. Exception occurred when getting URN from path.

2—Could not provision. Exception occurred either in getting editable ProvisioningAssigment object, or during call to Initiate Provisioning.

3—Could not get one or more URNs. Returned if any of imageUrn, bootServerUrn, stageServerUrn, networkProfileUrn, targetUrn retrieved is null.

4—Could not create assignment state. Failed to create an AssignmentState object.

5—Could not set assignment properties. Failed to set the assignment properties in the assignment state object.

Since this verb uses the FileArgRemoteVerb, the following errors are also possible:

  • This Verb will post Verb.SYNTAX_ERRNUM if a specified option/file mapping on the command line is not properly formatted.

  • This Verb will post Verb.LOGIN_SYSTEM_ERRNUM if it cannot log in to the OMS.

  • This Verb will post Verb.OMS_CONNECTION_SYSTEM_ERRNUM if it cannot connect to the OMS.

  • This Verb will post Verb.CONFIGURATION_SYSTEM_ERRNUM if the configuration files are corrupt or inaccessible.

  • This Verb will post Verb.MISSING_FILE_SYSTEM_ERRNUM if it cannot find an option value file.

  • This Verb will post Verb.FILE_READ_SYSTEM_ERRNUM if it cannot read in an option value file.

  • This Verb will post Verb.FILE_SYNTAX_SYSTEM_ERRNUM


0—Moved all targets from Source Agent to Destination Agent.

1—Target relocation has failed. The following errors are possible:

  • SQL exception when relocating targets : <Database-specific error message>

  • Communication exception when relocating targets : < communication exception message >

  • Verb usage error..

    emcli relocate_targets
       -src_agent=<source agent target name>   -dest_agent=<dest agent target name>
        {-target_name=<name of the target to be relocated>
       - target_type=<type of the target to be relocated>}
    | {-input_file=dupTargets:<complete path to file>}
      {-force=yes}; "
  • Errors relocating targets from Source Agent to Destination Agent.

    < error message >

    < error message >

  • Exception in parsing targets from the command line argument <message>.


0—Beacon Removed Successfully

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

170—Service does not exist.

173—Beacon does not exist.

225—Beacon not in monitoring beacons list.

230—Insufficient Privileges

255—Backend error. Verb failed


0—System removed from service successfully.

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

170—Service does not exist.

180—System does not exist.

230—Insufficient Privileges.

255—Backend error. Verb failed.


1—Cannot restart job of a non-restartable type.

2—Specified job execution does not exist or has not failed.

3—The specified job execution has already been restarted and failed on restart.

219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


0—Availability set successfully.

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

170—Service does not exist.

180—No system defined.

181—No key tests defined.

182—No key beacons defined.

230—Insufficient Privileges

231—Availability not changed.

255—Backend error. Verb failed


1—Target type does not exist.

2—Target (of given target type) does not exist.

3—Credential set does not exist.

4—Insufficient privileges.

5—Credential column does not exist.

6—Credential column number mismatch.


0—Key beacons and tests set successfully.

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

135—Must specify at least one key beacon and test.

170—Service does not exist.

173—Beacon does not exist.

175—Beacon not in list of monitoring beacons.

230—Insufficient Privileges.

255—Backend error. Verb failed.



223—SYNTAX_ERRNUM: Input is malformed.

255—VERB_FAILED_ERRNUM: Backend validation fails.


0—Properties set successfully

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

132—Invalid property.

133—Invalid property value.

170—Service does not exist.

173—Beacon does not exist.

175—Beacon not in list of monitoring beacons.

230—Insufficient Privileges

255—Backend error. Verb failed


1—The Verb cannot establish a configuration area or a corrupt area already exists.

2—A connection with the OMS cannot be established.

3—The login with the provided credentials fails at the OMS.

4—The supplied "url" option is malformed or is not http/https.

5—The configuration directory is not local as determined by the user in non-trustall HTTPS mode.

6—The Verb cannot collect the user password safely.

7—License is not been accepted by the user.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.


1—Blackout X created by user Y does not exist.

2—The blackout has already ended or stopped.

3—Agent-side blackouts cannot be edited or stopped.

218—The start of the blackout is currently being processed.

The blackout is already pending stop.

The last set of edits to the blackout have not yet been committed.

219—You (X) do not have the Super Administrator privilege needed to stop, delete, or modify blackout Y created by user Z.

Only the blackout owner can stop, delete, or modify the blackout.

Current user does not have OPERATOR privilege over all blackout targets.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Specified job is invalid or non-existent.219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.223—Unable to parse command line correctly.OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Supplied job type is invalid or non-existent.

2—Job with the same name already exists.

3—One or more specified targets are invalid.

4—Missing job parameter.

5—Invalid job parameters, possibly including the security parameters such as "pwd".

217—Specified job schedule is invalid.

219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

Invalid argument value.

File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed options.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—Rule with name X and owner Y does not exist.2—EM user X does not exist.3—EM user X has no email addresses set up (see console tab Preferences->General).4—Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server not set up (see console tab Setup->Notification Methods).219—You (X) do not have the SUPER_USER or MANAGE_ANY_ USER privilege needed to add email addresses for user Y.You (X) do not have the SUPER_USER or MANAGE_ANY_ USER privilege needed to subscribe Y to the rule owned by Z.223—Unable to parse command line correctly.

Invalid argument value.

OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting to the executing OMS.


1—The Verb cannot establish a configuration area or a corrupt area already exists.

2—A connection with the OMS cannot be established.

3—The login with the provided credentials fails at the OMS.

4—The license has not been accepted by the current user.

223—Unable to parse the command line correctly.


0—Beacon synced successfully.

129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which argument is syntactically incorrect.

170—Service does not exist.

173—Beacon does not exist.

175—Beacon not in list of monitoring beacons.

