The Image class represents a displayable object maintained in memory. Because Image is an abstract class, you never work with the Image class itself, but with a platform specific subclass. However, you should never need to know what that subclass is. To draw on an Image, get its graphics context.
public abstract class java.awt.Image extends java.lang.Object implements { // Constants public final static int SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING;public final static int SCALE_DEFAULT;
public final static int SCALE_FAST;
public final static int SCALE_REPLICATE;
public final static int SCALE_SMOOTH;
public final static Object UndefinedProperty; // Instance Methods public abstract void flush(); public abstract Graphics getGraphics(); public abstract int getHeight (ImageObserver observer); public abstract Object getProperty (String name, ImageObserver observer); public Image getScaledInstance (int width, int height, int hints);
public abstract ImageProducer getSource(); public abstract int getWidth (ImageObserver observer); }
Flag that requests use of AreaAveragingScaleFilter.
Flag that requests use of the default image scaling algorithm.
Flag that requests use of an image scaling algorithm that is faster rather than smoother.
Flag that requests use of ReplicateScaleFilter.
Flag that requests use of an image scaling algorithm that is smoother rather than faster.
Possible return object from getProperty().
Resets image to initial state.
If image created from file or URL.
The graphics context of the image.
Gets the graphics context of the image for drawing.
An image observer; usually the Component on which the image is rendered.
Image height, or -1 if the height is not yet available.
Name of the property to fetch.
An image observer; usually the Component on which the image is rendered.
Object representing the requested property, null, or UndefinedProperty.
If offset or length is invalid.
Retrieves a property from the image's private property list.
The width for the scaled image. Use -1 to preserve the aspect ratio with reference to height.
The height for the scaled image. Use -1 to preserve the aspect ratio with reference to width.
One or more of the SCALE_ constants.
The scaled image. It may be loaded asynchronously, even if the original image was fully loaded.
Creates a copy of an image, scaled to width x height and using an algorithm chosen based on the hints given.
The ImageProducer of the image.
An image observer; usually the Component on which the image is rendered.
Image width, or -1 if the width is not yet available.
Graphics, ImageObserver, ImageProducer, Object, Properties, String