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Oracle® Database Client Installation Guide
10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows (x64)

Part Number B15684-02
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W 


Administrator installation type
about, 1.2
connecting to database, 4.2.2
disk space requirements, 2.1.1
response file, A.2.1
silent or noninteractive installation, A.2.1
AL32UTF8 character set
upgrade considerations, 2.2.2, B.2
applications, empty connection strings,
Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
silent or noninteractive mode installations, A.1.2


Basic installation method
silent or noninteractive installations, A.2.2
batch mode, setting the NLS_LANG parameter, B.4
Business Components for Java (BC4J), 2.3.3


clientadmin.rsp response file, A.2.1
clientcustom.rsp response file, A.2.1
clientruntime.rsp response file, A.2.1
removing with Oracle Universal Installer, 5.2.2
Windows Terminal Server, 2.3.2
using in different languages, B.1.2
configuration assistants
suppressing during silent or noninteractive installation, A.3
troubleshooting, C.5, C.5
connecting to database, 4.2.2
connectivity tools
Oracle Procedural Gateway
support status, 2.3.3
Oracle Transparent Gateway
support status, 2.3.3
counters, Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor, 4.2.6
Custom installation type
about, 1.2
connecting to database, 4.2.2
noninteractive installation, A.2.1
response file, A.2.1
CyberSafe Adapter Support, 2.3.3


Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
suppressing during silent or noninteractive installation, A.3
Database Upgrade Assistant, 2.3.3
connecting to, 4.2.2
removing, 5
DCE Adapter, 2.3.3
DCE Adapter Support, 2.3.3
deinstalling. See removing
directories, removing Oracle Database Client, 5.3.4
disk space
checking, 2.1.1, 2.1.1
requirements, 2.1.1
DVD drive, installing from, 3.2.1


easy connect naming method for Instant Client-to-database connection,
empty connect strings,
Entrust PKI Support, 2.3.3, 2.3.3
environment variables
ORA_NLS10, 4.2.5
PATH, 5.3.2
hardware requirements, 2.1.1
configuration assistants, C.5
fatal, C.5.2
installation, C.3
noninteractive installation, C.4
silent mode, C.4
existing Oracle installation, 3.1.4


fatal errors, C.5.2, C.5.2
files, Oracle Universal Installer log files, C.3


Generic Connectivity, 2.3.3, 2.3.3
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
support status, 2.3.3


hard disk space
checking, 2.1.1
requirements, 2.1.1
hardware requirements, 2.1


installActions.log file, C.3
accessing installation software, 3.2
downloading software from Oracle Technology Network, 3.2.3
DVD drive, 3.2.1
errors, C.3
guidelines, 3.3.1, 3.3.1
log file (interactive install), C.3
log file (noninteractive install), C.4
log files (interactive install), C.3
multiple, 3.1.1
noninteractive mode error handling, C.4
Oracle base directory, 3.1.2
Oracle homes, multiple, 3.1.3
overview, 1.1
preinstallation considerations, 3.1
procedure, 3.3.2
quick installation, Preface
remote installation with remote access software, 3.2.2
remote installation, DVD drive,
response files, C.4
silent mode error handling, C.4
suppressing screens, A.3
troubleshooting, C
with existing Oracle installations, 3.1.4
installation guidelines, 3.3.1
installation software, accessing, 3.2
installation types
about, 1.2
Administrator, 1.2
Custom, 1.2
Instant Client, 1.2
Runtime, 1.2
Instant Client
about, 1.2
connecting to database with Oracle Call Interface,
connecting to Oracle Database, 4.2.3
disk space requirements, 2.1.1
easy connect naming method,
empty connect strings,
installation type, 1.2
Instant Client Light
about, 1.2
configuring, 4.2.1
connecting to database, 4.2.3
requirements for language and character sets, 2.2.2
updates, 4.1.2
LOCAL environment variable, connecting to database,
TNS_ADMIN environment variable, connecting to database,
tnsnames.ora file connection method,
updates, 4.1.2
Instant Client installation type
noninteractive installation, A.2.1
response file, A.2.1
Instant Client Light
about, 1.2
configuring, 4.2.1
connecting to database, 4.2.3
requirements for language and character sets, 2.2.2
updates, 4.1.2
instantClient.rsp response file, A.2.1


Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
guideline for modifying, 3.3.1
requirements, 2.1.1
Java Server Pages, 2.3.3
JRE. See Java Runtime Environment (JRE)


installing components in different languages, B.1.2
Oracle9isupport postinstallation step, 4.2.5
using components in different languages, B.1.2
listener.ora file
Oracle Net Services configuration, 4.3
LOCAL environment variable,
log files
if encounter errors, C.2
interactive, C.3
noninteractive, C.4
reviewing installation session, C.3


checking, 2.1.1
requirements, 2.1
Microsoft Registry Editor. See Registry Editor
MS-DOS mode, setting the NLS_LANG parameter, B.4


nCipher Accelerator, 2.3.3
nCipher Accelerator Support, 2.3.3
Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
suppressing during silent or noninteractive installation, A.3
NetCA. See Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
netca.rsp response file, A.2.1
NLS_LANG parameter, B.2
setting in MS-DOS mode and batch mode, B.4
territory and character set defaults, B.3
noninteractive installation
errors, C.4
noninteractive mode
about, A.1
error handling, C.4
reasons for using, A.1.1
See also response files, silent mode, A.1
NTFS systems, hard disk space requirements, 2.1.1


Operfcfg.exe utility, 4.2.6
ORA_NLS10 environment variable, 4.2.5
Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows, 3.1.3
Oracle base directory, creation of, 3.1.2
Oracle Call Interface
Instant Client connection method,
See also Instant Client
Oracle Clusterware
certification, 2.3.3
Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor, 3.1.3, 4.2.6
Oracle Data Provider for .NET, 2.3.3
Oracle Database
connect Oracle Database Client to, 4.2.2
connecting to Instant Client, 4.2.3
Oracle Database Client
guidelines for installing, 3.3.1
installation procedure, 3.3.2
preinstallation requirements, 2
Oracle Database Extensions for .NET, 2.3.3
support status, 2.3.3
Oracle directories, removing, 5.3.4
Oracle Enterprise Integration Gateways, 2.3.3
Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control CD, 2.3.3
Oracle Enterprise Manager Java Console, 2.3.3
Oracle Fail Safe, 2.3.3
Oracle homes, multiple, 3.1.3
Oracle HTML DB
Windows support, 2.3.3
Oracle HTTP Server
Windows support, 2.3.3
Oracle Messaging Gateway, 2.3.3, 2.3.3
Oracle Migration Workbench, 2.3.3
Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
about, 4.2.2
connecting client to database, 4.2.2
noninteractive installation, A.2.1
response file, A.2.1
tnsnames.ora configuration, 4.2.2
troubleshooting, C.5
Oracle Net Services
configuring, 4.3
removing Registry Editor key,
Oracle Objects for OLE, 2.3.3
Oracle Open Gateways, 2.3.3
Oracle Procedural Gateway
support status, 2.3.3
Oracle Provider for OLE DB, 3.1.3
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
certification, 2.3.3
Oracle registry keys, removing,
Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server, removing,
Oracle services, stopping, 5.1
Oracle Technology Network (OTN)
accessing, 3.2.3
downloading software from, 3.2.3
Oracle Transparent Gateway
support status, 2.3.3
Oracle Univeral Installer
location of executable, A.3
Oracle Universal Installer
log files, C.3
removing components, 5.2
removing software, guidelines, 5.2.1
running components in different languages, B.1.2
running in different languages, B.1.1
version to use, 3.3.1
Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
running at command line, A.3
Oracle utilities
setting in MS-DOS mode, B.4
Oracle Windows services, stopping, 5.1
Oracle Workflow
Windows support, 2.3.3
Oracle Workflow Builder, 2.3.3
Oracle9i language and territory support, 4.2.5
OracleMetaLink Web site, 2.3
OTN. See Oracle Technology Network
OUI. See Oracle Universal Installer