230—Insufficient Privileges.

255—Backend error. Verb failed.


4—Target (of given target type) does not exist.

5—Credential type does not exist for given target.

6—Key value (e.g., user name) does not exist.

7—Non-operator cannot change credentials.

8—Wrong value for old password.

9—Old and new passwords match.

10—No such non_key_column name.

Verb Reference


Adds a beacons to the monitoring set of beacons. All enabled tests will be pushed to the beacon.


      -name=target name
      -type=target type
      -bcnName=beacon name



emcli add_beacon -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'

Adds MyBeacon to MyTarget service target of type generic_service.


Add a Management Plug-in (MP) to a Management Plug-in Archive (MPA). If the MPA file does not exist, it is created.





emcli add_mp_to_mpa
      -func_desc="Management Plug-in to define target type new_type"

Adds Management Plug-in files to a Management Plug-in Archive called "my_new_type.jar"


Add a target to be monitored by Enterprise Manager. The target type specified is checked on the Management Agent for existence and for required properties, such as username and password for host target types, or login credentials for database target types. Any required properties of a target type must be specified when adding a new target of that type.

For oracle_database target types, Role must be specified with the monitoring credentials. If the Role is Normal, the UserName must be dbsnmp. Otherwise, the Role must be SYSDBA, and UserName may be any user with SYSDBA privileges.


      [-display_name="display name"]
      [-timezone_region="gmt offset"]
      [-monitor_mode="monitor mode"]



emcli add_target

Add an oracle_database target with name "database". Take notice of the way the credentials are specified. The "name"s in those name-value pairs come from the oracle_database metadata file. They must appear exactly as they are named in that file (the same goes for the property "name"s). This example uses the base minimum of required credentials and properties for the database target.

emcli add_target

Add an oracle_database target with the name "database". This example illustrates the use of the input_file to camouflage the credentials.The password is actually in a file named at_pwd_file. The input_file argument is used to replace PWD_FILE with the contents of the at_pwd_file in the credentials argument.

emcli add_target
      -properties="LsnrName:LISTENER;ListenerOraDir:/oracle/lsnr; Port:15091;OracleHome:/oracle;

Add an oracle_listener target with the name "mylist". The LsnrName is the name of the listener as configured in the listener.ora file andListenerOraDir is the directory containing the listener.ora file.


Applies the variables and test definitions, from the file(s) into a repository target.


      -targetName=<target name>
      -targetType=<target type>
      -input_file=template:<template filename>
      [-input_file=variables:<variable filename>]
      [-overwriteExisting=<all | none | <test1>:<type1>;<test2>:<type2>;...>]



emcli apply_template_tests
      -targetName='my_target' -targetType='generic_service'
      -input_file=template:'my_template.xml' -encryption_key='my_password'

Applies the test definitions contained in file 'my_template.xml' into the Generic Service target 'my_target', using key 'my_password' to decrypt the file contents. If tests with names 'my_website' or 'my_script' exist on the target, they will be overwritten by the test definitions in the file..


Executes an EM CLI Verb where both Verb and arguments are contained in an ASCII file. This Verb allows you to use verbs with greater flexibility. For example, when specifying a large list of targets to be blacked out (create_blackout Verb), you can use the argfile Verb to input the target list from a file.


argfile /path/to/<file_name>




emcli argfile my_verb_arguments


Assigns a test-type to target-type. If a test-type t is assigned to target type T, then all targets of type T can be queried with tests of type t.


      -testtype=test-type to be assigned
      -type=target type
      [-tgtVersion]=version of target type



emcli assign_test_to_target -testtype='HTTP' -type='generic_service'

Assigns test type HTTP to targets of type generic service v2..


Changes the system that hosts a given service.


      -systemname='system name'
      -systemtype='system type'



emcli change_service_system_assoc
      -name='my service' -type='generic_service'
      -systemname='my system' -systemtype='generic_system'
      -keycomponents='database:oracle_database; mytestbeacon:oracle_beacon'

Changes system for a generic service named 'my service' to generic system named 'my system' with specified key components.


Clones the specified Application Server Oracle Home or S/W Library component from the target host to specified destinations. For a Portal and Wireless install, OID user and password are also needed. For a J2EE instance connected to only DB-based repository, a DCM Schema password is needed.


emcli clone_as_home
       -list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
       -jobname="name of cloning job"
       [-oiduser=oid admin user]
       [-oidpassword=oid admin password]
       [-dcmpassword=dcm schema password]
       [-prescripts="script name to execute"]
       [-postscripts="script to execute"]
       [-rootscripts="script name to execute"]
       [-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"] 
         ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"



Creates a Oracle Clusterware cluster given a source Clusterware home location or a Clusterware S/W Library component, for specified destination nodes.


emcli clone_crs_home
       -list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
       -jobname="name of cloning job"
       -home_name="name of home to use when creating Oracle Clusterware cluster"
       -home_location="location of home when creating Oracle Clusterware cluster"
       -clustername=name of cluster to create
       -ocrLoc=ocr location
       -vdiskLoc=voting disk location
       [-prescripts="script name to execute"]
       [-postscripts="script to execute"]
       [-rootscripts="script name to execute"]
       [-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"] 
         ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"]       [-jobdesc="description"]



emcli clone_crs_home -input_file="dest_properties:crs.prop"  -isSwLib="true"
  -tryftp_copy="true" -jobname="crs cloning job2" -home_name="cloneCRS1" 
  -home_location="/scratch/scott/cloneCRS1 " -clustername="crscluster" 
  -ocrLoc="/scratch/shared/ocr" -vdiskLoc="/scratch/shared/vdisk" 
_ ORACLE_HOME=%oracle_home%" 
  -run_postscripts_as_root="true" -rootscripts="%oracle_home%/" 


Clones the specified Oracle Home or S/W Library from the target host to specified destinations.If the isRac option is true, a Rac cluster is created. If the isRac option is true, the home name and location of the Rac cluster are needed


emcli clone_database_home
       -list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
       -jobname="name of cloning job"
       [-home_name="name of home to use when creating RAC cluster"]
       [-home_location="location of home when creating RAC cluster"]
       [-prescripts="script name to execute"]
       [-postscripts="script to execute"]
       [-rootscripts="script name to execute"]
       [-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"] 
         ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"



emcli clone_database_home
      -jobname="clone database home"
      -source_params=";HomeLoc=/oracle/database1; HomeName=OUIHome1;ScratchLoc=/tmp"


Define an aggregate service: name and its sub-services. After the aggregate service is created, you can edit it from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console to configure performance and usage metrics to be collected and displayed.


      -avail_eval_func="function to evaluate availability"
      [-timezone_region="timezone region"]



emcli create_aggregate_service -name="My_Name"


Create a scheduled blackout to suspend any data collection activity on one or more monitored targets.


         [start_time:<yy-MM-dd HH:mm>];
         [end_time:<yy-MM-dd HH:mm>];

Constraints on schedule arguments:

    requires => duration or end_time
    optional => start_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
    requires => duration, repeat
    optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
    requires => duration, days
    optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
    requires => duration, days
    optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
    requires => duration, days, months
    optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset



emcli create_blackout -name=b1 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
      -reason="good reason1"

Create blackout b1 for the specified targets (database2) to start immediately and last for 30 minutes.

emcli create_blackout -name=b1 -add_targets=myhost:host
      -propagate_targets -jobs_allowed
      -schedule="end_time:2005-04-26 05:00;tzinfo:specified;tzoffset:-4"
      -reason="good reason2"

Create blackout b1 for all targets on myhost to start immediately and last until 2005-04-26 05:00 (in the timezone GMT-4hours).

emcli create_blackout -name=b1 -add_targets=mygroup:group
      -schedule="end_time:2005-04-26 05:00;tzinfo:specified;tzoffset:-4"
      -reason="good reason3"

Create blackout b1 for all targets in group mygroup to start immediately and last until 2005-04-26 05:00 (in the timezone GMT-4hours). No jobs are allowed to run during the blackout.

emcli create_blackout -name=b1
      -schedule="frequency:once;start_time:04-10-24 22:30;duration::30;tzinfo:target:tzoffset:1"
      -reason="good reason4"

Create blackout b1 for the specified targets (database2, database3) to start at 2004-10-24 22:30 and last for 30 minutes. The timezone is the timezone for the database2 target.

emcli create_blackout -name=b1 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
      -schedule="frequency:once;start_time:04-10-24 22:30;duration::30;tzinfo:target;tzoffset:2"
      -reason="good reason5"

Create blackout b1 for the specified targets (database2,database3) to start at 2004-10-24 22:30 and last for 30 minutes. The timezone is the timezone for the database3 target.

emcli create_blackout -name=b2 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
      -schedule="frequency:interval;start_time:2004-10-25 03:00;duration:2;repeat=1d"
      -reason="good reason"

Create blackout b2 for the specified targets (database2) to start at 2004-10-25 03:00 and every day thereafter, and to last 2 hours each time. The timezone is the repository timezone.

emcli create_blackout -name=b2 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
      -schedule="frequency:interval;duration:2:5;end_time:04-12-31 23:59;repeat=2d;tzinfo:repository"
      -reason="another good reason"

Create blackout b2 for the specified targets (database2) to start immediately and every 2 days thereafter (until 04-12-31 23:59), and to last 2 hours and 5 minutes each time. The timezone is the repository timezone.

emcli create_blackout -name=b4 -add_targets="myhost:host;otherhost:host"
      -reason="very good reason"

Create blackout b4 for all targets on myhost and otherhost to start every Sunday through Thursday at the current time. The blackout will last 1 hour each time.

emcli create_blackout -name=b5 -add_targets=mygroup:group
      -propagate_targets -jobs_allowed
      -schedule="frequency:monthly;duration:1:10;start_time:04-10-24 22:30;end_time:04-12-24 23:59:days=15,-1"
      -reason="pretty good reason"

Create blackout b5 for all targets within group mygroup to start on the 15'th and last day of each month at time 22:30 and last until 2004-12-24 (2004-12-15 will be the actual last blackout date). The blackout will last 1 hour and 10 minutes each time. Jobs are allowed to run during the blackouts.

emcli create_blackout -name=b6 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
      -schedule="frequency:yearly;duration:2;start_time:04-10-24 13:30:months=3,4,9;days=2,22,23"
      -reason="most excellent reason"

Create blackout b6 for the specified targets (database2) to start at 13:30 on the following dates of each year: 03-02, 04-22, 09-23. The blackout will last 2 hours each time. Jobs are not allowed to run during the blackouts..


Define a group: name and its members. After the group is created, you can edit the group from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console to configure Summary Metrics to be displayed for group members.





emcli create_group -name=db_group

Creates a database-only group named db_group. This group consists of two Oracle databases: emp_rec and payroll.

emcli create_group -name=my_group

Creates a mixed member type group named my_group that consists of an oracle database (database2), listener (dblistener), and host (

emcli create_group -name=my_hosts

Creates a host-only group named my_hosts that consists of three machines within the domain: smpsun, dlsun, and supersun.


Define a redundancy group: name and its members. After the redundancy group is created, you can edit the redundancy group from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console to configure Charts to be displayed for redundancy group members.


      [-owner=<Redundancy Group Owner>]
      [-timezone_region=<actual timezone region>]



emcli create_red_group -name=lsnr_group

Creates a redundancy group named lsnr_group. This group consists of two Oracle listeners: emp_rec and payroll.