paging file size
checking, 2.1.1
requirements, 2.1
downloading and installing, 4.1.1
postinstallation task, 4.1.1
PATH environmental variable
removing Oracle entries, 5.3.2
physical RAM
checking, 2.1.1
requirements, 2.1
postinstallation tasks
configuring Oracle Net Services, 4.3
downloading and installing patches, 4.1.1, 4.1.1
Instant Client-to-database connection, 4.2.3
Oracle Database Client-to-database connection, 4.2.2
Oracle9i language and territory support, 4.2.5
recommended, 4.2
required, 4.1.1
user accounts, 4.2.4
preinstallation considerations, 3.1
Pro*COBOL, 2.3.3, 2.3.3
product postinstallation task, configuring Oracle Net Services, 4.3


quick installation, Preface


checking, 2.1.1
requirements, 2.1
record mode, A.2.2
Registry Editor
removing all Oracle keys,
removing Oracle Net service key,
reinstalling Oracle software, 3.3.1
release notes, 1.1
remote access software, 3.2.2
remote installations
about, 3.2.2
DVD drive,
all Oracle registry keys,
components with Oracle Universal Installer, 5.2.2
Oracle Database Client components manually, 5.3
Oracle Database Client, overall procedure, 5
Oracle directories, 5.3.4
Oracle Net Services Registry Editor key,
Oracle Registry Editor keys, 5.3.1
Registry Editor keys, 5.3.1
response files, using, A.3
Start menu Oracle Database Client entries, 5.3.3
removing Oracle Database Client
Oracle from PATH environment variable, 5.3.2
hard disk space, 2.1.1
hardware, 2.1
Java Runtime Environment, 2.1.1
service packs, 2.2.1
software, 2.2
Windows XP
supported components, 2.3.3
requirements, Oracle Database Client, 2
response files
about, A.1
Automatic Storage Management (ASM), A.1.2
with record mode, A.2.2
with template, A.2.1
error handling, C.4
general procedure, A.1.2
passing values at command line, A.1
record mode, A.2.2
specifying with Oracle Universal Installer, A.3
See also silent mode, noninteractive mode, A.1
Runtime installation type
about, 1.2
connecting to database, 4.2.2
disk space requirements, 2.1.1
noninteractive installation, A.2.1
response file, A.2.1


service pack requirements, 2.2.1
stopping, 5.1
setup.exe. See Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
silent mode
about, A.1
error handling, C.4
reasons for using, A.1.1
See also noninteractive mode, response files, A.1
requirements, 2.2
software, removing, 5
setting in MS-DOS mode, B.4
Start menu, removing Oracle Database Client entries, 5.3.3
suppressed mode. See noninteractive mode
swap space
checking, 2.1.1
requirements, 2.1
Symantec pcAnywhere remote access software, 3.2.2


TEMP environment variable, hardware requirements, 2.1.1
temporary directory, 2.1.1
temporary disk space
checking, 2.1.1, 2.1.1
freeing, 2.1.1
requirements, 2.1
tmp directory
checking space in, 2.1.1
freeing space in, 2.1.1
TMP environment variable
hardware requirements, 2.1.1
TNS_ADMIN environment variable,
tnsnames.ora file
Instant Client-to-database connection,
Oracle Net Services configuration, 4.3
troubleshooting, C
Inventory log files, C.3


unsupported components
on Windows Terminal Server, 2.3.2
on Windows XP, 2.3.3
updating Instant Client, 4.1.2
AL32UTF8 character set, 2.2.2, B.2
upgrading. See patches
user accounts, 4.2.4


VNC remote access software, 3.2.2


Windows Telnet Services support, 2.3.1
Windows Terminal Services, unsupported components, 2.3.2
Windows XP, unsupported components, 2.3.3