Create a new Enterprise Manager admininistrator role.





emcli create_role
      -desc="This is a new role called my_new_role"

Creates a role named my_new_role with the one-sentence description - "This is a new role called my_new_role". The role combines three existing roles: role1, role2, and role3. The role also has three added privileges: to view the job with ID 923470234ABCDFE23018494753091111 and to view the target The role is granted to johndoe and janedoe.


Creates a service to be monitored by Enterprise Manager.


      -availType=availability type (can be 'test' or 'system')
      -availOp=availability operator (can be 'and' or 'or') 
      [-hostName=host name]
      [-agentURL=agent url]
      [-timezone_region='gmt offset']
      [-systemname='system name']
      [-systemtype='system type']
      [-input_file='template:Template file name;[vars:Variables file name]']



emcli create_service
      -name='my service' -type='generic_service'
      -availType='system' -availOp='or'
      -properties='prop1:value1; prop2:value2'
      -systemname='my system' -systemtype='generic_system'
      -keycomponents='database:oracle_database; mytestbeacon:oracle_beacon'

Create a generic service named 'my service' with specified properties on generic system named 'my system' with specified key components. The availability is set as system-based.


Define a system: name and its members. After the system is created, you can edit the system from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console to configure Charts to be displayed for system members.


      -timezone_region="actual timezone region"
      [-meta_ver="meta version of system type"]



emcli create_system -name=db_system

Creates a generic system named db_system. This system consists of two Oracle databases: emp_rec and payroll. Owner of this system is user1. Meta version of the system type is 3.0.

emcli create_system -name=my_system

Creates a generic system named my_system that consists of an oracle database (database2), listener (dblistener),and host ( Owner of this system is the logged in user. Meta version of the system type is 1.0.


Create a new Enterprise Manager administrator.





emcli create_user

Creates an Enterprise Manager administrator named new_admin. This administrator has two privileges: the ability to view the job with ID 923470234ABCDFE23018494753091111 and the ability to view the target The administrator new_admin is granted the PUBLIC role.


Delete a blackout that has already ended or has been fully stopped. You cannot delete a blackout that is either in progress or currently scheduled -- you need to first run stop_blackout.


      [-createdby="blackout_creator" (default is current user)]



emcli delete_blackout -name=backup_monthly

Delete blackout backup_monthly created by the current user.

emcli delete_blackout -name=db_maintenance -createdby=sysadmin2

Delete blackout db_maintenance that was created by Enterprise Manager administrator sysadmin2. The current user must either be user sysadmin2 or a user with the SUPER_USER privilege.


Delete a group. Attempting to delete a non-existent group will not generate an error.





emcli delete_group -name=payroll_group

Removes the group payroll_group which consists of database target types.

emcli delete_group -name=my_hosts

Removes the group my_hosts which consists of host target types.

emcli delete_group -name=my_group

Removes the group my_group which consists of mixed target types.


Delete a specified job. A job cannot be deleted if any of its executions are in the EXECUTING (Running) state. Use the get_jobs verb to obtain a list of existing jobs along with their job Ids and statuses.


      -job_id="jobID" | -name="jobName"



emcli delete_job -job_id=12345678901234567890123456789012

Deletes an existing job with the job ID 12345678901234567890123456789012.

emcli delete_job -name=my_job

Deletes an existing job named my_job, which belongs to the current Enterprise Manager user.


Deletes a promoted metric.


      -name=Service target name
      -type=Service target type
      [-category = Usage/Performance]
      [-promotedMetricName = Promoted Metric]
      [-promotedMetricColumn = Promoted Metric Column]
      -promotedMetricKey = Key Value of the promoted metric



emcli delete_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -category=Performance -promotedMetricKey=mymetric1

Deletes the promoted Performance metric with key value mymetric1 on service MyTarget.


Delete an existing Enterprise Manager administrator role.





emcli delete_role -name="existing_role"

Deletes a role named existing_role.


Delete a system.





emcli delete_system -name=my_system

Deletes the system my_system.


Delete a specified target from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control monitoring framework. Deleting a target removes it from the Management Repository and does not physically remove the target itself.

You can use the get_targets verb to obtain a list of available targets and their respective types.





emcli delete_target

Delete the oracle_database target with name "database".


Deletes a Services test along with its constituent steps and stepgroups.


      -name=target name
      -type=target type
      -testname=test name
      -testtype=test type



emcli delete_test -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'

Deletes HTTP test named MyTest for generic_service target named MyTarget.


Delete an existing Enterprise Manager administrator.

When a user is deleted, any jobs created by the user are stopped and deleted. Also, any blackouts created by the user are deleted. However, a user can not be deleted if there any blackouts created by the user that are active at the time the call to delete the user is issued. This situation is considered an invalid state from which to delete a user. First, any and all of these active blackouts must be stopped, and a thwarted delete user call must be reissued.





emcli delete_user -name=sysman3

Deletes the Enterprise Manager administrator named sysman3.


Disables a Services test monitoring.


      -name=target name
      -type=target type
      -testname=test name
      -testtype=test type



emcli disable_test -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'

Disables HTTP test named MyTest for generic_service target named MyTarget.


Enables a Services test monitoring. It will push the Service test collection to all the beacons.


      -name=target name
      -type=target type
      -testname=test name
      -testtype=test type



emcli enable_test -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'

Enables HTTP test named MyTest for generic_service target named MyTarget.


Execute a Host command across a set of targets.


      -cmd="host command"
      -osscript="os script to be executed with "cmd" "



emcli execute_hostcmd
      -cmd="ls -l;"

Executes the host command "ls -l;" against target "" and host targets contained in the group 'grp'. The stored 'HostCredsPriv' preferred credentials will be used for all the targets.

emcli execute_hostcmd
      -cmd="/bin/sh -s" 

Loads the contents of the script "/scratch/dba_scripts/" into the value of option "-osscript" and executes it against target "" and host targets contained in the group 'grp'. The stored 'HostCredsNormal' preferred credentials will be used for all the targets.


Execute a SQL command across a set of targets.


      -sql="sql command"



emcli execute_sql
      -sql="select * from sysman.mgmt_targets;"

Executes the sql command "select * from sysman.mgmt_targets;" against target "database:oracle_database" and database targets contained in the group 'grp'. The stored SYSDBA preferred credentials will be used for all the targets.

emcli execute_sql

Loads the contents of the script "/scratch/dba_scripts/enterprise_schema.sql" into the value of option "-sql" and executes it against target "database:oracle_database" and database targets contained in the group 'grp'. The stored SYSDBA preferred credentials will be used for all the targets.


Clones the specified Application Server Oracle Home or Software Library component from the target host to specified destinations. The new hosts join an existing cluster. For a Portal and Wireless install, OID user and password are also needed. For a J2EE instance connected to only DB based repository,a DCM Schema password is needed.


emcli extend_as_home
       -list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
       -jobname="name of cloning job"
       -clustername=name of the cluster to join
       [-oiduser=oid admin user]
       [-oidpassword=oid admin password]
       [-dcmpassword=dcm schema password]
       [-prescripts=script name to execute"]
       [-postscripts=script to execute"]
       [-rootscripts=script name to execute"]
       [-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"] 
         ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"



Extends a Oracle Clusterware cluster using a Oracle Clusterware source home location or a Oracle Clusterware Software Library component, to specified destinations. If a component is used, the user must provide information for a host that is part of the current cluster, along with the Oracle Home name and home location. When cloning from a source home, the user need not pass source information twice (-srchost, -home_name,-home_location): This information is extracted from the home. These are only needed when cloning from a Software Library component.


emcli extend_crs_home
    -list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
    -jobname="name of cloning job"
    -ocrLoc=ocr location
    -vdiskLoc=voting disk location
     [-srchost=name of a host node present on the cluster being extended"]
     [-home_name="home name on a host for the existing Oracle Clusterware
     [-home_location="location on a host for the existing Oracle Clusterware
     [-prescripts=script name to execute"]
     [-postscripts=script to execute"]
     [-rootscripts=script name to execute"]
     [-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"] 
       ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"]



Extends a RAC cluster by taking a specified Oracle Home location or a RAC Software Library component, and cloning it to specified destinations. If a component is used, the user must provide information for a host that is part of the current cluster, along with the Oracle Home name and home location. When cloning from a source home, this information is automatically extracted from the home.


emcli extend_rac_home
   -list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
   -jobname="name of cloning job"
    [-srchost=name of a host node present on the RAC cluster being extended"]
    [-home_name="home name on a host for the existing RAC cluster"]
    [-home_location="location on a host for the existing RAC cluster"]
    [-prescripts="script name to execute"]
    [-postscripts="script to execute"]
    [-rootscripts="script name to execute"]
    [-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"] 
      ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"]



emcli extend_rac_home
       -jobname="clone database home"


Extracts variables and test definitions, from a repository template into a local file.


      -templateName=<template name>
      -templateType=<template type>
      -output_file=<output filename>



emcli extract_template_tests
      -templateName='my_template' -templateType='website'
      -output_file='my_template.xml' -encryption_key='my_password'

Creates a file named 'my_template.xml' containing the variable values and test definitions of Web Application template 'my_template'. The file contents are encrypted using key 'my_password'.


Get timezone and availability evaluation function information of an aggregate service instance.





emcli get_aggregate_service_info -name="My_Name"


Get sub-services of an aggregate service instance.





emcli get_aggregate_service_members -name="My_Name"


Get detailed information for a specified blackout.


      [-createdby="blackout_creator" (default is current user)]
      [-script | -format=


Output Columns

Status, Status ID, Run Jobs, Next Start, Duration, Reason, Frequency, Repeat, Days, Months, Start Time, End Time, TZ Offset.


emcli get_blackout_details -name=blackout1

Show detailed information for blackout blackout1 created by the current user.

emcli get_blackout_details -name=blackout1 -createdby=joe

Show detailed information for blackout blackout1 that was created by user joe.


List all blackout reasons, one per line.




emcli get_blackout_reasons

List all blackout reasons, one per line.


List targets for a specified blackout.


      [-createdby="blackout_creator" (default is current user)]
      [-script | -format=


Output Columns

Target Name,Target Type,Status,Status ID.


emcli get_blackout_targets -name=blackout1

Lists targets in the blackout blackout1 created by the current user..

emcli get_blackout_targets -name=blackout1 -createdby=joe

Lists targets in the blackout blackout1 that was created by user joe..


List all blackouts or just those for a specified target or one or more hosts. Only the blackouts the user has privilege to view are listed.


      [-target="name1:type1" | -hostnames="host1;host2;..."]
      [-script | -format=


Output Column

Name, Created By, Status, Status ID, Next Start, Duration, Reason, Frequency, Repeat, Start Time, End Time, Previous End, TZ Offset.


emcli get_blackouts

Show all blackouts with some details.

emcli get_blackouts -target=database2:oracle_database

Show all blackouts that cover the target database2:oracle_database.

emcli get_blackouts

Show all blackouts that cover some target on host

emcli get_blackouts -hostnames=""

Show all blackouts that cover some target on host or on host


List the members of the specified group.

Note that targets are only listed once, even though they may be in more than one sub-group of the group.


      [-depth=#  (default 1)]
      [-script | -format=


Output Columns

Target Name,Target Type.


emcli get_group_members -name=db2_group

List the databases in group db2_group.

emcli get_group_members -name=my_hosts -depth=0

Verify that group my_hosts:group exists.

emcli get_group_members -name=my_group -depth=-1

List the unique targets in group my_group:group and its sub-groups.


List all groups.


      [-script | -format=


Output Columns

Target Name,Target Type.


emcli get_groups

List all groups.


List existing jobs.


      [-script | -format=


Output Columns

Name, Type, ID, Execution ID, Scheduled, Completed, Status, Status ID, Owner, Target Type, Target Name.


emcli get_jobs
      -job_ids="12345678901234567890123456789012, 09876543210987654321098765432100"

Shows the jobs with the specified job Ids:

12345678901234567890123456789012 and 09876543210987654321098765432100.

emcli get_jobs

Shows all jobs run against a host target named "" that are scheduled or have completed.

emcli get_jobs

Shows all jobs run against an Oracle database target named "payroll" that have failed. Tabular output is generated using tabs as column separators and newlines as row separators.


List the members of the specified system.


      [-depth=#  (default 1)]
      [-script | -format=


Output Columns

Source Target Name Member Target Name Member Target Type Level


emcli get_system_members -name=db2_system

List the databases in system db2_system.

emcli get_system_members -name=my_system -depth=0

Verify that system my_system:generic_system exists.

emcli get_system_members -name=my_system -depth=-1

List the unique targets in system my_system:generic_system and its sub-systems.


Get status and alert information for targets.


      [-script | -format=


Output Columns

Status ID Status Target Type Target Name Critical Warning.


emcli get_targets

Shows all targets. Critical and Warning columns are not included.

emcli get_targets

Shows all targets. Critical and Warning columns are shown.

emcli get_targets

Shows all "oracle_database" targets.

emcli get_targets

Shows all targets whose type contains the string "oracle".

emcli get_targets

Shows all targets whose name starts with "databa" and type contains "oracle".

emcli get_targets

Shows status and alert information on the Oracle database named "database3".


Show summary of all verbs or command line help for individual EM CLI verbs.


EM CLI must be setup and configured before command line help is available for all verbs.


help [verbname]




emcli help add_target (provides description, syntax, and usage examples for a specific Verb.)
emcli help (provides an overview for all available verbs.)


Modify an aggregate service instance.


      [-avail_eval_func="function to evaluate availability."]
      [-timezone_region="timezone region"]



emcli modify_aggregate_service -name="My_Name"


Add or remove targets from an existing group.

An error will not be generated when attempting to delete a non-existent target in the group or when attempting to add a target that already exists in the group.





emcli modify_group -name=db2_group

Modify group db2_group by adding database database:oracle_database and deleting database database2:oracle_database from the group.

emcli modify_group -name=my_hosts

Modify group my_hosts by adding host to the group.

emcli modify_group -name=my_group

Modify group my_group by adding targets group_a:group and database:oracle_database and deleting the nonexistent target nogroup:group from the group.


Add or remove targets from an existing redundancy group.

An error will not be generated when attempting to delete a non-existent target in the redundancy group.


      [-owner=<Redundancy Group Owner>]



emcli modify_red_group -name=Servers

Modify redundancy group Servers by adding Oracle Apache Server1:oracle_apache and deleting Oracle Apache Server5:oracle_apache from the redundancy group.


Modify an existing Enterprise Manager administrator role.

Note: omit an argument to leave its value unchanged.





emcli modify_role
      -desc="This role was changed"

Modifies a role named existing_role with the one-sentence description -"This role was changed". The role combines three existing roles: role1, role2, and role3. The role also has three added privileges: to view the job with ID 923470234ABCDFE23018494753091111 and to view the target The role is granted to johndoe and janedoe.

emcli modify_role

Modifies a role named existing_role by assigning role4, role5, and role6 to it. The description, privileges, and users associated with this role remain unchanged.


Add or remove targets from an existing system.

An error will not be generated when attempting to delete a non-existent target in the system or when attempting to add a target that already exists in the system.

If both the -add_members and -delete_members are given in the same command, then the members specified by -delete_members will be deleted first and then the members specified by -add_members will get added.





emcli modify_system -name=db2_system

Modify system db2_system by adding database database:oracle_database and deleting database database2:oracle_database from the system. New owner of the system is user2.

emcli modify_system -name=my_hosts

Modify system my_hosts by adding host to the system.

emcli modify_system -name=my_system

Modify system my_system by adding targets system_a:generic_system and database:oracle_database and deleting the nonexistent target nosystem:generic_system from the system.


Modify a target instance definition.


      [-display_name="display name"]



emcli modify_target
      -display_name="New Name DB"

Modifies the display name to "New Name DB" for the database with the internal name "database".

emcli modify_target

Modifies the credentials for the oracle_database target with the name "database". This example illustrates the use of the input_file to camouflage the credentials. The password is actually in a file named at_pwd_file. The input_file argument is used to replace PWD_FILE with the contents of the at_pwd_file in the credentials argument. The on_agent flag ensures that the changes are propagated to the Management Agent collecting for this target.

emcli modify_target
      -display_name="New Name DB"

Modifies the display name and properties for the oracle_database target with the name "database". The on_agent flag ensures that the changes are propagated to the Management Agent collecting for this target.

emcli modify_target

Modifies an oracle_database target type with the name "payroll_db". In this example, the display name for this database (target name that is displayed in the Enterprise Manager UI) is being changed to "payroll". The port number is being changed to 15067 and the Oracle Home is being changed to /oradb. The administrator (dbsnmp), whose previous default role was "Normal" is being changed to "sysdba". This example also illustrates the use of the input_file to camouflage the credentials. The password is actually in a file named "at_pwd_file". The -input_file argument is used to replace PWD_FILE with the contents of the at_pwd_file in the -credentials option.


Modify an existing Enterprise Manager administrator.





emcli modify_user

Modifies the new_admin administrator. The user will have three privileges: to view the job with ID 923470234ABCDFE230184947530911111 and to view the target The user will also be granted role PUBLIC. The user email addresses will be set to and

emcli modify_user

Deletes all the email addresses and privileges for administrator new_admin. Note that -privilege="" and -privilege are equivalent if specified at the command line in a UNIX shell.


Provision a hardware server, using configuration properties from the input file. The configuration properties required for a component can be viewed from the Grid Control console. Once a provisioning request is made you can view the status of that request from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console by using the assignment name (specified by you or the automatically generated name returned to you).


      -image="path to the image"
      -network="network profile path"
      -bootserver="boot server name"
      -stageserver="stage server name"
      -schedule="type:immediate/onetime;timezone:zone; startdt:startdate;starttm:time"
      -target="hardware server label"
      -assignment= "assignment name"
      [-desc= "assignment description"]



emcli provision
      -assignment="provision mylabel"

Submits a job that will provision myimage on target having label as mylabel. Job will run immediately with a reset timeout of 100 minutes. Image properties will be picked from properties.txt that will override default image properties.stageserver will be used as staging server and "/private/share" as staging storage with joe as the username.


There are two flavors in this command:

  1. First,

    emcli relocate_targets -src_agent=<source agent>
          -dest_agent=<destination agent>
          -input_file=dupTarget:<complete path to file>;

    Creates a list of targets on the destination agent that already exists and monitored by source agent in EM. Moves all the collections, blackouts for these targets from source agent to destination agent and makes the destination agent as the monitoring agent for these targets in EM.

  2. Second,

    emcli relocate_targets
          -src_agent=<source agent target name>
          -dest_agent=<destination agent target name>
          -target_name=<target name>
          -target_type=<target type>

    Makes the destination agent as the monitoring agent for this target.


      -src_agent=<source agent target name>
      -dest_agent=<destination agent target name>
      {-target_name=<name of target to be relocated>
      -target_type=<type of target to be relocated> } |
      {-input_file=dupTarget:<complete path to file>}



Removes a beacon from the monitoring set of beacons.


      -name=target name
      -type=target type
      -bcnName=beacon name



emcli remove_beacon -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'

Removes MyBeacon from MyTarget service target of type generic_service.


Removes the system for a given Service.





emcli remove_service_system_assoc
      -name='my service' -type='generic_service'

Removes the system for generic service named 'my service'.


Restart a previously failed job execution.


      [-script | -format=


Output Columns:

Execution ID.


emcli retry_job -exec_id=12345678901234567890123456789012

Restarts the job execution with Id 12345678901234567890123456789012 and displays a new execution Id.


Changes the availability definition of a given service.


emcli set_availability        -name=target name        -type=target type        -availType=availability type (can be 'test' or 'system')        -availOp=availability operator (can be 'and' or 'or)


-name=target name Service target name -type=target type Service target type. -availType=Type of availability Switches the availability to either test-based or system-based -availOp=Availability Operator If 'and' it uses all key tests/components to decide availability If 'or' it uses any key tests/components to decide availability


emcli set_availability -name='MyTarget' type='generic_service'                       -availType='test' -availOp='and'Sets the availability of service MyTarget to be based on all key-tests.emcli set_availability -name='MyTarget' type='generic_service'                       -availType='test' -availOp='or'Sets the availability of service MyTarget to be based on any key-test.


Set preferred credentials for given users.




Note: The list of columns and the credential sets they belong to is included in the metadata file for each target type. This and other credential information is in the <CredentialInfo> section of the metadata.


Example 1:

emcli set_credential

Example 2:

emcli set_credential

Contents of passwordFile: username:joe;password:newPass;role:newRole

Here, FILE1 is a tag used to refer to the contents of passwordFile. Note that Example 2 has the same effect as Example 1.

Example 3:

emcli set_credential


Defines key beacons and tests of the service.


      -name=target name
      -type=target type
      [-beacons=beacon names]+



emcli set_key_beacons_tests -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -beacons='MyBeacon' -removeKey

Sets MyTest/HTTP, MyTest2/FTP and MyBeacon as non-key elements of service MyTarget/generic_service.

emcli set_key_beacons_tests -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'

Sets MyBeacon and MyBeacon2 as key beacons of service MyTarget/generic_service.


Creates or edits a metric promotion based on test or system.


      -name=Service target name
      -type=Service target type
      [-category = Usage/Performance]
      -basedOn = system/test
      -aggFunction = AVG|MAX|MIN|SUM|COPY
      [-promotedMetricName = Promoted Metric]
      [-promotedMetricColumn = Promoted Metric Column]
      -promotedMetricKey = Key Value of the promoted metric
      [-metricName = Dependent Metric Name]
      -column = Dependent Metric Column
      *[-depTargetType = Target type of dependent targets]
      *[-depTargets = 'target1;target2...']
      *[-depTargetKeyValues='target1:key11|key12|key13..; target2:key21|key22|key23..']
      *[-depMetricKeyColumn= Dependent metric key column]
      **[-testname= Dependent Test Name]
      **[-testtype= Dependent Test Type]
      **[-metricLevel= TXN|STEP|STEPGROUP]
      **[-depTestComponent= Step or stepgroup name]
      [-threshold= 'Critical threshold value; Warning threshold value; Threshold Operator (EQ|LE|LT|GT|GE)']
      -mode= CREATE|EDIT

*: Might be required if basedOn is set to 'system''

**: Might be required if basedOn is set to 'test'



emcli set_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service' 
      -category=Performance -basedOn=test -aggFunction=MAX
      -testname='MyTest' -testtype=HTTP
      -beacons='MyBeacon, mybcn1'
      -promotedMetricKey=mymetric1 -column=dns_time -metricName=http_response
      -metricLevel=TXN -threshold='200;100;GE' -mode=CREATE

Creates a promoted Performance metric with key value mymetric1 on service MyTarget using MyTest/HTTP. The promoted metric takes the maximum of the dns_time metric column returned by MyBeacon and mybcn1 beacons. It also has a threshold with 'greater or equal to' operator (GE) with critical value set to 200 and warning value set to 100.

emcli set_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -category=Usage -basedOn=system -aggFunction=COPY
      -promotedMetricKey=mymetric1 -column=cpuUtil -metricName=Load
      -depTargets='' -depTargetType=host

Creates a promoted Usage metric with key value mymetric1 on service MyTarget. The dependent target is '' with type 'host'. The promoted metric just copies the cpuUtil column of the Load metric.

emcli set_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -category=Usage -basedOn=system -aggFunction=AVG
      -promotedMetricKey=AppServerComponentUsage -depTargetType=oracle_ias       

Creates a promoted Usage metric with key value AppServerComponentUsage on service MyTarget. The dependent target is 'myapp_server' with type 'oracle_ias'. The promoted metric computes the average value of the cpu.component metric column for the specified key values.


Sets the property of a test or (test,beacon).


      -name=target name
      -type=target type
      -testname=test name
      -testtype=test type
      [-beacons=beacon names]



emcli set_property -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'

Sets the property timeout to 30,000 and granularity to transaction of the test MyTest defined on MyTarget for all beacons.

emcli set_property -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'
      -propertyName='timeout' -propertyValue='30000'

Sets the property timeout to 30,000 and granularity to transaction of the test MyTest defined on MyTarget for only MyBeacon and MyBeacon2. This works only if the specified properties can be set on per beacon level.


Configure emcli to work with a specific management server.


setup  -url="http[s]://host:port/em/"  -username=<EM Console Username>  [-dir=<local emcli configuration directory>]  [-trustall]  [-novalidate]



emcli setup -url= -username=sysman


Stop a blackout.

A blackout may be stopped before it has fully started, for example when it has a "Scheduled" status. A blackout may also be stopped while it is in effect.


      [-createdby="blackout_creator" (default is current user)]



emcli stop_blackout -name=backup_db3

Stop blackout backup_db3 created by the current user..

emcli stop_blackout -name=weekly_maint -createdby=joe

Stop blackout weekly_maint that was created by user joe. The current user must either be user joe or a user with the SUPER_USER privilege.


Stop a specified job. You can use the get_jobs verb to obtain a list of job Ids and names.


      -job_id="jobID" | -name="jobName"



emcli stop_job -job_id=12345678901234567890123456789012

Stops a job with the specified Id.

emcli stop_job -name=Backup_Wednesday

Stops a job named "Backup_Wednesday", which is owned by the current Enterprise Manager administrator and which is scheduled to execute in the future.


Create and submit a job.


            [start_time:<yy-MM-dd HH:mm>];
            [end_time:<yy-MM-dd HH:mm>];
            [-script | -format=

Constraints on schedule arguments:


optional => start_time, tzinfo, tzoffset


requires => repeat

optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset


requires => days

optional => repeat in #w, start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset


requires => days

optional => repeat in #M, start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset


requires => days, months

optional => repeat in #Y, start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset


Output Columns

Job ID, Execution ID.


emcli submit_job

Submits a job that will run "ls -l" against target "". The job will run under OS username "joe" with password "greetings".

emcli submit_job
      -parameters='command:/bin/sh;args:-x;os_script:ls -l | grep x'

Submits a job that will run the shell (/bin/sh) script specified by parameter "os_script" against targets "" and "". The targets' preferred credentials will be used to run this job.

emcli submit_job

Submits a job that will run the SQL script specified in file ./script.sql against target "database:oracle_database". The target's preferred credentials will be used to run this job.


Subscribe user to a rule with email notification.

It is not an error to specify email addresses that are already in the assignto user's preferences.

A message is issued if the outgoing mail server (SMTP) has not been set up. When the option -fail_if_no_mail_server is specified, this condition is an error and prevents the subscribe from occurring; otherwise this condition is a warning which does not affect the success of this command.


      [-assignto="em_username" (default is current user)]



emcli subscribeto_rule -name="Agent Upload Problems" -owner=sysman

Subscribe the current user to the rule "Agent Upload Problems" using the current user's email addresses for notification. The current user must have the SUPER_USER (or be sysman) privilege for this to succeed, since sysman owns the rule. Also, the current user must already have at least one email address in his preferences, for this command to succeed.

emcli subscribeto_rule -name="Agent Upload Problems" -owner=sysma
      -assignto=joe -email=";"

First add the two specified email addresses to the preferences for user joe. Then subscribe user joe to the rule "Agent Upload Problems" using joe's email addresses for notification. The current user must have the SUPER_USER privilege (or be joe) for this command to succeed.


Synchronize the EMCLI client with an OMS. After synchronization, all verbs and associated command line help available to that OMS become available at the EMCLI client.Synchronization occurs automatically during a call to setup.






emcli sync


Synchronize a beacon which is monitoring the target (reloads all collections to beacon).


      -name=target name
      -type=target type
      -bcnName=beacon name



emcli sync_beacon -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'

Syncs MyBeacon which is monitoring MyTarget target of type generic_service.


Update passwords (or other credentials) for a given target.




Note: The list of columns and the credential types they belong to is included in the metadata file for each target type. This and other credential information is in the <CredentialInfo> section of the metadata.


Example 1:

emcli update_password

Example 2:

emcli update_password

Contents of passwordFile:


Here, FILE1 is a tag used to refer to the contents of passwordFile. Note that Example 2 has the same effect as Example 1.